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The Wraiths of Ilien
« on: January 14, 2009, 09:38:29 PM »
The Wraiths of Ilien...
DM Bjørn

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Re: The Wraiths of Ilien
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2009, 02:14:42 PM »
Resplendent in his shining armour and shield incorperating both Haelyn's Sun and Ruornil's Crescent Moon, Kaven Enlien arrives at the Cathedral of the Impregnable Heart of Haelyn.
By his side, also armoured, though not as splendid as the Baron, are two knights, their heraldry also depecting the odd design of sun and moon.
Patriarch Baeraelan, in a breastplate, and with a wicked looking mace at his side and two priests of the Celestial Spell identically armed and carrying a small bundle each with little flasks of holy water, follow closely after.

The six men are silent, looking expectantly towards the cathedral, waiting for someone or something. Only the creaking of leather straps beeing tightened beneath steel and iron armour, and the clanking of metal hitting metal fills the air.
Kaven steps forward and hails the guard.

"Tell the High Prefect that we await him here, outside. We do not wish to go armed under the archways of the cathedral."

Offline X-IHH/Wallac Isilviere (Kasper)

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Re: The Wraiths of Ilien
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2009, 01:17:57 AM »
This morning tolling bells welcoming dawn mix with the sounds of men being fiercely drilled. The air is vibrant with the sounds of metal, leather and heavy footsteps. The Impregnable Heart of Haelyn’s Grand Cathedral in Ilien resembles the barracks or headquarters of an army preparing for a crusade. The compound not only is a place for prayer but also a fortress and home to the renowned unit the Justicars of Haelyn.

With the last toll of the bells drilling comes to a halt. Standing in the center of the courtyard calm determination oozing from every pore, the Archbishop of Roesone, Sarane Bellamie, look to the commanders of the Justicars of Haelyn. Silence hold dominion then with a sudden cry, Sarane Bellamie set things in motion.

Lieutenants to me

Five men, all tall and grim looking, march to the Archbishop in haste. A few moments pass in complete silence, then, brandishing a brutal looking ornate morningstar the Archbishop speak to the soldiers.

“Attention. Pontiff to the Conclave of Temples, High Prefect to the Impregnable Heart of Haelyn, His Holiness Wallac Isilviere will inspect his troops in a moment. Now march to the square in front of the Cathedral for the people of Ilien to bear witness to our resolve and so they may take comfort in it”

The five lieutenants each walk to their detachment and give instructions.
Making a display of martial might, 270 men all clad in field plate briskly march with a rhythmic stride and in step with each other, to the square in front of the Cathedral taking up pre-arranged positions. On their way out the pass the party from RCS.

Dominated by the Archbishops presence, no one notice Wallac Isilviere silently entering the square opposite Sarane Bellamie before he is on height with the soldiers. As he passes the soldiers he greets each man by name. Slowly the High Prefect passes the 270 men that clad in field plates, stand in five squares, each consisting of 50 stern fighters. Standing a little in front of the Archbishop a group of 20 similarly equipped men forms two lines. Every so often the High Prefect stops exchanging remarks about deeds done and battles fought until everybody has been greeted by name.

Wallac Isilviere walks the last 20 paces to the Archbishop. Accompanying him is his personal assistant Rogal Destar. Wearing a shinning Full Plate armor Wallac Isilviere, not a young man anymore, never the less seems unencumbered and radiate rage and holy purpose. In one hand a grand mace, inscribed with prayers to Haelyn, in the other a shield heralding the Impregnable Heart of Haelyn by its display of Haelyn’s sun on a red background. Looking the men in their eyes, his commanding presence giving each a feeling that he looks into their soul, the High Prefect starts speaking in a low voice the volume raising with each sentence, in the end the High Prefects voice almost roaring like thunder.

“Justicars today you will, besides your regular equipment, be issued 3 vials of holy water and we shall serve the All Father by freeing Ilien from the yoke of the shadow. Preying upon the innocents, foul Wraiths have been stalking the streets of Ilien at night. By the All Father we will not have it! Today we will bring the battle to them. Let cold steel and holy wrath substitute their regular menu of defenseless people. Justicars of Haelyn your Lieutenants have been given their instructions and each detachment will set up stations around the city. Today, in the name of Haelyn, no more shall Wraiths prey upon the innocents. Divine Haelyn we salute you!”

Lowering his voice almost to a whisper Wallac Isilviere changes his stand.

“Now soldiers, pray with me. Pray for our mission’s success and pray for those that may give their lives so others may live”

With the clanking of steel the 270 Justicars go down on their left knee as if sharing a collective mind. The movement done in one smooth motion has clearly been done a countless number of times.

Prayers done Rogal Destar clears his voice then exclaims:

“The Knights of the Sun to me”

20 very tall and grim looking templar’s detach from the units main body and makes a square around their High Prefect, the Archbishop and Rogal Destar.

“Your Holiness we are set to go on your command”

Wallac Isilviere look one last time to the men then turn around and march, in the middle of the square made by his bodyguard, to the Baron and the Patriarch waiting just outside the archways leading into the courtyard of the Grand Cathedral. While leaving the 250 Justicars in the square salutes, then leaves for their stations in the city.

“The others will meet us here shortly”

« Last Edit: January 16, 2009, 08:01:23 AM by IHH/Pontiff Wallac Isilviere (Kasper) »
His Holiness Wallac Isilviere, Pontiff of All Anuire, High Prefect of the Impregnable Heart of Haelyn

Offline X-Medoere & RCS/KE (Thorsten)

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Re: The Wraiths of Ilien
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2009, 09:12:51 AM »
Grimacing slightly at the display, and sending a stern look to one of the knights who offers up a snide comment, Kaven patiently waits until the templars have marched pass, though his eyes are on them all the way. .
"Ruornil bless the transcendance from darkness to light, Your Eminence." He says, as way of greeting Wallac Isilvere and his troops.
"How does the morning find you?"
He smiles as he walks towards the High-Prefect, stretching out his hand to shake his.

"That was quite a display. I hope the countess has been informed of the templars marching forth, lest she wakes up thinking she is getting invaded."

Kaven shakes the morning chill from his bones, even as he looks to the men gathered behind the High-Prefect.
"Would that I had had your men besides me, when I fought the Red Winds forces in Mieres. Ah, but that is not for now.
The rest will be with us shortly? It is a cold dawn, to be waiting for too long, and I am anxious to get to grips with the plague that resides below us."

Offline X-IHH/Wallac Isilviere (Kasper)

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Re: The Wraiths of Ilien
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2009, 11:10:46 AM »
Wallac Isilviere returns the greeting of Baron Kaven.

“The sun of Haelyn bless the new day. It’s good to see you and your men.”

Greeting the Patriarch he gives a small nod.

“Your Holiness”

Eyeing the men accompanying Baron Kaven with scrutiny the High Prefect seems satisfied after a few moments.

“I see you brought veterans martial and spiritual alike. Their competence will be needed my good Baron. Her Excellency has been given notice as well as detailed layouts of the patrol patterns and positions of my brave Justicars. My lads where sorely disappointed they were not allowed to participate in the actual fight”

The sewer guides arrive, their leader walk up to the group.

“Your holiness, Her Excellency said to assist you navigating in the sewers. We represent the both the guilds working in the servers – rat-hunters and servicemen alike.”

The High Prefect nods benignly to their leader.

“Did you bring the caged rats? When we get close to the foul undead the panic of the rats will serve us as warning”

The rat-hunter bows.

“As instructed Your Holiness, where do you want my men?”

Satisfied with the answer he replies:

“Destar, tell the man where you want him placed.”

Wallac looks impatiently to the archway leading into the Cathedrals courtyard.
“Baron Bellamie said he would meet us here shortly after dawn, the Swordmage likewise. I am a patient man but for today when every hour of daylight count in favor of the innocent. Flushing out the sewers during night time can very well have dire consequences but as the Patriarch will confirm the Wraiths cannot stomach the rays of the sun, blessed be Haelyn. We will march to the sewer entrance when the two come.”
« Last Edit: January 16, 2009, 11:19:50 AM by IHH/Pontiff Wallac Isilviere (Kasper) »
His Holiness Wallac Isilviere, Pontiff of All Anuire, High Prefect of the Impregnable Heart of Haelyn

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Re: The Wraiths of Ilien
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2009, 12:37:38 PM »
You enter the sewers together (the others show up as well), guided by the Countess' men. It is dark, confusing and doesn't smell at all good. But you press on - realizing for the first time perhaps, how vast this underground world is, and how easy it would be for the undead merely to hide. But some well-placed divinations bring you closer to your target - until you are within a area of ancient tunnels and chambers, but countless centuries ago.

The undead strike at you for the first time then - a mass of shambling remains of humankind [OOC: Skeletons and zombies], led by the foul spawn of the wraiths [OOC: Ghouls and wights]. It is a tough fight, but against these corporeal enemies your armsmen are up to the task - at least now, when they are backed by magic and faith. Those that you do not destroy eventually fall back, disappearing into dark tunnels, leaving you to count your dead and tend to the wounded.

You are still strong, but you numbers have diminished, and the unexpectedly massive assault has cost you a lot of resources.
DM Bjørn

Offline X-IHH/Wallac Isilviere (Kasper)

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Re: The Wraiths of Ilien
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2009, 01:16:58 PM »
With the retreat of the last undead Wallac Isilviere exclaims

“Quickly, sprinkle the bodies of our fallen brothers with holy water, invoke a swift prayer to the All Father to bless their souls and praise their ultimate sacrifice. For their immortal souls and our wellbeing we do not want them enslaved by the wights. Others tend the wounded and then we take up the pursuit”

Almost before being issued his commands are swiftly carried out with due haste by the men, each filling out their assigned position and duty. This has been drilled time and time again.

Then taking up the pursuit the men set out, at a quick march, the alternating jog and walk leaving lesser men gasping for breath but which come naturally to the Justicars of Haelyn. The guides carrying less should be able to keep up else the party slows down.

“Lads to your stations we move on”

[OOC I assume our fallen cannot be raised being treated properly against just such an instance. If I am mistaken in my assumption the group will carry their fallen with them.]
His Holiness Wallac Isilviere, Pontiff of All Anuire, High Prefect of the Impregnable Heart of Haelyn

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Re: The Wraiths of Ilien
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2009, 06:20:28 PM »
With the retreat of the last undead Wallac Isilviere exclaims

“Quickly, sprinkle the bodies of our fallen brothers with holy water, invoke a swift prayer to the All Father to bless their souls and praise their ultimate sacrifice. For their immortal souls and our wellbeing we do not want them enslaved by the wights. Others tend the wounded and then we take up the pursuit”

Almost before being issued his commands are swiftly carried out with due haste by the men, each filling out their assigned position and duty. This has been drilled time and time again.

Then taking up the pursuit the men set out, at a quick march, the alternating jog and walk leaving lesser men gasping for breath but which come naturally to the Justicars of Haelyn. The guides carrying less should be able to keep up else the party slows down.

“Lads to your stations we move on”

[OOC I assume our fallen cannot be raised being treated properly against just such an instance. If I am mistaken in my assumption the group will carry their fallen with them.]

A proper burial will prevent the dead from being raised - as long as someone doesn't take the time to desecrate their resting places. So you can be more or less certain that they won't rise. The only way to REALLY be sure is to burn the dead and scatter the bones (not something Anuireans usually do).
DM Bjørn

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Re: The Wraiths of Ilien
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2009, 06:22:56 PM »
You push on - you are fairly certain the undead are luring you deeper in, because they are never far enough away that you completely lose track of them. And the strike against you - sudden violent attacks by ghouls and undead, trying to take down a guard, or strike at a cleric. A few men fall or are dragged into the darkness, but by and large you prevail - laying to rest a score ghouls and half a dozen wights in the process.
DM Bjørn

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Re: The Wraiths of Ilien
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2009, 06:32:18 PM »
We slow down a little when it becomes apparent their rout is one on purpose.

"Brothers whoever controls these vile creatures seems not to be taken by surprise. Slow down to regular pace and tend the wounded. Let's try to take another route than the one they make us as I fear traps or ambush may be in store for us."
His Holiness Wallac Isilviere, Pontiff of All Anuire, High Prefect of the Impregnable Heart of Haelyn

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Re: The Wraiths of Ilien
« Reply #10 on: January 16, 2009, 06:38:36 PM »
"Prefect, we tread dangerously now."  Tristan moves to Isilviere's side, speaking quietly.  "These creatures are more numerous than we suspected, and their actions worry me.  Had our advance surprised or concerned the wraiths, their spawn should be seeking to stop or evade us, or perhaps to lead us away from their masters.  Instead, they guide us onwards while bleeding us slowly.  They seek to weaken us, and if so then they must intend to confront us eventually.  Tactics, I know, and this speaks to me that we have yet to see the greater part of their strength.  And though there be many rules of warfare, one ranks highly in my mind now - 'Follow not thy enemy's bidding.'

I suggest, Prefect, that we return to the surface to replenish our forces and replace our tired and wounded with fresh armsmen.  In doing so, we will frustrate their plans - our forces, in total, must surely exceed their own, and by this means we will turn their plans of attrition against them.  Moreover, I believe we walk a path they have set for us.  If so, any action which sets their plans awry is of value, and it may force them to meet us sooner than desired, and in a place not of their choosing.

Elsewise, we risk much, and in these catacombs there is little hope of retreat or reinforcement should matters turn against us.  Caution, therefore, is necessary."

Offline X-IHH/Wallac Isilviere (Kasper)

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Re: The Wraiths of Ilien
« Reply #11 on: January 16, 2009, 06:45:44 PM »
“Aye you speak the truth. That’s what worries me as well.

I concur we should not let the enemy decide how we proceed. We miss the strong arm of Archduke Osoer and should take into account that we are not as strong without him.”

While the Justicars take a defensive position the High Prefect gestures for Archbishop Bellamie, the Swordmage, Baron Kaven & the Patriarch to join himself and Baron Bellamie for council.

Quietly he speaks

“Tristan suggest we return to replenish – I must confess that I agree there is danger in proceeding with the pursuit but should we retreat or pick an alternate route?”

The High Prefect look around
« Last Edit: January 16, 2009, 08:02:57 PM by IHH/Pontiff Wallac Isilviere (Kasper) »
His Holiness Wallac Isilviere, Pontiff of All Anuire, High Prefect of the Impregnable Heart of Haelyn

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Re: The Wraiths of Ilien
« Reply #12 on: January 16, 2009, 09:02:07 PM »
Stepping the remains of a Ghoul that her cloak shredded, the Sword Mage joins the quiet conversation between Tristan and Isilviere. She has at least heard the last words Tristan spoke. As she comes closer to the two regents, her cloak seems to calm down and stops lashing out at nearby movement.

"I agree, we should exercise caution. They are obviously trying to lure us into a trap, I say we proceed at our own pace - staying watchful and prepared. When they spring their trap, we turn it against the scum and tear them to pieces."

Marya Tanar, The Sword Mage
Duchess and Mage of Tornilen

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Re: The Wraiths of Ilien
« Reply #13 on: January 17, 2009, 12:26:08 AM »
“There’s also the matter of possible escape for the Wraiths. When night comes they can leave the catacombs and the sewers seeking a new lair. We have patrols on alert but gut feeling says wrapping this one while Haelyn’s sun still blesses the city is the right course of action.”

Turning to the guides Wallac Isilviere whispers quietly

“Three hours or so have passed and we have been taking the same general direction for a most of the time. I would like to travel at a parallel route for at least a while as to be less predictable. Can that be arranged?”

The guilder’s debate among themselves before they turn, map in hand, to the High Prefect and bows.

“Your Holiness we believe it can be done. The layout of these ancient parts of the sewers seems to match our map just like old Greg of the Sewer Guard said. We go back to this junction, turn right and walk 100 paces and then right once more and we are going parallel.”

The guilder points to a juncture on his map.

“The two routes end at the same juncture here”

Wallac Isilviere looks to Archbishop Bellamie who gives a slight nod.

“Set in motion lads”

Following the guides directions the party travel on a parallel course. Accordingly to the divinations used earlier it can be followed until reaching near the center of the ancient sewers mainline.
His Holiness Wallac Isilviere, Pontiff of All Anuire, High Prefect of the Impregnable Heart of Haelyn

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Re: The Wraiths of Ilien
« Reply #14 on: January 17, 2009, 10:15:45 AM »
Now things far you have faced enemies of flesh and blood (dead mind you, and suffused with dark power, but still) and no wraiths at all. That suddenly changes - and it is not a change for good.

Intellectually you know that the wraiths are incorporeal. But what does that really mean? Mean when you are fighting them down in the dark tunnels beneath the earth, fighting them on their own turf?

It means they can attack you as they please - suddenly appearing from nowhere, a wall or a ceiling, completely without sound, a barely-seen flicker of evil that rips the life from those that they touch.

I doesn't mean you are helpless before their onslaught; you have mages among your numbers, and clerics of great faith. But the creatures attack with so little warning that for you to survive you must gather closely together and be constantly alert. Which has the secondary effect of slowing you down to a crawl.

You've only lost a few more men, but moral is no longer good; and you're huddled together in a dense knot that can't more very quickly...and somewhere above you the sun is slowly descending to earth...
DM Bjørn