In RG while describing Manor Holdings is written (p.29)
"Manors also allow you to call the levy; giving you access to a vast pool of poorly trained and quipped, but also very cheap, army units."
but on p.115 is written
"There are two conditions that limit the raising of the levy.
Province ruler: Only the province ruler (or one that the ruler has empowered through diplomacy) can raise the levy.
Law: Province rulers, who do not fully control the law of a province, cannot raise the full number of levy units. Each level of law holding allows the calling of 1 levy unit. Other law holders can make arrangements made with diplomacy to allow the ruler to use their law holdings for purposes of raising the levy, or vice versa.
Example: The Count of Ilien wishes to raise the levy, but he only has a law (3) in Ilien. And so gets 3 units each time he raises the levy. If he (using diplomacy) gets Suris Enlien (law 3 in Ilien) to aid him, he would get 6 units each time istead."
so can a manor holder raise the levy?