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Re: RoE2 epilogue
« Reply #15 on: June 11, 2013, 12:54:19 PM »

The Erebannien became an important refuge from the ravages of the Gorgon's servants. Under the stern, but fair guidance of the new High Warden Tristan the Wardens would take upon themselves to guard not only the forest, but the lands and peoples around it. Doubly fortunate, beacue those remote parts were never under the protection of the Swords and Shields of Anuire. Because of their actions the lands of southern Roesone and Aerenwe were able to cling to a semblance of civilization even throughout the darkest days. There was even contact with other parts of Anuire buy ship, for the High Warden's responsibilities included the secluded island of Caelcorwynn - and the port there. In later years the region became a bulwark against the New Faith, for the people of the South held true to their gods during the bleak years and would not be turned away from them.
DM Bjørn

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Re: RoE2 epilogue
« Reply #16 on: June 11, 2013, 01:12:23 PM »

Another realm ravaged by war. For many years Roesone prospered and grew strong, but alas all good things must come to an end. In Roesone's case the end came in the form of the treachery of House Isilviere, casting their lot as they did with Black Ghieste. It preserved, to an extent, the northern lands. Unfortunately Ghieste's hegemony was shortlived, and Moergan of Thasbyrn visitied a terrible vengenace upon the traitors of House Isilviere.

In later years the relam recovered somewhat, coming under the rule of the son of the Sword Mage and the late ARR. The relam would, however, forever be troubled by the tensions between the New Faith and the Old.
DM Bjørn

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Re: RoE2 epilogue
« Reply #17 on: June 11, 2013, 01:20:28 PM »

The Spider River Traders ceased to exist as a major trade guild during the time of troubles; instead it became intertwined with the agendas of the Wardens, serving as a network of spies and other agents. In this capacity the SRT fullfilled an old dream - they returned to Osoerde in force.
DM Bjørn

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Re: RoE2 epilogue
« Reply #18 on: June 11, 2013, 01:25:51 PM »

Medoere was completely and utterly destroyed by the invasion. The Diemans, guided by the stern hand of Moergan Draco, fought fiercely and burned whatever they could not hold.

In later years the land was resettled by people of Ilien - who carried with them the New Faith. And so it was that Medoere became the Promised Land once more; not for the faithful of Ruornil, but for the followers of the One True God.
DM Bjørn

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Re: RoE2 epilogue
« Reply #19 on: June 11, 2013, 01:33:03 PM »

Ilien remained under the control of the IHH for a time, but under the surface the New Faith was repidly spreading. The Pontiff left for the East, leaving Kaven Enlien in control of the City. Unknown to all the Baron of Medoere had already converted - and the spread of the New Faith increased by a large factor. Later his wife, the Geraldine el-Mesir, returned from the Crusade. She too was a secret convert to the cause of the One True God.

When the invasion came Ilien cast of the yoke of the traditional gods of Anuire and declared its true allegiance. For many years the invaders tried, but the city could not be broken, defended as it was by strong walls, zealous defenders and might magics - and supplied across the sea by their brothers-in-faith from Mieres.
DM Bjørn

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Re: RoE2 epilogue
« Reply #20 on: June 11, 2013, 01:52:59 PM »

Duke Carvaloen Diem struggled for many years to bring his headstrong nobles to hee - and eventually succeeded. He - and they - may have felt cheated out of their due by the Princess of Avanil, but by and large there was contentment. Carvaloen was not a visionary leader or a great conqueror; but his reign was stable and many of the excesses of chruch and nobility were reined in.

When the invaders washed across Anuire - and traitors and spies abounded among the defenders - Diemed stood tall. Duke Diem was also among the first to realize the true extent of the danger - and to call upon Moergan to bolster his defenses. Diemed suffered badly, but was not defeated: Black Ghieste was halted at Moere and had to watch the White Bridges destroyed - when later he took the city he took terrible revenge upon the citizens.

Moere fallen. Medoere burned. Ilien rebelled - again. The defenders of Diemed pushed back, almost to the foothills of Mount Deismaar. But that was the high mark of the assault on Diemed. Unable to reinforce from Avanil the invaders became overextended. Moergan played merry hell with their supplies and rear echelons. Aerele could not be broken, nor could the main bulk of the Dieman army be brought to battle.

In the end the Gorgon's southern battlegroup was nearly anihilated and the armies of Black Ghieste chased back up to Endier to hide there. Diemed had been sorely tested, but had weathered the storm.
DM Bjørn