My understanding: IC discussion is closed until the new turn is announced to begin. OOC talk can proceed, but all negotiations, agreements, etc. - basically anything you'd need to copy Bjorn and Jon on - should be made IC after the turn begins. Burying Bjorn and Jon under hordes of emails is NOT going to get the turn done any faster, regardless of the reasons for its delay. Patience.
Niels - You can write up stuff now, if you know what you need to say, and simply save it until the turn begins, as Geir's doing. Unfortunately, the DM's time is almost always our most limiting factor, not the players' time. Since they have to read and consider everything we send out, calling a ban on communications is the only way for them to get a break while they work on the SR and P&H. Not only would lifting that slow them down more, it'd also add to their workload, which could lead to them burning out. Which nobody wants.
Until we successfully finish lobbying for government grants to provide paychecks for full-time DMs, we're just going to have to live with it, I'm afraid.