Maxander Diel, Cuiarécen’s Temple of Fury: Male Anuirean; Mid-Level Cleric. Anduiras, minor, 18. CN. The mercurial younger brother of Count Duraend Diel is the Windweaver of the CTF. The CTF is a vassal of the HTC. Where the HTC is a very militant faith the CTF focuses more on Cuiarécen’s role as the god of air, wind, and weather.
Caerem, Reynir’s Hidden Grove: Belief in the Old Gods is widespread in the remoter parts of West Island and on the myriad smaller settled islands. Truth be told it’s hard for Anuireans to draw the line between what the RHG and a Rjuirk temple of Erik might preach.
Ahrek Thorpe, Protection of Narikja: Male Rjurik; High-Level Cleric; Reynir, minor, 24; NG. Ahrek Thorpe is known to be a supporter of the Siren. Rjurik temple based in the Siren’s Realm, but with branches to many of the sea-faring Rjurik realms.
Aerelna Laralan, Maselan Temple of Stroms: Faith of the Boru descendants on Lostern/Tontier Islands. Preaches that might is right, and that the sea is the beginning and end of all things. Connections to Tenouire.
Emier Coraine, Western Isles Shipping: The Western Isles Shipping, based in Landing, is a branch (vassal) of the Boeruine Trading Guild. Emier is not like many other guilders – he gives freely of his earnings to the nobles and lesser traders of the Western Island. Actually it is not altruism, but rather a strong belief that in helping them increase their wealth he is helping civilize the Western Isles – which will add to his income in later years.
Wilfred Borthein, Boeruine Trading Guild: The BTG maintains the primary trade links between Landing and Boeruine. It otherwise leaves operations to its vassal, the WIS. The Chancellor of the BTG, Viscount Wilfred Borthein, is said to have visited the Western Isle on several occasions in his youth.
Storm Holston, Stjordvik Traders: The ST has a very minor trade presence in Landing. Emier Coraine actually protects it, hoping to use the contacts so gained to further his own trade expansion into Rjurik lands.
Reieler Innis: Nephew and former apprentice of Arlen Innis. Now the Stormwarden in charge of the Western Isles. Unsurprisingly draws power from wind and weather; where rock meets sea is where is power is greatest. Competes with Lannanan and Gavin Ritter for his sources. Vassal of Arlen Innis. Heir to the title of Stromwarden. Lives in Landing.
Arlen Innis: The Stormwarden of Boeruine. The liege of Reieler Innis. Competes with the MTS over sources on Lostern and Tontier islands.
Lannanan: Possesses sidhe lore, allowing him to access many fey sites, most of them well hidden in inland vales, glens, and highland meadows.
Gavin Ritter: Typical of Brecht mages; well learned in a manner of lores drawn from the traditions of own and other cultures. His primary sources are all linked to Giant legacy sites.
Aerelna Laralan, Maselan Temple of Stroms: Controls some of the magic on Lostern and Tontier islands; as is the way of the druids of Masela.