Author Topic: Turn #67 - Siege of Ilien  (Read 36898 times)

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Offline X-Medoere & RCS/KE (Thorsten)

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Re: Turn #67 - Siege of Ilien
« Reply #15 on: June 10, 2010, 12:07:47 AM »
Kaven sticks close to his liege’s side, as the Archduke lead his troops forward. Holding the colours of the Archduke, the Baron of Medoere maintains one hand wrapped around cloth and pole both to keep the banner held somewhat in place amidst the buffeting winds the Seawitch has conjured.
"Onwards and upwards!" the Baron yells, whipping his axe above his head as he eagerly encourages those around him to greater feats of strength and valour. "For Haelyn and the Archduke!"

His voice though trained from years of battle-use is all but lost in the sound of battle chant, combined with the winds pushing the Diemean and Medoereans forward, and the arrows of the foe back, and soon even Kaven is chanting along with the rest – easily remembering the orthodox prayers to the Lawmaker;

Not to us, not to us, Haelyn,
But to your name give glory.

Climbing one of the seigetowers after his lord, the chant still ringing clear around him, the Baron finds a short respite to marvel at the lack of death usually falling from above in the form of missiles, arrows and bolts. It doesn’t prevent armored men and gushing blood from spilling down and over the walls as the defenders bite back at those that try to storm the parapets.
Still it is fresh troops, unharried by arrows and bolts, that reach the foe, their eyes ablaze with fervor and determination - singing at the top of their voice while chopping away at every Ilienese within reach.
A faint tug in Kaven makes him stop midstride on the drawbridge of the siegetower with a look of intent puzzlement on his face. To his left a man clad in black, a black galley raider perhaps, rose momentarily from cover to starts muttering mystic words – an arcane incantation – his eyes directed at the Archduke. Crying out as he realizes it was this sorcerer he sensed, the Baron twists and throws his weapon. The crescent-shaped axe twisting gracefully through the air before burrowing itself in the sternum of the  man – who sinks to the ground with a look of utter surprise on his face.

Drawing his sword from his scabbard, Kaven Enlien pushes forward to remain by his liege’s side. Arriving just in time to hear him raise his voice – and see the Green Knight ahead.

Offline X-Medoere & RCS/KE (Thorsten)

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Re: Turn #67 - Siege of Ilien
« Reply #16 on: June 10, 2010, 09:31:30 AM »
"Selwick! Rogr! Targetted dispel on Ser Estevan!" Kaven turns to two of the men in the gathered entourage of the Baron and the Archduke. "Quickly now, before he closes with us!"
His orders given, the Baron of Medoere turns again just in time to dodge a clumsy swing and kick out with his plated foot, crushing the kneecap of his assailant. The Green Knight was a mystery on a battlefield, as much a blessing as a curse. Nevertheless, in this case Kaven could only hope that his initial feelings prove to be true. If the Ghiestean commander could be turned by magic, Ser Estevan could as well. And if that was the case, no words from Carvaelon could hinder him in rushing the group. Something which could turn out to be a rather one-sided encounter.
The chants behind him, a strange blend of prayers to Ruornil from one priest, and Haelyn from another began as both men looked towards the Green Knight, hands clasped to their respective icons.

"Come on!" Kaven found himself willing, absentmindedly skewering a charging soldier with his sword, before finishing him with the spiked tip at the bottom-end of the standard. "Snap out of it... snap out of it!"

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Re: Turn #67 - Siege of Ilien
« Reply #17 on: June 10, 2010, 09:56:23 AM »
He doesn't snap out of anything - and you suddenly realize why. He's not spelled at all. In response to Carvaloen's challenge he shouts: "There is only One God, and he is my Lord and Master!"
DM Bjørn

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Re: Turn #67 - Siege of Ilien
« Reply #18 on: June 10, 2010, 10:17:27 AM »
Stepping forward Kaven slams the standard into the stone with a resounding clang a stern look on his face.
"Then as the sworn defender of His followers I would have you back down, Ser Estevan - lest none win this day but the Unmaker!"

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Re: Turn #67 - Siege of Ilien
« Reply #19 on: June 10, 2010, 10:30:17 AM »
"To flee man is to die. There is no doom here but his. Turn now and face the enemy or you are lost. Turn and face the enemy, or face my Wrath!"

There is no stopping them. Like a dam breaking - first a few men in the back, then suddenly there is a great flood. The terrible army of Ghieste, heirs to the legacy of the Iron Guard, breaks and flees before the might of a single wizard. If the walls are to be taken it will be up to the Diemans.
DM Bjørn

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Re: Turn #67 - Siege of Ilien
« Reply #20 on: June 10, 2010, 10:36:56 AM »
Stepping forward Kaven slams the standard into the stone with a resounding clang a stern look on his face.
"Then as the sworn defender of His followers I would have you back down, Ser Estevan - lest none win this day but the Unmaker!"

Unsurprisingly Ser Estavan keeps hacking away. He and his fellow warriors are all shouting and chanting now, stuff like "I was an empty cup, now I am full. I walked in the shadow, now I stand in the light. Where before there was many, I see the One." Heretical stuff.

Moreover, seeing the Archduke's standard on the wall no doubt encourages the Dieman troops - but it also makes all of you one big fat juicy target. Few things are more dangerous that assaulting the well-defended walls of a major fortification...and if the standard falls you can be sure the attack will falter!
DM Bjørn

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Re: Turn #67 - Siege of Ilien
« Reply #21 on: June 10, 2010, 10:42:31 AM »
Unrelenting, Kaven keeps addressing the Green Knight.
"Ser Estevan!..." He dodges the swipe of a sword and plants his elbow in the face of an attacker, grimacing at the sickening crunch the follows.
"Ser Estevan! That is *NOT* the Speaker!" The bloodied sword points towards the wizard facing the fleeing Ghiestean hordes, a short moment of respite lets Kaven get his breath. "The *real* Speaker left Ilien weeks ago to fight the Unmaker! I know, I was with him!"

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Re: Turn #67 - Siege of Ilien
« Reply #22 on: June 10, 2010, 10:59:02 AM »
Now you've completely lost whom might Kaven be referring???

Edit: To the red-robed wizard on top of the gates. Clearly the rumor has spread like wildfire - the Red Wind (who would not be seen dead wearing a robe, but no matter) is here. Flee! Flee!
« Last Edit: June 10, 2010, 11:54:24 AM by DM Bjorn »
DM Bjørn

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Re: Turn #67 - Siege of Ilien
« Reply #23 on: June 10, 2010, 11:27:28 AM »
As the Ghiestian troops flee the field the curses and fury of the Duke can be heard ringing around him. His voice grows hoarse with the shouting, he orders the signal issued for the rally and sends his runners to request that the Dragoons and the Knights, that he held back, to move forward and to aid in shepharding his running foot back to the reserves and the encampment. The Duke himself rushes headlong forward of his men and turns as he nears the mounted men. Watching his men run towards him he breaths slowly and deeply, controlling his anger and attempting to maintain his control. He sees the pain and fear in their faces and the tired exhaustion of soldiers who have run half a mile in armour, afeared for their lives; in that moment he hates them for their failure but he knows he will have to deal with that in due course, once this matter is settled.

As their legs weary, as their lungs labour he knows he will  wave the cavalry forward at the flanks, to gather up the untidy rabble. He knows he will recall all gthe senior officers that can be found to his side and one by one, by turn either too tired to argue or too afraid of what will happen should they not do so, he knows they will come. He knows that each in turn will be spoken to, in flat and frank terms, names will be noted, details will be taken, statements will be signed.

Ghorien knows that this army will not see the field again this day, or perhaps even this week, but in the months to come a clever and firm hand on this tiller will not let this army slip away into the night - it still has work to do. His work.

While he waits for all this to happen he turns his eyes to the walls and the progress there, a prayer said silently that the day will be carried there.
His Grace Ghorien Hiriele,
Duke of Ghieste,
Grand-Maester of the Highland/Overland Traders,
Viscount of Whyrthe.
Down Right Evil Bastard!

Offline X-Medoere & RCS/KE (Thorsten)

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Re: Turn #67 - Siege of Ilien
« Reply #24 on: June 10, 2010, 10:49:21 PM »
Whatever Kaven seems about to say next is lost in the swirl of melee as a new group of Diemeans charge past him into the fray. A battlefield is a poor place to attempt diplomacy in any case, and the Baron has enough to do rallying those few who begin capering up about the Red Wind and pushing them forward.

The Green Knight can still be heard, supported by his new following, sword raising and falling like a scythe in a corn field as die-hard orthodox Haelynites throw themselves at him with abandon and divine fury. Realizing there is no way of getting through to Ser Estevan just now, Kaven looks about from the steady growing piece of the wall now held by Diemeans. A gatehouse looms up from the wall close by.

“With me!” The Baron cries, hefting the standard high. “Wedge formation!”
Kaven swipes his sword forward in a wide arc to drive a foe back, and delivers a powerful kick to another, sending him tumbling from the walls. As arms clash and men fall screaming to their deaths below, the Diemeans push towards the squat shape of the gatehouse, their foes unnerved by the overwhelming charge of foes clearly touched by the Lawmaker himself.

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Re: Turn #67 - Siege of Ilien
« Reply #25 on: June 11, 2010, 03:35:45 PM »
The Lion of Ghieste flutters high on the standard at Ghorien's back as he watches the wall from the field and from the front ranks of the Reserve force; all full of impatient, nervous men, some wanting to be at the walls, others afeared of the fate that may come upon them at a moment's notice. To one side the tattered men of the Iron Legion stand, sit and lie now, regaining their energy and the will to fight again another day, for they have lost it this day, with their run to the breach and then back again, all spent in the terror of the moment.

The Duke of Ghieste looks at the banner of Diemed moving along the wall, swaying back and forth in the swell of battle and every so often, as it dips and wobbles, he holds his breath whispering words of encouragement to those who assault the battlements, trying to drive them on by the force of his will alone. Officers and messangers run to and from him, offering papers, maps and words as he stands back, trying to ascertain the bigger picture, make sense of the chaos in front of them. He bides his time now, hoping that at least they may gain a foothold into this hell-hole, drive a wedge into its fortifications and sieze at least a smaller victory from this day - the efforts expended here cannot be allowed to be for nowt; the monies, the magics, the steel and more importantly the blood that has been spilt to come this far it cannot halt here. There is more to be done, surely.
His Grace Ghorien Hiriele,
Duke of Ghieste,
Grand-Maester of the Highland/Overland Traders,
Viscount of Whyrthe.
Down Right Evil Bastard!

Offline X-Medoere & RCS/KE (Thorsten)

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Re: Turn #67 - Siege of Ilien
« Reply #26 on: June 11, 2010, 06:31:44 PM »
A well-aimed crossbow bolt nearly ends Kaven life as he heads towards the tower. Fired from one of the gate-house defenders, it is sheer dumb luck that sees the Baron turn at the last moment to shout encouragements to the men behind him. The steel-tipped missile zips past mere inches from his face to burrow itself in one of the men behind him.

Further up the foe was trying to drag the portal to the tower shut, before the Diemeans closed the distance. The door, a thick slab of oak with dark iron bands, was being kept open by one of their own wounded – his armour slick with the blood spilling from his cleaved cervic as he lay on the ground trying to drag himself into safety and the comrades inside with the strength of the desperate.

A heavy blow from a poleaxe ends his pleading moans, and a mix of arms, legs and weapons wedge themselves into the space left open by the closing door. Cries of pain as the defenders stab and slash at exposed limbs prevail for several moments, but then the Diemeans manage to push the oaken door open and spill inside.
As the sounds of battle are renewed in the tight interior of the small tower, Kaven uses the brief lull in his own fights to get his breath, before heading into the gate house himself. A fierce melee raged inside as Diemean armsmen eschew their traditional weapons in lieu of the long daggers, axes and short stabbing swords that favour the cramped conditions.

Something roars towards him, and the Baron deftly evades a brutal stab to his midsection by an Ilienese soldier with a forked beard. Returning the gesture with a grim blow to the man’s forehead using the pommel of his sword he watches the man’s eyes roll back in his sockets, as the Ilienese sinks to the ground without a word, blood seeping from his temple.

Kaven starts up the curving tower stairs towards the roof. In seconds a bolt flash downwards, ricocheting from the wall, and the Baron press himself to the wall as another crossbowman fires down the spiral stair.
Clearing the last few steps Kaven lets out a defiant shout as he pushes the standard in front of him and twists as a third crossbow is fired, the billowing banner confusing the man, so the bolt goes wide.

More men follow him up, and the crossbowmen watches with dread as dead hard veterans of many battles clad in full-plate and brandishing bloody weapons close on them. One of them decides to try his chances with gravity rather than the Diemean and quickly jump off of the tower, aiming for the walkways leading to the tower on the side still held by the Ilienese and landing among his fellow men with a cry of pain as bones break. The others fare somewhat worse.
With the top floor of the gatehouse cleared and the forces pushing onwards and downwards to open the gate, Kaven orders the men to gather up the discarded missile weapons, and soon the Ilienese have a new threat to deal with, as their own weapons are turned inwards and bolt and arrows rain at the city defenders from above.

The baron glances around to get his bearing and assess the situation, then he steps to the crenellations, facing the Diemean forces outside and raises Archduke Carvaelon Diem’s banner high.

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Re: Turn #67 - Siege of Ilien
« Reply #27 on: June 11, 2010, 08:06:45 PM »
Several hundred lightly armored men and the heavily armored military guard of Ilien reinforce the Green Knight.

Meanwhile from the other flank General Manders advances with the dismounted knights of Ilien and another hoarde of lightly armored men.
Crossbow bolts fly into the ranks of the diemans infront of the advance from both flanks.

Sweating heavily General Manders takes the front of the advance his banner held by one of the men behind him: "Onwards men, we have one goal. We reach ser Estavan and strike down all Diemans in our way!"

Suddenly A boulder is flinged from a catapult deep within the city. It is hurled towards the compromised Gate tower and makes it rumble and crack as it hits. Anther boulder flies through the air towards the tower......

« Last Edit: June 11, 2010, 08:29:01 PM by Ilien & PCE/GeM (Linde) »
Her Excellency Geraldine el-Mesir,
Countess of the Free City of Illien
Guildmistress of Port of Call Exchange,
Mage of Ilien & Protector of her people.

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Re: Turn #67 - Siege of Ilien
« Reply #28 on: June 12, 2010, 02:25:58 AM »
It is one of his guards that first notices it. Quickly the shout rolls across the lines, as the banner of Diem flutters atop the gatetower. The Duke of Ghieste turns to look, a smile growing across his face as he pricks the flank of his pure white steed with spurs and guides her across to the Diemed commanders and knights gathered in front of the substantial reserve block of the Diemian army.

"Baron Moere, would you do the Duke of Ghieste the honour of joining him in the securing of that gate for your Grace? Perhaps half of the reserve at this time, just to push home the progress so far made and break those fresh reinforcements of the Ilienese traitors?"

With that he turns his horse for the gate and orders his own dragoons and knights to form up behind him. A runner is dispatched to Hermedhie requesting politely what aid she is able to grant in the action that is about to occur in case of further magical deployments. He watches the back of the man with the missive until he is out of the line of movement and his horse are arrayed. Then he pushes his mount forwards. A slow step at first. Then another. Then another and another. Quickly he transitions from the walk to a trot, the pounding of the earth bringing a satisfying rythym to the movement.

He does not look round to see who follows, as he knows the Baron will commit those reserves he considers sensible and to search for support is to show fear and he cannot show such now. The long strides eat the distance. As the gate of the tower begins to become clearer he nods to his herald and the horn is sounded for the switch to a canter. The pace drives forwards now, onward, ever onward, and the lines of cavalry start to grow ragged now. But this is a rapid cavlary deployment, a surge across the field to hold a key position and all present know what they need to do - manouvere after manouvere on the plains of Ghieste have trained for this, and so they shift for the final time on this charge, into the gallop, the headlong rush, giving each horse it's head and hunkering down, ready for the impact as they surge towards the gates to try to take and hold them against the Ilienese.

Now is do or die.
His Grace Ghorien Hiriele,
Duke of Ghieste,
Grand-Maester of the Highland/Overland Traders,
Viscount of Whyrthe.
Down Right Evil Bastard!

Offline X-Medoere & RCS/KE (Thorsten)

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Re: Turn #67 - Siege of Ilien
« Reply #29 on: June 12, 2010, 09:45:56 AM »
The direct hit to the gatehouse makes everyone stumble at first, and several bolts go wide as soldiers have their aim jostled by the blow.
Watching the Diemean lines from his vantage-point in the tower, Kaven doesn’t notice the first stone and finds himself forced to steady himself on the battlements, as the screams of Diemean and Ilienese soldiers below the gatehouse increase for a moment, the flung rock delivering a gruesome and indiscriminate death to all it hits as it crashes to the ground.

Turning in time to see the second rock arch up from inside the city Kaven’s eyes goes wide. “She’s mad!” he mumbles as the stone twirls slowly, almost as in slow-motion through the air towards the raging battle. Quickly raises his voice. “Brace yourselves; our foe is targeting the battle lines!”

The little handful of men around the Baron quickly drop down, hugging themselves to the crenellations as the catapult stone reaches its peak and starts to descend towards the gatehouse – either the Ilienese had trained their weapons on this place in advance, or they were simply getting of some lucky shots. Not that either case mattered much to Kaven as a huge rock sailed towards him. Offering a quick prayer, he hoped his assessment of the stones passage was correct.

With a thundering whack, the large missile hammers into the battlements next to the gatehouse, smashing men from both sides of the field to a bloody pulp and shaking those others nearby. Kaven is momentarily stunned – to fire into a melee, knowing you could hit your own troops? He spits and sneers. It seemed like the treachery of el-Mesir would be felt by her own troops as well, before this day was over.

The arrival of fresh troops to the scene draw his attention – light infantry and what looked to be dismounted knights approached from his side.  A clattering of metal on stone told him that there were some crossbowmen among their numbers too. Crossing the top of the gatehouse quickly to look over its side at the Diemeans massing on the walls below, he raises his voice. “Armsmen, reform and advance - enemy reinforcements enroute from the south! We take the fight to them!”

Rather than risk his chance with more hurled stones, the Baron then heads down the stairs again, ready to rejoin the men below, and push at the enemy advance.