OK! - Thanks people, but don't sell yourselves short. We'll need people manually copy/pasting content soon enough.
I think what we need to do first, is to describe what we would like to have.
So, let the brainstorming begin. Post your requirements, how obscure they may be, and I will try to collect it all together in some structured form.
My own thoughts:
1. The P&H, as a reference catalog available to all users.
- A "Hidden" flag to be possible to set on any object/holding by the DM, and thusly have it be invisible and not counting in the "visible" world.
2. A Player Realm view, where is it, whats it called, what does it own. The P&H+Domain Secrets+DO
a. DO creation, or rather "turn planning"
- Long term scheduling, setting up long term scenario plans.
- Army unit tracker, where are they, who has interest there, other units in same location
- Who else is active in the areas where the realm has interests, what is their status?
- Diplomatic agreements, holding support, building access, army movement access etc. define types
b. DM NPC realm view, with "cheat" functions, ability to set any value and change anything.
3. A DM view, what actions are up, what do they affect, which ones overlap, who has set influence up to be triggered by any of the events set to happen?
- The ability to march the game forward 1 Turn. The plans for that turn, ready or not, of the players take effect and become frozen to editing by the players.
- NPC realm scripting. "Equilibrium" lock, keeps realm static if no players interfere.
i. Smart scripting, flag preferred holding types and provinces of interest, rule until full, don't let prosp. go lower than -2, agitate when all ruled up, then... etc. Control by policies instead of detail scripting.
4. Rule database interface. All actions and events have a ruleset. Most of these are based on a set of variables, it must be possible for Bjørn to enter this area and tweak the variables for the different game components. Actions, units, spells etc.
5. Character Registration, when a player wish to submit a new character, he will use a specific form for it, to make it easy for Bjørn to accept, refuse or ask more details.
- Create character "bluebook" where all characters flagged "public" can be looked up.
- Make it possible to do Espionage and as a result receive person info on "secret" characters.
Thats all I have this second... Your turn.