Sarae knows that the shards of obsidian were not her doing; the Governor did something to trigger a spell someone had emplaced upon it. That much should be obvious. She can't duplicate that.
Sarae can most likely open the gateway once more and possibly even peer out; she doesn't know. She has never tried it before.
If, and that is a big if, you can surprise the gnolls (assuming there are any guarding the Obelisk) you might be able to break through. And perhaps you might escape and survive. Perhaps. It is a long shot, but it is POSSIBLE.
Shauna also has one interesting piece of information; the spirits won't leave the forests of Mieres. So should you go south, you would be safe from them.
As for a ship...that is a big unknown. Perhaps the strange visitors will return, perhaps not. And what does the SW sea hold of dangers? Even Marie does not know.
What Maire does know, is that as long as you remain in the village you have refuge. The spirits will not come here. But that doesn't prevent them from gathering the longer you linger, the more dangerous it will be to leave.
Morale is recovering - the Governor and the Pontiff has seen to that.