--In Moriel Grand--
Marlae shakes her head with some amusement and disgust as Tristan walks past the window where she sits reading a missive; he curiously approaches her.
"My Queen, you seem in better humor this fine morning," he says with flourish, guile and charm -- all of which is lost on the Queen.
She exaggeratingly rolls her eyes - it would be hard to tell if they like one another or barely tolerate one another.
"Apparantly, Landon rains death, doom and destruction upon Sutren Hills. I have little doubt that the Patriarch's...pets...suffer dearly from his attentions," she says.
Tristan nods slowly.
"What of our liege, my lady?" he says, gingerly - Marlae is annoyed again.
"He goes to un-fuck what your cousin has clearly fucked," she says.
"I suppose the only question is whether he will leave Morcosoer a virign or whore," she says standing and taking her leave, casually dropping the missive into Tristan's lap.
"Tristan, do make sure that makes its way to our liege," she says.
--North of Ansien--
The Archduke has somewhat slowed his pace northward. Instead, he speaks with the Patriarchm until news of the events in Sutren Hills reaches him, at which point, a spark of fury presses him onward and inviting the Patriarch to join him.