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Anuirean noble titles in RoE
« on: November 12, 2008, 07:21:05 AM »
It is important to note that titles vary with time and location, so that this list is not exhaustive or all-encompassing, but it does cover the most important titles and their common permutations.

The importance of titles is not absolute. Being the baron of a small and poor region on the borders of Anuire doesn't give as much prestige as being a rich baron in the Heartlands. On the other other hand, the degree of sovereignty is very important; a baron that is a sovereign ruler has much more prestige than even the wealthiest vassal baron. And a count of an old and respected bloodline will be accorded a slightly higher status than one of lesser blood.

One interesting example is the Count of Ilien - the sovereign ruler of the Free City of Ilien, a one-province realm. Ilien is located on the South Coast - in the heart of Anuire - and is easily as rich and populous as most baronies. House Aglondier, the ruling family of Ilien was a minor but very old and prestigious noble house (tracing its roots to back before Deismaar, having the bloodline's founder present during the battle, AND having ruled Ilien continuously for 1550 years). Clearly the Count Aglondier of Ilien was a bit better than most other counts - perhaps not on the level of a duke, but clearly one to be accorded respect well beyond that offered to a vassal baron!

Emperor (feminine: Empress), His/Her Imperial Majesty, Your Imperial Majesty - The ruler of the Anuirean Empire. Not used since the death of Michael Roele.

The adjective "imperial" means "pertaining to an emperor". An emperor's realm is generally referred to as an "empire".

Imperial Crown Prince (feminine: Imperial Crown Princess), His/Her Imperial Highness, Your Imperial Highness - An Imperial Crown Prince is the heir to the Anuirean Empire. He was considered equal to Archdukes in rank, but was also considered to be the first among equals.

Archduke (feminine: Archduchess), His/Her (Imperial) Grace, Your (Imperial) Grace - The ruler of one of the original Archduchies is an Archduke, which is honorary step above a normal Duke. In the later years of the Anuirean Empire the title of Archduke was bestowed by the Emperor as a personal title in a ceremony symbolizing the friendship between the Emperor and his Archduke; it is from this period on that Archdukes were addressed as Your Imperial Grace, instead of just Your Grace.

The adjective "archducal" means "pertaining to an archduke". An archduke's realm is generally referred to as a "archduchy".

Imperial Prince (feminine: Imperial Princess), His/Her Highness, Your Highness - Princes are  junior members of the Imperial family. They were the equivalent to Dukes in rank. 

Duke (feminine: Duchess), His/Her Grace or Majesty, Your Grace - Duke is a title among the Anuireans which identifies the ruler of a realm. The word comes from the Old Andu phrase Dux Bellorum, which had the sense of "military commander" to refer to their war leaders. Anuirean dukes in in the 16th Century HC are sovereign rulers of a rank similar to that of a King or other monarch. No new dukes can be created, since only the Emperor had the power to bestow this title.

The adjective "ducal" means "pertaining to a duke". A duke's realm is generally referred to as a "duchy".

Baron (feminine: Baroness), His/ Her Excellency, Your Excellency - Baron is a title among the Anuireans which identifies a ruler whose lands are greater than a single province, but traditionally is smaller than a realm. The title was introduced when certain great counts were required to swear direct oaths of obedience and loyalty to the Emperor because they had grown powerful enough to defy their direct overlords. This oath was the barones imperium, "bound to the Emperor," from which the title derives. Later the title was also bestowed by Anuirean dukes to their most important vassals. In theory there is a slight difference in rank between such a "ducal" baron (example: Barony of Daulton in Avanil) and a true "imperial" baron (example: Barony of Dhoesone).

The adjective "baronial" means "pertaining to a baron". A baron's realm is generally referred to as a "barony".

In northern Anuire (especially Talinie and Dhoesone) the title is "thane" and a thane's realm is known as a "thegn".

Marquess (feminine: Marchioness), Lord/Lady, My Lord/Lady - Marquess (Marquis/Marquess in southern Anuire) is a title among the Anuireans which denotes an important count, frequently one holding lands in a border region (usually referred to as a march). Many such domains later grew in size to encompass more than one province, 2-3 being the most common. The title is in (infrequent) use in Anuire in the 16th Century HC. A marquess is of higher rank than a count, but of slightly lower rank than a baron (even a ducal baron). Note that lands that were once considered border regions might now be quite civilized, so its possible to find a marquess in the middle of the Heartlands.

The adjective "marquial" means "pertaining to a marquess". A marquess's realm is generally referred to as a "marquessate", although in everyday it might also be called a "march".

In northern Anuire (especially Talinie and Dhoesone) the title is "thane" and a thane's realm is known as a "thegn".

Count (feminine: Countess), Lord/Lady, My Lord/Lady: Count is a title among the Anuireans which identifies the ruler of a province. The word comes from the Old Andu word "comes", in its accusative "comitem" meaning "companion", and later "companion of the emperor, delegate of the emperor". In the 16th Century not all provinces are ruled by a count, and it is possible to find counts ruling more than one province (though this is very rare). In northwestern Anuire a count is known as an "Earl" (in Talinie and Boeruine) or "Eorl" in the Dhoesone area; a word derived from "chieftain".

The adjective "comital" means "pertaining to a count". A count's province is generally referred to as a "county".

In northern Anuire (especially Talinie and Dhoesone) the title is "earl" and a thane's realm is known as a "earldom".

The following titles are used by lesser rulers whose domains exist on the sub-province level. Certain counts - primarily those that do not actually rule any provinces - are counted in this category. Viscounts are generally considered to be nobility (albeit very minor), baronets and knights do not qualify.

Viscount (feminine: Viscountess), Lord/Lady, My Lord/Lady - Viscount is a title among the Anuireans which is used to identify important local rulers within a province; any civilized Anuirean province is likely to have one or more viscounts residing within its borders. Some Viscounts from rich and settled provinces can be as rich and powerful as poorer counts. The title and position of Viscount was not originally a hereditary one, but over time it has largely become so (i.e. the children of viscounts are considered peers). Hereditary viscounts are usually blooded; this is the lowest 'level' where divine blood is commonly found.

The adjective "vicomital" means "pertaining to a count". A viscount's domain is generally referred to as a "viscounty".

Baronet (feminine: Baronetess), His/ Her Honor, Sir - Baronets were originally knights that received land grants directly from the Emperor and owed fealty directly to him. Later it became a common term for landed knights of some power and wealth. today not all baronet are knights; some have just received grants of land for other reasons. Baronets are (barely) considered peers, but their spouses are usually not. The children of baronets are definitely not peers. By default this makes a baronetcy non-hereditary, but in many cases the children of a baronet will be installed in their father's place when the time comes. Most baronets are commoners.

A baronet's domain is generally referred to as a "baronetcy". Some baronets have no baronetcy, but rule multiple manors instead.

Knight (feminine: knight or dame), His/ Her Honor, Sir  - Knights are the heirs to the Andu warrior-caste. Knights are called "Ser" in Southern Anuire. The term "Dame" is only used in some parts of Anuire - primarily Alamie, Avanil, and Brosengae/Southern Taeghas - where it is a purely honorific title bestowed on non-fighting women (the few female knights are still called knights). Knights are not peers and consequently their children are also not, but it is very common for the sons of knights to become knights, and later be granted the same land their fathers once held. Almost all knights are commoners (obviously except those coming from scion lines).

A knight's domain is generally referred to as a "manor". It is not uncommon for rich knights to rule multiple manors.

The above titles assume that the realms in question are descended from the Anuirean empire and use their system of titles etc. That is not always the case in the present day and age.

King (feminine: Queen), His/Her Royal Majesty, Your Royal Majesty - The ruler of a sovereign Kingdom. There were no Kingdoms in the days of the Anuirean Empire. Today it is a title readily assumed by emerging realms that have no - or very few - ties to the old Empire; by taking the title of king a sovereign is effectively breaking any remaining links to the past.

It should be noted that some of the old duchies have begun to see themselves as sovereign realms, and begun using 'Majesty' as a form of address; for example His Majesty, Mhor Droene instead of His (Imperial) Grace, Mhor Droene. What contenders to the Iron Throne remains are loath to use it, since it is believed to belittle the legacy of the Empire.

The adjective "royal" means "pertaining to a king". A king's realm is generally referred to as a "kingdom".

Crown Prince (feminine: Crown Princess), His/Her Royal Highness, Your Royal Highness - A Crown Prince is the heir to a sovereign realm. He would rank above all other nobles in the realm, save the sovereign of course.

Prince (feminine: Princess), His/Her Highness, Your Highness - Princes are  junior members of a royal family. They are equivalent to Dukes in rank
a ducal or princely family.

To be added...
« Last Edit: March 19, 2010, 01:34:52 PM by DM Bjørn »
DM Bjørn