Author Topic: #71 Bindier - Defense against the Shadow  (Read 18040 times)

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Offline X-Roesone/SG (Shido)

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Re: #71 Bindier - Defense against the Shadow
« Reply #45 on: March 14, 2012, 11:49:28 AM »
"It does, fully, Your Highness"
Count Saender Ghoried
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Re: #71 Bindier - Defense against the Shadow
« Reply #46 on: March 14, 2012, 08:43:38 PM »
While the high-and-mighty play the game of words the rest of the courtiers are preoccupied with far more worldly matters; they are talking about Duke Ulric's sworn man - Moergan, Marquis de Thasbyrne (as they say here in the effete South). General Moergan, the butcher of Daulton. He's as close as you get to a living legend and a boogeyman all rolled into one - and now he's here, in the flesh, following his master like a dark shadow, hand never far from the blade. Hard to say what people expected - but whatever it was they are all forced to agree that there is something about Lord Moergan. Something dangerous and attractive. The menfolk want to be him - they aren't admitting it, but who does not dream of being a renowned knight, a lord of your own house, and a dreaded general all at once? And the women...they would certainly like a piece of him...the serving girls say he's the handsomest man in Anuire and dare one another to speak to him...
DM Bjørn

Offline X-Avanil/Aubrae Avan (Thorsten)

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Re: #71 Bindier - Defense against the Shadow
« Reply #47 on: March 17, 2012, 01:01:28 PM »
Aubrae sits in silence and looks around the table, waiting for others to pipe in. When no such replies seem forthcoming, and the chatter regarding the Archduke's boogeyman becomes too much for her, she clears her throat.
"I have heard nothing but words of support from those who have spoken so far. Shall I assume those who have nothing to add are in agreement, and that the proposal to see myself as the coordinator of any aid that might be needed through this pact is accepted?"

She glances about the room once more.
"If so, I would suggest a short pause, before we look to the precise wording of the document, and bring out the quills and ink for signing."
Aubrae Avan,
Princess of Avanil, Duchess of Taeghas

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Offline X-Tuornen/LF (Geir)

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Re: #71 Bindier - Defense against the Shadow
« Reply #48 on: March 17, 2012, 01:29:08 PM »
Emissary Lauriel Anviraele stands to speak again,

She nods to the Princess with a sweet smile, eyes cast down,

One appreciate and give deep thanks to the Gods that the Princess is present to such motivate those present to speak their opinions on the proposal promoted.
That said one could not circumvent the process where each and every participant must clear and fully state their views. That is if these proceedings are to be more than words, if serious suggestions.
These matters cannot be settled by silent acceptance, or by short conformations.

Also, the Duchess sent Her delegates in the belief that more specific talks should be held on the treat one face from the Shadows minions. For one, what is known of the character called The Red Wind, what is the nature of that one? And the entity called The Spider, what news can those that border the lands of that one share with those present here? “

She take her place again.
Laela Flaertes, By the Grace of Haelyn Duchess of Tuornen

- Geir
Tuornen / LF

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Re: #71 Bindier - Defense against the Shadow
« Reply #49 on: March 17, 2012, 02:13:01 PM »
Emissary Lauriel Anviraele stands again as there are no quick reply,

Now she bows deep to the Princess, keeping her eyes cast down until she speak to the wider room,

“With no disregard for the proposal already put forth, on behalf of my Duchess of Tuornen, one suggest this meeting seek word with the Imperial Chamberlain with intention to give the Imperial Chamberlain the role as head of this suggested administration.

This we do in this room may be the first step towards rebuilding the empire, and if so it must be done right, if now is the time. “

She take her place again.
Laela Flaertes, By the Grace of Haelyn Duchess of Tuornen

- Geir
Tuornen / LF

Offline X-Avanil/Aubrae Avan (Thorsten)

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Re: #71 Bindier - Defense against the Shadow
« Reply #50 on: March 17, 2012, 02:15:34 PM »
"Emissary" Aubrae remarks, her smile equally sweet. "If your mistress had accepted last seasons invitation, you could have been present at my tourney in the Imperial City, *alongside* the Imperial Chamberlain, where Pontiff Kharnmoin had been invited to speak at great lengths about just those things.

"That is not what we are here to talk about today. Today is about specifics. Last season we talked about the general outlook and what might be done, but today, I came to put forth a proposal as to how I see the nobles of Anuire working together to protect the lands from the shadow."

She pauses to let her words sink in.
"Now, while I would prefer everyone present to sign this - as it would provide the best groundwork for this initiative, I am aware that some voices present..." she glances at the Boer delegation "... may have some reservations. In such a case, there is little I can do. If my words so far has not persuaded those voices, chances are nothing I can say from this point on will. But as long as those who have so far voiced their support are willing to join me in this, then we will form a solid foundation for this initiative. Those hesitant to join us now shall still be welcomed at a later date."
Aubrae Avan,
Princess of Avanil, Duchess of Taeghas

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Offline X-Tuornen/LF (Geir)

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Re: #71 Bindier - Defense against the Shadow
« Reply #51 on: March 17, 2012, 02:26:37 PM »
Emissary Lauriel Anviraele stands again,

she again bows deep to the Princess, keeping her eyes cast down,

“One hopes and begs the Princess excuse our ignorance.”

She take her place again.
Laela Flaertes, By the Grace of Haelyn Duchess of Tuornen

- Geir
Tuornen / LF

Offline X-Avanil/Aubrae Avan (Thorsten)

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Re: #71 Bindier - Defense against the Shadow
« Reply #52 on: March 17, 2012, 02:39:33 PM »
The princess looks at the emissary for a few long seconds, then she gives a noncommittal shrug. "I've sent copies of the last seasons talks to others I spoke to, prior to them coming here. Had I known your mistress would be as interested, I would have made sure she got a copy too. We shall see it remedied at a later point."
Aubrae Avan,
Princess of Avanil, Duchess of Taeghas

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Offline X-Sea Witch/Aneira (John)

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Re: #71 Bindier - Defense against the Shadow
« Reply #53 on: March 18, 2012, 12:10:17 AM »
After the short break is finished and the talks resume, the seat reserved for the Sea Witch sits empty.  Looking out into the harbour, her slender white tower is no longer in sight.
Aneira Taren, Sea Witch of the South Coast.

Offline X-Avanil/Aubrae Avan (Thorsten)

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Re: #71 Bindier - Defense against the Shadow
« Reply #54 on: March 18, 2012, 02:39:20 PM »
With barely a glance at the empty seat - any empty seat - Aubrae rises once the remaining interested parties have gathered once more.

"Honoured peers, those of you who remain have a vested interest in seeing your lands safe against the encroaching of the Shadow. You wish to take direct action to defend your people, when calamity strikes, and wish for Anuireans to stand together during times of darkness and crisis. And for that, I applaud you." The Princess of Avanil leans forward and places her hand on the table, looking at each person in turn.
"Some of you where present in Ilien, when the Conclave held the trial to condemn Geraldine el-Mesir. Some of you have heard it from others. But all here, should be aware that the threat of the shadow is real. His Holiness, Wallac Isilviere, during the last months of his pontificate even went as far as to point out the very real possibility that some of our courts might be infiltrated by agents of the shadow. He took effort to point out just how close this threat is to every single one of us... before pulling away the majority of the temples forces to fight in a crusade in the east."

"That means, that for the duration of Wallacs crusade, we, all of us, are left with but a minimal force of the Conclave's militant arm - those troops best trained to fight the shadow - to help us, should troubles arise."

She pauses to let this sink in.
"I do not question the need for this crusade, if the CoT tells us that the Swordhawk should be punished, then that must be so. But as His Holiness said in Ilien, and as Pontiff Kharnmoin said last season in the Imperial City... something is brewing. And taking steps today, to ensure Anuire until such a time as the elite forces of the Conclave of Temples once more stand ready in full force to lend aid in the fight against the Shadow, could be vital for Anuire's continued existence. For *our* continued existence..."

Finishing her little impromptu speech, Aubrae takes one of the scrolls and unfurls it on the table in front of her, putting small weights brought for the occasion in each corner to prevent it from rolling back up.

"The Treaty of Bindier" she begins "binds every signatory in a military defensive pact with one another against the minions of the Shadow.

A) In case of an incident or invasion by the shadow - referred to in this document hereafter as a Shadow Incursion - any regent who is part of this pact may, should he feel himself unable to protect his people against the Incursion, send forth a plea for assistance to the other treaty-signatory's, as well as the coordinating instance.
For the purpose of such pleas, a Shadow Incursion is defined as any instance wherein agents of the shadow have been identified, or there is reasonable suspicion or evidence which indicates their involvement in the events for which help is requested.

At the beleaguered treaty-signatory's plea for help, each signatory would, by agreement, be asked to offer aid to help the beleaguered party. This help can be everything from military assistance to arcane aid or other mundane means, but should be what they can, when they can, to overcome the current Incursion - based on the single premise that the next Incursion might hit them.

B) In the case of military aid, the beleaguered party agree to allow military forces belonging to other signatories across his borders, providing they are fully supplied. The beleaguered party will be made aware of who will be sending aid by the coordinating instance, though, to prevent the shadows minions from becoming aware of army composition, precise numbers and vector of arrival, certain elements may be purposefully omitted from any letter if it is believed that a risk of interception of such dispatches by the enemy. Other types of aid is resolved on a case to case basis.

C) The coordination of aid going to any beleaguered signatory is overseen by a centralized court with sufficient resources available to ensure a smooth process and as short a delay in responses possible, thereby lifting the workload from the beleaguered regent.

D) Until anything else is agreed upon by the signatories, that coordination will be undertaken by Her Highness, Princess Aubrae and her court. "

She looks up.
"Is this acceptable for everyone? Should anything be added or removed? Remember we are trying to keep this as simple and fluid as possible."
Aubrae Avan,
Princess of Avanil, Duchess of Taeghas

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Re: #71 Bindier - Defense against the Shadow
« Reply #55 on: March 18, 2012, 04:15:11 PM »
Ghorien stands.

"If that is as the text is written for signature then the Duchy of Ghieste is prepared to sign such a document, without changes."

And Ghorien takes his seat again, smiling at the room.
His Grace Ghorien Hiriele,
Duke of Ghieste,
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Offline X-Tuornen/LF (Geir)

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Re: #71 Bindier - Defense against the Shadow
« Reply #56 on: March 18, 2012, 04:20:08 PM »
Emissary Lauriel Anviraele stands to speak again,

She nods to the Princess with a sweet smile, eyes cast down,

Is it so that the suggestion to offer the role of coordinator to the Imperial Chamberlain has been disregarded without due discussion?”

She take her place again.
Laela Flaertes, By the Grace of Haelyn Duchess of Tuornen

- Geir
Tuornen / LF

Offline X-Avanil/Aubrae Avan (Thorsten)

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Re: #71 Bindier - Defense against the Shadow
« Reply #57 on: March 18, 2012, 04:49:59 PM »
"It has." Aubrae replies offhandedly and shrugs. "When the Chamberlain shows up and signs the treaty, we can discuss your suggestion. Until then all your words will do is stall these talks unnecessarily."

She turns to Ghorien. "Your support is heartfelt. I am happy to see that there are those that still wish the best for Anuire."
« Last Edit: March 18, 2012, 04:52:33 PM by Avanil/Aubrae Avan (Thorsten) »
Aubrae Avan,
Princess of Avanil, Duchess of Taeghas

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Offline X-Roesone/SG (Shido)

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Re: #71 Bindier - Defense against the Shadow
« Reply #58 on: March 18, 2012, 06:59:16 PM »
Count Traese Noelon stands :
"No changes in the text are necessary for Roesone to sign the treaty."
Count Saender Ghoried
Crown Regent of Roesone
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Offline X-Brosengae [Cloene] (Linde)

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Re: #71 Bindier - Defense against the Shadow
« Reply #59 on: March 18, 2012, 07:47:53 PM »
"Excellent! So now we have a decent core."