Author Topic: Adventure #63 - Search for The Book of Laws  (Read 10428 times)

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Offline X-Osoerde (Alan)

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Adventure #63 - Search for The Book of Laws
« on: May 30, 2009, 10:50:25 PM »
The Cardinal, Baron Bellamie, Baron Tshalen and Countess Vanadaere all arrive in Bellam.

Bjorn:The Archduke arrives with his personal guard a good while after the Cardinal (who has been enjoying the hospitality of Baron Bellamie).

Baron Bellamie’s men captured some goblins that were interrogated, but none of them knew any details about what they carried or who it was handed over to (other than a meeting with some non-goblins). Note that it has not been confirmed that they even were carrying the Book – that is an assumption that you have made.

So that only leaves you two choices – divine inspiration, or checking out the Deeps (or both).

Havinge checked the Deeps and found nothing there; except a distinct (divinely inspired) feeling that the Book WAS here, but that it is no longer here…

In the meantime news have reached Osoer from Tshalen’s lands that they have had news of people travelling at night and avoiding settlements.

Yet, there is really only one place to start; the Deeps. The OIT has already been down there and looked, but it is a warren. Lucky for you then that there are a few dwarven scouts still lingering at the baron's court who can help guide you...if you will have them?

Osoer: Osoer accepts them their aid without doubt.

Bjorn: And so it is that you pass through the Tarkal Deeps, where you have no noteworthy encounters (save that one of the Archduke’s guards is taken by something, and never seen again), and emerge further to the north, in the hills of Achiese. Faith tracks lead away…tracks that Lady Vanadaere can follow…

OIT: My Lords and Lady, I welcome your aid most wholeheartedly.  As you can see, we are few and have no one expert in the ways of tracking.  We have relied on divine guidance and perseverance to bring us this far but the Deeps present too many choices.  Let us hope that your scouts will set us back on the trail and we can once more close the ground on our quarry.

With me are Anduvael Geren, Maester of the Holy Order of the Inquisition, and Ser Alaysa, Paladin of Haelyn and the most skilled blademaster the OIT posesses.  These other brave and capable men and women are my honour guard.

We should make haste and follow these tracks.  Should theyprove difficult to follow we will make our prayers and seek the guidance of Haelyn to set us right.

Aside:  Archduke Osoer, the Conclave has made a poor impression on you, and that is a shame.  It is yet to find it's purpose, I pray that once the Pontiff takes a firm hold that the subterfuge will subside.  Nevertheless, I find myself embarassed before you, to be on a quest of such magnitude without a single Temple here prepared to lend aid, indeed one in particular seemingly intent on obstruction.  Your support is therefore doubly welcome.

Osoer:"Cardinal, were it not for the Life and Protection of Avanlae, Osoerde would not be marshalled and I would not be here and even while the appearance of the actions, I find questionable, they spirit of trust displayed to a Lord of Anuire, I find encouraging.  The Conclave will not stand if it plays into the bitter divisions of Anuire," he says.
"Nonetheless, I and Osoerde shall aid you to the best of our ability. The All-Father rarely calls us at a time and place of our own choosing -- the Book of Laws is important to the Most High and the Anuirean people.  I shall not see it deprieved from us." he says.
Osoer's sets a grueling pace towards their directive.
"Cardinal, tell me what you have faced thus far and spare no detail and offer all due candor.  I would have an idea of what to expect before it is upon us."

"Our journey might have ended before it began.  We had not even left Diemed when we were set upon by several hundred goblin warriors waiting in ambush.  These were no ordinary goblins, but rather an elite band of raiders.  We would surely have been overwhelmed had not the local sheriff picked up their trail and set upon them just in time.  The following night we were attached by a score of veterans, every one a fallen Paladin of the RCS.  We were victorious once again and lost very few men.  Perhaps it is because so few of us made the rest of the journey to meet you that we have avoided any other trouble.  We were unable to gather much at all about those we pursue.  It is clear that they have much influence, cunning, resouces and evil intent.  I also believe that their journey has been concealed by powerful realm magic, and that they have used the magic to subvert otherts to their will.  But I have not seen proof of dark magic until now."
Bellamie: Upon reaching the surface, Baron Bellamie sends out several guardsmen to pass on the group's location to his people and Tshalen's, and to order that horses be brought to speed the pursuit (OOC: I assume bringing mounts through the Deeps wouldn't have been possible).

On their return, the guardsmen escort a soldier in South Hold's colors who makes a quiet report to the Baron.  When the soldier ceases speaking, the Baron calls to the other regents.

"I have a report from the scouts I sent to search the border between Achiese and Bellam.  Though they found no traces as such of the thieves, they have found something much worse, instead.  An entire village to the south has been slaughtered, the bodies flung into the village well - and the officer leading the patrol reports that his men felt a fearful presence around them there, as if something dark and deadly breathed upon their necks."  The Baron's face is grim and furious.  "Some foul working has occured there, and my people's blood fueled it.  Whether it served to conceal their passage, to carry them forth to other lands, or some other purpose, I do not know, but I cannot believe it the work of any other than those we hunt."

OIT:"There can be no doubt.  We must hurry to the village, search for survivors - some may have hidden themselves away - and find out what we can of those who committed this vile act."
Bjorn:As it turns out you’ve travelled further north than you had expected, passing into the hill-lands of south-western Achiese, not far from the Danaroene border. Or so you think. Several days spent in the dark have you confused. Be that as it may; within a few hours you have been halted by as Tshalen patrol, and upon seeing their Baron (remember both Tshalen and Vanadaere are with you) they lead you to the site – obviously others had found the devastated village.
Upon entering the village it becomes obvious that someone has undertaken to murder around two score men, women and children. The bodies have all been tossed into the well, half filling it.

OIT: The Cardinal and his men help to carefully search the village for survivors, no man searching alone.  "We must continue the pursuit as soon as we can, but we cannot leave the fallen this way.  We should recover them from the well and pray to Haelyn to lay their souls to rest."
The Cardinal will employ the divinarory skills of his group to gather what he can.
"My Lords, with your permission, Archpriest Geren would like to speak to the fallen.  We can hope that even in death they will tell us something of what passed here and have some element of revenge."

Yes, wyrmling, the meat is made all the more tender by armor...

Offline X-Osoerde (Alan)

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Re: Adventure #63 - Search for The Book of Laws
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2009, 11:04:54 PM »
Bellamie: Bellamie orders his guards out to watch throughout the village, then returns to the Archduke's side.  "My lord, your Holiness - whatever was done here, this village is likely no longer safe.  These deaths, as I understand it, will have weakened the barriers protecting us from the Shadow World and its denizens.  Indeed, that may have been the very purpose of this atrocity.  Who knows what manner of beasts might slip through with the coming of night?  If we must pause here any length of time, it may well be best to withdraw some distance from the village itself, that we might avoid ambush from beyond." 

BjornThe OIT men star the gruesome task of pulling the bodies from the well; the
corpses have lain down there for a week of autumn heat. The stench is
unbelievable and only the Maester of the Inquisition seem relatively
untroubled by the whole affair...

Bellamie: As they work, Bellamie grows progressively paler, apparently overcome by the stench and sight of the bodies, eventually turning aside and moving away towards fresh air.  As he steps away, he suddenly stiffens, then turns back towards the well with horror on his face.  He moves quickly to catch the Cardinal by the shoulder - an act that results mainly in his finding steel drawn against him for his abrupt action by the Cardinal's guard.  He ignores the blades, speaking urgently to the Cardinal.  "Your Holiness - the Mebhaighl here seethes.    I have no power over Achiese's magic, but I can sense it  and see it pushed aside.  Something disturbs it, displaces it, something dark and foul, I know not what, but it turns my stomach nonetheless."  He points at the well and the work parties around it.  "Something enters in." 

OIT: The Cardinal immediately calls his men back, instructing them to arm themselves and protect the group with the power of Haelyn.  "If we have time we can consecrate the area which should serve to strengthen the barrier, once we have faced what comes.  But could it be that our quarry have passed through?"

Bellamie: "I think it likely, Your Holiness, and that they have left behind this power as a trap for those who follow."  Bellamie slowly sweeps the area with his gaze, then shakes his head.  "It centers upon, or within, the corpses.  That is the best I can say.  If you believe you can gain answers from them, then I suggest you pick one to preserve and cleanse.  And burn the rest."  His face is grim and sickened.  "Burn them, and quickly, before those we seek can somehow desecrate these poor souls' bodies."

Osoer: Osoer begins ordering that the place be burned down, while ordering the Celestial Guard into battlelines.

"This was a ruse and a trap.  These people were murdered to weaken this veil so that the thief of the Book of Laws could pass through the veil.  I want the thief," Osoer is furious.

"Can we follow?"

Bjorn: As the suns sets and the shadows lengthen, the dead come to life once more. You are, however, prepared for them, laying them once again to rest with steel, and fire, and prayer. There is nothing to be gained from questioning the remains of the undead.

Maester Geren, however, notes that the shadow emanations are growing stronger, centred on the well, and suggests that it might be a portal into the Shadow World – perhaps why the murderers did what they did in the first place? And perhaps why you have so far had little luck in capturing the perpetrators…

Osoer: Osoer calls all the soldiers.
"The Will of Men is by another's reason swayed and the edicts of the gods made asunder, with such force and dark power.  With all good will and heart, all things shall be put to peace -- do not forget the Book we follow -- we cannot and shall not lose hope in the face of the Shadow just as the All-Father keep his faith, though fearful, on the slopes of Desimaar, and continued to raise his sword, so to do I.  Gather your wits and steel your hearts for we shall press onward."
Osoer gathers the Celestial Guard.
"Let us go."

OIT: The Cardinal has his men tend to the wounds of the group even though injuries were few.  "This is perhaps the best chance we will have to follow.  Our enemy may have thought to leave a trap but now we have the door to his world before us.  No other trail has presented itself - we are ready.  Lord Bellamie?  Lady Vanadaere?"

Bellamie: Bellamie grimaces.  "First in Ilien, now in the heart of Osoerde.  I very much mislike how these portals seem to grow in number of late."  He seats his cleaned blade more firmly in its scabbard, then nods courteously to Baron Tshalen and Countess Vanadaere.  "Be cautious, Your Excellencies.  Nothing beyond the Veil seems fixed.  In Ilien, the Swordmage reworked the very ground beneath our feet with an act of will.  Haelyn has gifted us with the company of his chosen faithful, who can shield us from the worst of the evil that dwells there, but a moment's inattention can see the ordinary turned deadly, however familiar it may have seemed.  The Shadowed Lands are a most dangerous domain."  He seems resigned, but willing to follow the Archduke and Cardinals' leads.

Bjorn: The well has become a twisted thing where reason has been replaced by madness…where the dark waters of the well no longer reflect but shows another world in its depths.

Disregarding the protests of his guards, the Archduke is the first to go, climbing a few yards before plunging into the water below, fighting furiously for a few moments in a dark realm where there is no up or down, before breeching the surface on the other side…and climbing, with great difficulty, out of the well on the other side…where there is no village, only a clearing around the huge oak that stands vigil over the well – on both sides. From the lowest of the trees branches are arranged seven corpses – unbound, with their hands hacked of and hung by the neck – seven fey corpses.

Other men start to emerge from the well, and a rope is arranged to make the climb easier. But the transition is not without peril, for two of the Archdukes guard do not resurface – they dive into the water, but to not emerge again. That gives those that have yet to take to take the dive reason for concern.

Osoer: Osoer regards the the fey bodies for a moment, while awaiting the others. When Baron Bellamie surfaces, he approaches.
"I had considered the theft an act of the sidhe, but I am no longer sure of that -- elves are not known for using undead."
Osoer begins to look around.

Bellamie: The Baron raises an eyebrow, studying the hanging bodies.  "I begin to wonder if anyone involved in this acts of their own will.  And how many of them will be left alive by the one who command them.  What purpose the death of these beings, do you suppose?  Another undead attack would seem... unimaginative.  Our thieves have demonstrated greater cunning than that."

Osoer: "Wrong place, wrong time, I would perhaps?" Osoer says.
"Perhaps the undead trap was an afterthought?" he continues.
"Perhaps these creatures are what bound that magic?"
"I think we have learned quite a bit about our thieves already, though."

Bellamie: Bellamie stands aside as more men exit the well, wringing water from his cloak and hair with an expression of clear distaste.

OIT: The Cardinal and his men will look for supernatural traces of the trail, and perhaps this time Maester Geren will uncover something useful from the dead.  "Now we might have an advantage, if our presence here remains undiscovered.  We can hope our enemies guard will be lowered.  Once we have some evidence to follow, it might be better if we took advantage of your scouts Baron, and adopt a more stealthy pursuit?"

One of the Cardinals men summons the power of Haelyn and blesses each man yet to pass through the well with the breath of Haelyn, so that, for a short time, the water is sweet as the sea breeze.

Bjorn:You’ve all (or at least all those that are going) arrived on the other side. Archduke Osoer, Countess Vanadaere, Baron Tshalen, Baron Bellamie, and Cardinal Diem. Plus of course their aides like Maester Geren, and a fair number of guards. It is not an army, but it is not a small and mobile group either. A hundred people…it even takes hours to get through the well.

Well, now you are here, with no real clue where to go or what to do. Perhaps dragging along all those guards wasn’t such a great idea?

OIT: "Countess Vanadaere, can you find trace of anyone leaving this place recently?"  Maester Geren examines the corpses with caution, after what happened on the other side.  Was their death a recent one?

Bellamie: Tristan grimaces, but leaves off wringing out his clothing and seats himself gingerly on the ground, closing his eyes and beginning to breath slowly and regularly, clearly focusing hard.  After a minute or two, his eyes flutter, then open again.  His voice is hoarse and slightly detached.  "We stand squarely within a shadow node - Awnmebhaighl boils up beneath these corpse-laden trees and flows out, away, onwards...  a ley-line, I think, much as our own magics would require."  He pauses a moment, then shakes his head as if to clear it, standing slowly.  His eyes and voice are now much more focused as he shakes off his trance of concentration.  He turns to the Archduke and the Cardinal. 

"We should move out as quickly as we can - I cannot think that the emanations of this place would have any beneficial effect upon our guards."  He points out into the woods.  "The ley line, if such it is, carries power forth in that direction.  Someone touches upon it as we speak, though for what purpose I cannot say.  Perhaps to draw on its power, perhaps to work through it upon us.  But if it is our quarry that does so, it says much of those we seek that they control such wellsprings of shadowed power here.  To hunt thieves within Osoerde is one matter; to hunt landed regents within their own domain of power, quite another."

Bjorn: Into the dark forest you go, with Countess Vanadaere at the front, following a faint trail only she can see – incidentally in the general direction of the ley line Tristan described.

Behind you something is happening, the wind is picking up, making weird moaning sounds as it rushes through the woods. Even the non-magical among you, meaning most of you, can feel the power gathering behind you – like a cold shiver down the spine and makes you wish to run away. Clearly it is as Tristan indicated – there is a ley line here, and someone is working a spell through it…

Osoer: "We need to move faster," he begins doing so.

OIT: The Cardinal follows swiftly on the heels of the Archduke, keeping his men close about him.

Bjorn: You all race through the woods as fast as you are able; which unfortunately means that it is impossible to remain together as a group, let alone follow any tracks. Soon you are separated into smaller groups, each pursing its own destiny.

Behind you the forest has come alive, and when you look back you can see great blackened oak-trees walking between the lesser trees, hunting for you. The Baron Bellamie was right; that place was a source, and someone was waiting for you, ready to call the dark forest to life…

Things look bleak for all of you, very bleak…you have clumsily followed the thieves into the Shadow World, presuming that they came here to escape your pursuit..but now it is clear that they must have planned to follow this course and protect their tracks all along.

Osoer:Osoer works on keeping the Kaeranne, Tristan, Caine, Geren & Narvaloen together, and moving quickly.

"Everyone, run!"

Bjorn: The main characters have divined into two groups; with Countess Vanadaere, Archduke Osoer and Baron Bellamie in one, and Baron Tshalen, Cardinal Diem, and Maester Geren in the other. The former group is making much better time than the other, possibly because Countess Vanadere is leading you (she’s an accomplished ranger).
Yes, wyrmling, the meat is made all the more tender by armor...

Offline X-Osoerde (Alan)

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Re: Adventure #63 - Search for The Book of Laws
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2009, 11:22:30 PM »
Bellamie: "Kaeranne!  Hence!"  Bellamie catches his vassal by the shoulder, dragging her off the path into a gap between a fallen pine and a boulder.  On the other side, she can see, if not a path as such, at least a trail somewhat clearer of underbrush than the rest of the forest.  And the denser trees along it might hide them from the treants or impede the large creatures' pursuit.  As he shoves her past him to begin breaking trail with her woodcraft, the baron turns, his eyes searching for the Archduke as he shouts for his liege to follow.

Osoer: Osoer is close behind.

"Wait, Kaeranne, the others!"

"Caine, this way!"

OOC: Can the others make it, Bjorn?

Bjorn:A black oak appears out of the half-darkness of the shadowy forest, crushing one of the celestial guards with its might foot, while picking up one of Kaeranne’s men with a gnarled fist, hurling him screaming into the air. Kaeranne fires two arrows at the thing, and as they strike they burst into flames, setting part of the oak on fire. The three-thing goes completely berserk, but at least it no longer focuses on you.

Definitely not; you cannot see them anymore. If you tarry any longer more oaks will appear – you can even see some of them moving towards their fiery companion. You must run!

Osoer: "Lead the way," Osoer is ready to go.

Bjorn: You make good time and though you see more treants on occasion, they do not notice you. When morning comes (everything is greyer and things cast longer shadows) you are all exhausted but safe – sitting near a small stream, miles away from where you were attacked. Only three guards remain to you, as well as one of Lord Tshalen’s manservants. Of the others you know nothing.

Osoer: Osoer looks that the group.
"I don't think we have much choice but to continue. Tristan, do you concur?" He looks at Kaeranne.

Bellamie: Tristan's expression is just short of a glare.  Scratched, dirty, and exhausted, he is clearly struggling to retain his composure.  "Continue?  Continue where?  My lord."  He gestures wildly, but keeps his voice low.  "We are miles from any signs of the thieves' trail.  If we do find tracks of any kind, we have no way to know if they are of those we seek.  We have no priests to detect the Book or call upon Haelyn for guidance, and the very forest turns against us.  And worst yet, we clearly stand within the thieves' very domain.  We entered here with a hundred men-at-arms - we have four now.  When we catch our thieves and find ourselves surrounded by wargs, shadow-beasts, and twisted once-men, what exactly do you intend we do then?!"

Bjorn: Countess Vanadaere supports Tristan; she’s not even sure she can find the place you entered the Shadow World, let alone find the tracks.

Osoer: "I am not advocating recklessness.  But, if we move forward on our original objective and keep in mind that we are also looking for the next possible exit, we can leave then.  This stream is as good a course as any other, unless someone else has a better direction to go?"

Bellamie: "As good as any other is scarcely something to bet our lives upon, my lord - not within the Shadowed Lands.  Finding another portal would be sheerest luck, and we would have no control of where it might release us to.  If we find our way back to our entry point, we can move swiftly through the portal there - before anyone can respond to our presence and level another assault."  Tristan shrugs.  "It's not a certainty we will manage to do so, but our odds are better there than crashing randomly through the woods here.  And I cannot think that even if we somehow picked up the trail of the thieves that there is anything we might accomplish now."

Osoer: "If we backtrack, we cannot assume that the Trees will not be awaiting us, Tristan -- we cannot tell which will mean us ill or not. Therefore, I think the original portal is closed to us and that our fortunes would be better seeking another exit.  Nonetheless, if you and Kaeranne believe we should backtrack, so be it --  we shall do as you advise."

OIT: The Cardinal and his men charged through the forest, trying in vain to keep up with Countess Vanadaere.  They ran as quietly as they could, hoping and praying to Haelyn that the small group would go unnoticed by the pursuers.  Whatever fearsome things that followed spured them on ever faster.  But in the darkness and the confusion, before they knew it the voices ahead grew fainter and the path they chose seemed to drive them further away until all they could hear was their own ragged breathing.  When they could almost run no more, with the blood pounding in their ears drowning out all other noise, the group tumbled down an steep slope to a boulder strewn ravine.  They cast about, for a place to hide, perhaps a small cave, to gather themselves.

Bjorn: Salvation came in the form of Baron Tshalen; when the old baron could go on no longer he gathered a few of the most valiant (and foolhardy) guards about him and made a stand. Investing these brave men with some of Haelyn's divine fire and wrath, the Cardinal and the Maester reluctantly continue on with a handful of guards and servants...a cave you did find, and hide you did, even though your conscience told you otherwise.

Haelyn must have taken pity in you then, for he sent guidance in the form of an old priest of Ruornil, Patriarch Leman Loevan, who explained that he had spent a lifetime here, watching the servants of the shadow at work - and fighting them when he could.

He also told you that the Book had indeed been taken here, and carried far to the north, to the rocky crags of the Grey Hills, where the tomb of Manethander, the Gray Duke of Elinie lies hidden. Or at least that  is what he assumes, since the Book was carried by vampires, and there  is only one lord to which all vampires answer...

He also tells you that you have two choices; you can go east, towards the cool clear waters of an enchanted pool guarded by the fey, who MAY decide to help you leave the Shadow World. Or you can continue north,  the Hangman's Hill, where you will most likely find other survivors of 
your group - if there are any.

OIT: Perhaps it was foolish to have stepped into the shadow world so ill prepared, but the Cardinal knew it was past time to act.  Could it be that the Fey would lend assistance?  Although the thought of seeking such creatures filled him with trepidation, he resolved to do it.  A chance at help was better than no chance at all.
But he would not go on without those that had so willingly joined the quest, so first he would set off for hangman's hill, carefully through the woods, to see who yet lives.  The Cardinal thanked the Patriarch for his advice and asked whether he might come with him for a time, so valuable would his knowledge of this dark place be and knowing something of what lay ahead.  Whatever his decision, the small group then left their shelter, ever watchful of the darker places around them, and followed the directions to the hill.

Bjorn: The Patriarch declines – God has called him elsewhere – but agrees to follow you to the Hill. A while later you are reunited with your comrades.

OIT: "I cannot say how relieved I am to find you here.  We could all have been lost.  I see that many men are missing, is there any hope for them?  It may be their sacrifice could be the only reason we made it here alive, may Haelyn bless them all."
After describing the flight through the forest and the guidance Leovan provided, Narvelon lays out the few options.  "We know something of where the Book is being taken, but by vampires which we are ill equipped to face.  The Fey may provide succour, but I have no idea what sort of reception they may give us.  And we could wait here a while longer, should anyone else have survived the forest."

"Although they are an unpredictable lot, or so I've heard, I believe we need help from the Fey.  We can hope to persuade them we have a common enemy, and see where that leads us.  But should we wait for survivors?"

Bellamie: Bellamie nods, slowly.  "If allowed to concentrate, I believe I could give warning should any dark magic approach us here.  I cannot promise nothing could evade me, but," he shakes his head, grimacing, "I cannot countenance leaving any behind in a place such as this, if we have choice in the matter."

Osoer: Osoer listens to the Cardinal but then speaks.

"I do not believe that we can or should continue, Cardinal,” he says.=2 0
“In order to continue, you need sword, faith and magic in far greater supply than you have now.  You need to know the enemy you are facing, and whether or not he has any weakness or means to be destroyed, you need the way to be prepared by magic and through ingenious planning,” Osoer continues.
“Frankly, we have been toyed with, Cardinal.  Each and every move that has been predicted and actions taken to thwart you.  Furthermore we are unprepared to face this foe, particularly with so little knowledge.  It is time to retreat … and regroup,” He says.
“It is better to be prudent than merely courageous; discretion is the better part of valor,” he says.
"Nonetheless, if the others would continue then you shall have my blade for what it is worth," he says.
"Patriarch, can you see too any survivors and possibly see them home?  And perhaps the Fey are indeed a place to start for this Duke has no love for them either."  Osoer says.

Bellamie: "Then let us go quickly, and seek to be done with this place 'ere night falls, if possible.  And perhaps as we travel, we can hope to find some sign or trail of others who have survived."  Bellamie stands, stretching carefully.  "I shall endeavor to watch for signs of detection or magical ambush, Countess, if you would do the same for matters material."

OIT: "I cannot argue with your reasoning.  Though my life in our world may well depend upon recovering the Book, we are outmatched here and I cannot ask you to throw away your life.  We should head to the enchanted pool and see what sort of welcome we receive.  That, and what the Fey have to say may yet give us hope.  And one more thing, our enemies may have considered us already dead.  It might seem a small advantage, but we can hope it is one nonetheless."

Osoer: "Cardinal, at each encounter where the forces of Shadow we aligned against you, they could have thought you dead.  Invariably, they did not. It is apparant that their eyes and ears are far more extensive than our own -- and while they may think us dead or not pursuing for the moment, we cannot know when next they shall detect us.  Let us go to this pool and see what the Fey shall say."

OIT: As the group travels, the Cardinal shares his thoughts.  "Our best hope is that the Book will soon reach a destination, and allow us time to assess the next step - if we make it back into our world.  If it has been taken to the hidden tomb of Manethander, the Gray Duke of Elinie as the Patriarch said, we could make our way near to there, and seek transit to the shadow world, saving ourselves a trek through this deadly territory.  Now that we know we face vampires, we will likely rally more aid and the tools to combat them.  Though had we been joined by the Pontiff and other heroes would we have fared better against what seemed like an army of dark treants?  Avoiding traps carefully laid will be half teh battle.  I also wonder what they intend for the Book, if it is not simply to weaken the faith of mankind for some foul purpose."

Bellamie: Bellamie barks a laugh and stares at the Cardinal incredulously.  "Cardinal, of all men, you should understand that the Book of Laws bears power like few objects in the world of men.  Touched by divinity, an object of reverence and worship to men throughout the centuries... the focal point of religious faith for a large segment of the world!  To tap that power, turn it to new uses, would require skill and ability that no mortal man could muster - but it does not lie in the hands of mortals, does it?" 

His hand cuts the air sharply, gesturing.  "Manethander is ancient beyond our understanding, bears secrets worth more than our short lifespans could ever accrue.  If he truly has the power to turn the Book aside from its intended path..."  His eyes look out into the woods, but seem to see something entirely different.  "The Book was written to guide the hearts of men into righteous paths.  What if he could turn it to his own purpose, his own paths?  He could steal men's wills, twist their hearts.  He could gather divine power to him through the channel of faith the Book represents.  Make of himself a creature as much divine as flesh.  Who knows?  Such a thing has never been envisioned before... perhaps only his own vision and will would limit what he could accomplish with such power?" 

He sighs, then stumbles over a tree branch, swearing sulfurously, and returns his attention=2 0to his footing and the trees around the party.  "The possibilities are nearly endless.  What you must ask yourself is not what he might do, but what he might wish.  Whatever his powers, his mind is still that of a man.  As Men are made to do. he desires, then acts to gain the object of that desire.  If you would contest with him, now that you know your foe, you must seek those who understand what he wants.  Only with that understanding can you begin to anticipate him, as he has so ready anticipated us."

Osoer: William Osoer seems to accustomed to moving about the forest, though clearly not as adept as Kaeranne.

"The Baron is more than right, Cardinal.  Once a man is duke, it is only by his death that such is taken from him.  Suffice to say, I doubt Manethander has given up his claim of rulership.  And truthfully, whatever he plans, it will be soon -- probably by the end of next season, Cardinal.  Until he acts, I suspect he shall boolster his defenses and the act of reclaiming the book will only be made more difficult," he says.

"You will need a plan to retrieve the book, the location of the Book, which Manethander will likely provide himself simply by acquiring it, and a party capable of withstanding him.  Osoerde has cast its die, and I would see this to its completion.  But I am wary to speak of this matter here any further -- for who knows what eyes be watching."

Bellamie:  Before heading for the pond, Bellamie insists an effort be made to locate his fellow Baron.  The distance involved seems much shorter now, with certain knowledge of the destination held firmly in mind.  Kaeranne's skills in finding paths and easier trails might also have something to do with it, though....

The trip is far from a gentle walk in the woods, though.  The trees here are enormous, looming over the party in a way the forests of Osoerde never had, and the impression is only heightened by the fear that lurks in the back of everyone's minds at the memory of those massive oaks wrenching free of the earth and giving chase.  And keeping anyone from pushing that fear aside are the occaisional remnants of the men-at-arms of Osoerde and the OIT.  It is fortunate that each wears his patron's colors - the bodies are smashed and trampled into complete unrecognizability.  Some seem torn... the phrase "limb from limb" seems horribly inappropriate, but accurate.  Others are sunken into solid earth or rock, as if pulled down into mud.

Despite the darkness and madness of the night's memories, the Cardinal easily recognizes=2 0the area where he separated from Tshalen, and the old Baron's final stand is quite evident.  No sign remains of the treants, but the bodies of armsmen and templars lie thickly, scattered around a clearing of bloodied earth, torn as if by the claws of giants.  Strange earthen mounds rise up at its edges, and boulders seem to have been ripped up and tumbled about.  Bodies - whole, and in pieces - are everywhere.  But none of them appear to be the Baron's... a fact that, after some consideration, reassures no one at all.

Bjorn: As you walk you realize there are no more survivors…only corpses…you are the only ones left.

The treants are still there, but dormant. The magic that created and controlled them is still there…but not active. Controlled! That is the key, their master’s attention is not directed towards you anymore. You also notice that the oppressive sense of being watched or followed that has been with you since you arrive is gone…another indication that you are ‘safe’ for now. Safe as long as you do not go near the well and the dead fey…then it will all begin anew.

Of the Baron there is no sign.

Yes, wyrmling, the meat is made all the more tender by armor...

Offline X-Osoerde (Alan)

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Re: Adventure #63 - Search for The Book of Laws
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2009, 03:59:03 AM »
William and Tristan press the party onward, east in the direction of the pool, through the dark and forboding forest.  The party progresses in abject silence often rivaling the very silence of the shadow wode. Kaeranne and William are the vanguard to the party. Progress is slow though. 

The forest slowly gives way to a distinctly different forest canopy.  The trees just seem ancient, if not primordial -- like sentinels of a time so long forgotten. Even as the party passes beneath them, they cannot help but feel shamed by the brevity of their lives.   The reverie is broken by the wind rustling the leaves which spurs Kaeranne and William forward.

A while later, Kaeranne and William both abruptly stop and begin to scan the surrounding area.
Yes, wyrmling, the meat is made all the more tender by armor...

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Re: Adventure #63 - Search for The Book of Laws
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2009, 09:00:24 PM »
You are challenged by sidhe-looking guards clad in bronze armor, and having nothing to gain by fighting you follow them into a land of enchantments and fairy-tales. It is nothing like the dark and brooding woods you have seen so far, but rather a place of timeless gayness, mirth and...whatever else you might desire.

There are many fey here, you can see hundreds, scattered around a star-lit vista surrounded by a number of pools and streams. Some look like side, but most are strange - often vaguely humanoid-looking and more often than not having the traits of a wild beast.

The guards take you to a small mound in the center of the area, where more guards stand vigilantly guarding their King. Great then is your surprise when, beneath the finery of a fey warrior-king, the face of Baron Tshalen looks down upon you. He looks very much alive and more healthy than a man his age has a right to be...but he does not look pleased to see you...
DM Bjørn

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Re: Adventure #63 - Search for The Book of Laws
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2009, 02:54:05 AM »
Osoer gives a deferential bow, after giving a curious side glance to to the others.

”Your Highness, on behalf of my fellow companions and with you leave, I would ask for your pardon for our unbidden entry into your domain. With your leave, we would explain for the tale which has seen Mantheander steal the Book of Laws bears witness to the danger he poses to not only your domain, but all the living throughout Aberynis,” William says.
Yes, wyrmling, the meat is made all the more tender by armor...

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Re: Adventure #63 - Search for The Book of Laws
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2009, 09:22:59 PM »
Caine Tshalen speaks, his voice easily recognizable, but also containing nuances of nobility and command you have not before experienced:

"Welcome to mine Kingdom travelers. What brings you here? And pray tell young warrior, have I not see thy face before?"

The Baron appears somewhat...changed...and clearly does not recognize the Archduke, he just thinks he's seen him somewhere...
DM Bjørn

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Re: Adventure #63 - Search for The Book of Laws
« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2009, 11:43:55 PM »
"Your Highness, we have comes from the Daylight World to seek out the Book of Laws which has been stolen by the vampire-minions of the Grey Duke, Mantheander.  I fear though that we were ill-equipped and ill-advised, and know not how to return home.  We had hoped that your Highness would aid us in our return home, and hopefully to secure your aid in fighting Mantheander," Williams says.

"Your Highness, I am William Osoer, long-ago known as Moergan.  And though I have no kin, you are one of the few men, I would name my 'brother'," he says.
Yes, wyrmling, the meat is made all the more tender by armor...

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Re: Adventure #63 - Search for The Book of Laws
« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2009, 07:47:20 PM »
Beside the Archduke, Bellamie speaks as well.  "There was a time, Your Highness, when this world was one of mystery and wonder and mighty secrets,  of possibilities unlimited by rigid fact, and beauty undreamed of by mortal minds.  Before the dark ones came, seeking to make of it a land of death, of terror, of forbiddence and denial and pain.  We oppose them; we seek to cast them down from their power, to safeguard our own lands and peoples. 

Would not you, too, find this right and good?  To see their power broken, their leaders carried from Twilight into the sun of the Daylight World?  Yet our power here, as intruders or guests, is limited - thus do we ask your aid, for passage home, and, should it please you, in seeing the dark ones thwarted."

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Re: Adventure #63 - Search for The Book of Laws
« Reply #9 on: June 03, 2009, 07:57:50 PM »
"You seek to undo the Cold Rider then? Or speak you of lesser enemies? Yes...I hear from your voice that you do sorcerer. Well, men must do as best they can and as much as their courage allows.

What do you seek then; to leave this place, or to find allies?"
DM Bjørn

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Re: Adventure #63 - Search for The Book of Laws
« Reply #10 on: June 03, 2009, 10:24:26 PM »
Anyone? I'm not pleased with the progress here.

Are you:

A) Staying in the SW?
B) Trying to get out?
DM Bjørn

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Re: Adventure #63 - Search for The Book of Laws
« Reply #11 on: June 03, 2009, 10:48:34 PM »
OOC: Everyone is waiting for me to respond, and I have been busy the last few days.

"Your Highness, if you would allow it and so desire, I can remain for a few weeks and we can discuss how our realms, one in the Daylight and yours, in the Twilight, can be of aid to one another both now, and in the future.  Of these others, I would like to see them returned to the world of Daylight if you are so inclined."

OOC: I am attempting to engage him in Diplomacy, I suppose.
Yes, wyrmling, the meat is made all the more tender by armor...

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Re: Adventure #63 - Search for The Book of Laws
« Reply #12 on: June 03, 2009, 10:59:25 PM »
"Granted. You shall stay here as an honored guet, while these others are returned to the Grey Realm."

OOC. This means Osoer can do a diplo with 'the fey king' next turn. The rest of you are escorted back to a hidden glade in northern Achiese.
DM Bjørn

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Re: Adventure #63 - Search for The Book of Laws
« Reply #13 on: June 03, 2009, 11:55:23 PM »
To Osoer:  "Good bye, your Imperial Grace.  You stepped forward when few others would, and the OIT owes you for it.  Good luck with your time here amongst the sidhe.  But remember, our first goal is to wrest the Book from Mantheander whether by force or guile or some other means, before he uses it for some foul purpose.  While we need prepare, time may not be our ally.  Farewell."

Cardinal Narvelon Diem-Avan
Orthodox Imperial Temple of Haelyn

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Re: Adventure #63 - Search for The Book of Laws
« Reply #14 on: June 04, 2009, 01:52:05 AM »
"Cardinal, I understand my duty very well, and in the future, you would do well to remember that," William says tersely to Narvaloen.

"I suggest you return to the Holy See of the Orthodox Imperial Temple and reassert that you know where the book is, and that more resources and care must be gathered before you can retake it," he concludes.
Yes, wyrmling, the meat is made all the more tender by armor...