The Thaelasian Wilds are just like what southerners imagine all the Rjurik Highlands to be – wild, cold, and filled with dangers of every kind. In this land humans are a minority, and those humans who do live here are invariably rugged and enduring – for the most part they are made of traditional Rjurik nomads. Despite all this the region is not without civilization. The Rjurik Kingdom of Hogunmark has risen to become a real and relatiely unified sovereign power, a far cry from older times when the land only was home to wandering tribes. And in the Realm of the White Witch an awnshegh is forcibly civilizing on of Cerilia’s most remote areas – only a handful of generations ago there were nothing but scattered jarldoms, nomadic tribes and humanoids living in those lands, whereas now there are towns and villages and roads all over the country.