Level Expenditure DAC mod Description
- 0 GB -20 You do have no court at all. Court actions are next to impossible.
0 0,5 GB -5 Your court is a joke; other regents are offended if approached by you.
1 1 GB -4 Your court is very quaint, but still provides some basic functions.
2 2 GB -3 Your court is rather poor, but is adequate for most purposes.
3 3 GB -2 Your court is small, but is approaching acceptable standard.
4 4 GB -1 Your court is below average, but hardly enough to be noticed.
5 5 GB 0 Your court considered average for a medium-sized realm.
6 6 GB +1 Your court is considered above average for a medium kingdom.
7 8 GB +2 You court is large and provides you with many competent hirelings.
8 10 GB +3 Your court is prestigious, suitable for a great kingdom.
9 12 GB +4 Your court is renowned for its size, retainers, and many events
10 15 GB +5 Your court is opulent with fantastic spending, and numerous retainers.
+1 +3 GB +0 You court is fantastic, you gain few actual benefits, but it is good for prestige.