Author Topic: Boer vs Avan #64  (Read 20345 times)

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Offline X-Medoere & RCS/KE (Thorsten)

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Re: Boer vs Avan #64
« Reply #15 on: July 30, 2009, 09:46:44 PM »
There is a general stirring in the camp. Officers dare the biting wind, trotting from tent to tent, group to group checking the battlereadiness of the troops. Loose tongues talk about the enemy moving from Isilden, some claim they head east towards the camp, others that they are braving the mountains to head home.

Apparently, there is some truth to some of it though, as the Baron has been seen speaking into the long hours of the night with his commanders, and his sword has been ordered sharpened anew.

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Re: Boer vs Avan #64
« Reply #16 on: August 04, 2009, 10:42:46 AM »
War move 6:

The men are suffering terribly from the cold, but perhaps that cannot be helped.

In the meantime you have gotten confirmation; the enemy army in Isilen is marching towards you.

Will you have enough strength to face them? Perhaps, but Enlien is very concerned about the oral of his men. Especially the mercenaries; they've soon to be reassigned to garrison work, have already fought harder than they had expected, and now the bloody cold.

DM Bjørn

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Re: Boer vs Avan #64
« Reply #17 on: August 04, 2009, 12:21:39 PM »
When the order finally arrives, it is not what everybody expected.
"Pack camp! We head to Carrida!"
A new zest seems to find men, who only minutes before barely had the energy and strength to move in the blizzard.
Yes it is cold, and yes the wind bites like a hungry wolfpack, but the quicker the camp is disembled, the quicker the army can march on what is hopefully warmer territory and garrison duty.

The army is to march south, leaving behind the Isilien detachment of fast cavalry to deterr immediate pursuit. What cannot be carried is discarded and destroyed, to leave as little for the foe as possible.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2009, 12:23:49 PM by Medoere & RCS/KE (Thorsten) »

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Re: Boer vs Avan #64
« Reply #18 on: August 04, 2009, 01:10:28 PM »
War move 7:

The baron, already aware of the potential of an attack from Isilen, quickly effects a retreat to Carrida. Screened by the cavalry there are no incidents en route.
DM Bjørn

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Re: Boer vs Avan #64
« Reply #19 on: August 04, 2009, 02:06:35 PM »
Feeling the mens mood lighten as the storm is left behind, the Baron of Medoere also takes a deep breath, relishing the fact that it is ordinary winter cold, and not a storm of magical proportions, that nibbles at his exposed skin.
Leaving the camp had been the right choice, he felt. Now the defenders left behind could squabble with their 'saviours' about the biting cold their magician had employed, which, even though the allied forces had felt them worst, undoubtly had let to much misery in the castle as well.

To the south of them lay Carrida, already freed of oppressive forces, and a castle in friendly hands. Kaven looked forward to greeting the general again. Even though his lack of etiquette had prompted him to dislike him at first, fighting beside built certain bonds... besides he would be a welcome sight, especially if he had a glass of mulled wine anywhere upon his person.

Kaven looked back at the men marching behind him. The mercenaries had been promised garrison duty, and he would make good that promise, though it would most likely mean, that men who where now cozy in bunk beds in a barrack would have to camp outside to see that promise through.
He shrugged, after the weather they left behind, he kinda looked forward to resting in a tent near a castle with access to a hot bath and at least some manner of shelter.

- Those mercenary units promised garrison duty, are send to assist General Maelcolm in Caer Carr, while the men who have spent time resting there are drawn out. (I do not know if they actually rested enough to recover lost damage, so if they miss a few weeks or so, they should stay.)
- The rest of the army camp besides the castle.
- Is Brosen forces still holding the other side of the river? If so, then a dispatch is sent to them (if so, I'll write the actual dispatch and send it per mail.)

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Re: Boer vs Avan #64
« Reply #20 on: August 04, 2009, 02:23:33 PM »
There are more desertions, but not more than you'd expect. And of course there is some rape and pillage as the men release some pent-up frustration. But that is also to be expected. Not to be condoned, but expected. The men also manage to spend a lot of hard-earned silver in Carrida, so its not all bad for the locals. The end result is that prosperity in Carrida goes down a little, but the morale of the men are back up to acceptable levels.

Ser Maelcom, however, is not so forthcoming. He'll have no more men inside the castle (nobles and officers are of course welcome to stay, but no more units), nor will he release any of those under his command to Enlien. Special orders from Prince Avan it seems. He's quiteadamant.

Yes, there are Brosen men drawn up on the other side of the bridge, but only one faction now. Some count or the other.

(I take it your cav continues to track and screen the Boer force?)

DM Bjørn

Offline X-Medoere & RCS/KE (Thorsten)

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Re: Boer vs Avan #64
« Reply #21 on: August 04, 2009, 03:38:02 PM »
The Baron dispatches a rider to the bridge, soon after settling in and seeing his men encamped.

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Re: Boer vs Avan #64
« Reply #22 on: August 20, 2009, 02:26:46 PM »
The Baron returns and things settle down. The enemy is up north, but make no threatening moves against the brave defenders of Carrida.

War move 10 begins
DM Bjørn

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Re: Boer vs Avan #64
« Reply #23 on: August 20, 2009, 03:07:10 PM »
Leafing through more reports from home, this one about the current situation concerning the city-state of Ilien, Kaven rubbed his temples in an effort to stave of a throbbing headache.

The men seemed happier now, able to rest themselves without fear of not waking in the morning due to extreme cold. The Baron shook his head... that the foe would sink to the point of attacking the populace and their own allies with arcane powers of such magnitude, in order to hit the allied army was beyond him. It showed that he did something right though... but he recieved little joy from that fact.
Leaving the reports from far away, he turned to more immediate concerns. Some of the mercenaries would soon have to leave the army. Their contract-period was up, and it seemed that not everyone wished to stay on. He guessed cold coin could not make up for the cold weather.

He shrugged as he picked up a pen, and put it to parchment.
If their time was up, and he was to loose them anyways, he might as well put them to good use, prior to their departure. They had been promised garrison duty... well let them work for the cause in the meantime. He would send those mercenaries who where to leave soon anyway, to Barisen. They could reinforce the hill for a week or two... at least untill reinforcement came from elsewhere. They would be closer to home too, and he wouldn't have to listen to their irksome demands anymore. Yes, that seemed reasonable.

Closing the marching order, he dripped some hot wax on it, and pressed his seal into it. With riders out to screen the foe to the north, their immediate threat would be to loose the hill and get cut off from the east. Yes, this seemed the propper thing to do.

I believe some mercenary contracts are about to end, but I as a player don't know which (Kaven would probably)... those that are, will go to Barisen and garrison there. That way they will protect the hill untill their contract is out (2 weeks) and allow for the main army to feel more secure. Some scouts and outriders will go with them (whether their contract is up or not) and ride ahead of the column: This should provide the hill with moddest scouting capabilities (and the mercs while marching), and at the very least warn them in case something odd happens.

Outriders in Barisen: Spearheading Merc column and providing intel in Barisen
Merc Officer Dael Nichaleir (Commander)
Lion Scouts Ghieste Mercs B
Lion Outriders 2nd Ghieste Mercs E

Outriders in Brosien: Scouting/screening the Boer main army
Outriders Diemed Mercs E
Dragoons Vet Diemed W
Dragoons Diemed Mercs E
Dragoons Vet Diemed B

Cavalry Detachment:
Ser Hadrian (Commander): Veteran Avanese commander (Prince's own guards)
Lancers Elite Carr W
Lancers Elite Carr E
Knights Legendary Avanil (NEW) W
Knights Crack Diemed B (from Hill)
Knights Crack Avanil B (from Hill)

Avanese (incl. vassals and mercs):
Ser Tael Brosuine (Commander)
Pikes skilled Avanil merc B
Pikes skilled Avanil merc E
Halberdiers Veteran Avanil (NEW) E
Crossbows Green Avanil (NEW) W
Crossbows Green Avanil (NEW) W
Partizans Green Avanil (NEW) B
Partizans Green Avanil (NEW) E
Irregulars Avanil Green (NEW) E (from Carrida detachment)
Irregulars Avanil Green (NEW) W
Irregulars Avanil Green (NEW) E
Irregulars Avanil Green (NEW) W
Irregulars Avanil Green (NEW) E
Regulars skilled Avanil merc E
Regulars skilled Avanil (NEW) E
Artillerists Elite Avanil (NEW) B
Mounted Armsmen Veteran Avanil B
Mounted Armsmen Crack Avanil (NEW) W
Halberdiers Veteran Carr W
Halberdiers Veteran Carr W
Pikes Veteran Carr OK
Pikes Veteran Carr E
Militia - Taeghas OK
(How much militia from a lvl 4 province?)

Diemans (incl. vassals and mercs):
Baron Kaven Enlien (General): Field marshal (i.e. acting battlefield commander)
Pikes Skilled Endier B
Crossbowmen Skilled Endier E
Archers Veteran Medoere OK
Regulars Green Diemed B
Regulars Diemed Mercs E
Pikes Diemed Mercs E
Halberdiers Skilled Endier B
Archers Diemed Mercs E
Archers Diemed Mercs W

Lion Armsmen 1st Ghieste Mercs B
Lion Armsmen 2nd Ghieste Mercs E
Lion Regular 3rd Ghieste Mercs E
Lion Regular 5th Ghieste Mercs E
Lion Regular 6th Ghieste Mercs E
Lion Crossbows 1st Ghieste Merc E
Lion Crossbows 2nd Ghieste Merc B

Detachment (Ashien)
Duchess Aubra Avan: Mage/ruler of Taeghas
Partizans Green Avanil (NEW) E
Regulars skilled Avanil merc E
Regulars skilled Avanil (NEW) W
Regulars skilled Avanil (NEW) B
Armsmen veteran Taeghas OK
Archers skilled Taeghas
Archers skilled Taeghas
Archers skilled Taeghas
Archers skilled Taeghas
Irregulars green Taeghas
Irregulars green Taeghas
Irregulars green Taeghas
Irregulars green Taeghas
Catapults skilled Taeghas
Catapults skilled Taeghas
Militia - Taeghas OK
Militia - Taeghas OK
Militia - Taeghas OK
Militia - Taeghas OK

Diemean Fleet - Unknown numbers

Detachment (Carrida - Inside Castle):
Ser Maelcom (General): Ghieste contingent commander.
Lion Mt. Armsmen Ghieste Mercs B
Regulars skilled Avanil merc B
Regulars skilled Avanil merc E
Crossbows Green Avanil (NEW) E
Crossbows skilled Avanil merc W
Militia - Taeghas OK
(How much milita from a lvl 7 province?)


Detachment (The Hill):
Swordsmen Veteran Roesone B
Archers Veteran Roesone Detached W
Archers Veteran Roesone Detached E
Mounted Armsmen Crack Diemed Detached W
Mounted Armsmen (RCS Templars) Crack Medoere Detached OK
Regulars Diemed Mercs B
Armsmen Diemed Mercs B
Swordsmen Veteran Medoere B
Militia - Taeghas OK
(How much militia from a level 5 province?)


Prince Darien Avan (General): Left for Avanil
Hit by heavy arrow fire; fought Boer core troops.

Ser Cereval Shaeme (Commander): Grievously injured

Destroyed in turn #63 - War move 9
Balistae Raw Ilien E
Artillerists Skilled Endier  E
Pikes skilled Avanil merc B
Pikes Veteran Ilien B
Lion Crossbows 3rd Ghieste Merc B
Lion Crossbows 5th Ghieste Merc B
Crossbows skilled Avanil merc B

Destroyed in War move 5
Outriders Diemed Mercs W
Destroyed in turn #63 - War move 4
Lion Outriders 1st Ghieste Mercs D
Partizans Green Avanil (NEW) D
Pikes Veteran Avanil (NEW) D
Crossbows skilled Avanil merc D
Pikes skilled Avanil merc D
Crossbows skilled Avanil merc D
Pikes Veteran Avanil (NEW) D
Balistae Raw Ilien D
Pikes Veteran Roesone D
Swordsmen Veteran Roesone D
Lion Regular 2nd Ghieste Mercs D
Dragoons Diemed Mercs D

Destroyed in turn #63 - War move 1-3
Armsmen Elite Medoere D
Regulars Veteran Medoere (Alamier) D
Swordsmen Veteran Medoere D
Swordsmen Raw Ilien D
Lion Regular 1st Ghieste Mercs D
Lion Regular 4th Ghieste Mercs D
Pikes Skilled Endier D
Halberdiers Skilled Endier D
Skirmishers Green Diemed D
Crossbowmen Skilled Endier D
Crossbowmen Raw Ilien D

Destroyed in turn #62
Scouts Green Endier D

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Re: Boer vs Avan #64
« Reply #24 on: August 25, 2009, 02:15:58 PM »
The season eand without further incidents in the West.
DM Bjørn