I think, you should give Medoere a lot more gold... that's just my take on it.
Nah, i see Alamier is ruled by Alamier, instead of the abbrivation JS (is that still the same dude?)
Suriene didn't really evolve at all, from RoE 1 to now... in fact, looking at the PH from turn 52, i see the province leveling-thingy stands at 28, when the new one is at 23. Considering how Kaven really tried to make this place prosper (or, at least not stagnate) i can't help but wonder, especially, since Alamier grew twice (i think), in the same amount of time, from 3 to 5. (That might be some of the RoE 1 vs. RoE 2 changeover stuff, so just asking if that was on purpose.)
Otherwise, it's nice to see, that the RCS and Medoere hasn't been sitting on it's arse during the years. Getting more and more eager to start.
Edit: Oh, and i can see, by looking at Ilien, that i need to have a serious chat, with the IHH and CJS... Ilien belonged to ME, you geezers! Going from temple 5, to temple 3, at their expense does not make this Paladin happy!