Like the idea, some comments.
1.1. Dark colours make things hard to read - light shading still differentiates and is easier.
1.2. You want a summary pages with all income and expenditure, basically that way each action page is checked and you only need to look at one page to see the full picture - I'll hack out a single unlinked page so you can see what I mean.
1.3. when the DM audits the DO, they presumably sample check and eyeball rather than verifying every data point identity and transformation, the summary should therefore give them the up front global view to identify the skill level of the completer, outliers, etc so that they can identify how long they need to spend auditing the sheet.
1.4. I'd suggest pasting in a copy of the province line from the P&H for each action - it will immediately say who else might get involved, confirm levels, etc.
1.5. The page tabs need scrolling - I'd shorten the names to DA1, DA2, DA3, FA, LA, CA1, CA2, CA3, etc.
Remember that the sheet has 2 purposes.
2.1. The player can easily see what they are doing/have done and what they have yet to do.
2.2. The DM can quickly identify the action, and verify that it is correct.
The second cannot be under-estimated...