Author Topic: Boer vs. Avan #62  (Read 16138 times)

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Boer vs. Avan #62
« on: March 10, 2009, 03:18:21 PM »
Although not much more than rumors, some news from the West have reach the City of Anuire and the Sword and Crown:

Brandon Boer has somehow landed a large force right in the heart of enemy territory, slipping past Avan's main defensive line in Brosien. There are wild tales of Tenouirean buccaneers and Islander reavers slipping past Ashien's river defenses by dragging their ships overland, and then launching them on the river once past the towers and catapults of the capital. Clearly this cannot be true!

Regardless; once again Brandon he has used his command of the sea to move his army to achieve strategic surprise, which is no mean feat against a skilled general like Baron Canelan Daulton. Anyway, up in Brosien Daulton had word that Baron Bacaere was approaching at the head of the Boeruine army. Drawing up for battle in an prepared and very advantageous position, the general suddenly had word that a force of several thousand hardened warriors had appeared at the rear of his army!

Both sides fought hard for several hours, Lord Daulton actually managing to keep his force cohesive and redeploy to meet this new threat. Unfortunately for the Avanese Lord Daulton, who was forced to fight on the front lines because of the situation, was killed around noon by Brandon Boer. Their leader felled and their camp and provisions already under enemy control proved too much. The Avanese broke.

Had it not been for the heroic efforts of Count Wynn Zoest (formerly in Ilienese employ) it would have turned into a general rout. As it were Lord Zoest rallied the defenders, broke the Boer flank, and brushed away Brandon's forces holding the camp. After securing provisions they retreated in good order.
DM Bjørn

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Re: Boer vs. Avan #62
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2009, 10:55:07 PM »
Marquis (or thane as they call him in the West) Moergan of Thasbyrn has lead a raiding force deep into Avanil, reaching as far as Coere!

It is also reported that a paladin of Haelyn was slain by the thane in a small cavalry engagement not far from Toergenvale Manor (in Coere). The Western Imperial Temple mourn his passing.
DM Bjørn

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Re: Boer vs. Avan #62
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2009, 11:21:41 PM »
The Avanese army has fallen back to the province of Barisen (but obviously not before Moergan penetrated their lines and slipped into Avanil proper), where they have a strong defensive position while at the same time threatening Boer's flank, preventing him from moving freely south.
DM Bjørn

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Re: Boer vs. Avan #62
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2009, 11:33:23 PM »
A Dieman army of great size is said to be massing in Moere.

Moreoever, both Archduke Diem and Duke Hiriele are active on the mercenary scene.

The dogs of war gather...
DM Bjørn

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Re: Boer vs. Avan #62
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2009, 02:04:51 PM »
Clearly rumors spread by Boer's sailors, but nevertheless:

While Lord Zoest and the Avanese army has remained encamped in defensive positions in Barisen, awaiting reinforcements, the end of the S&C and their Prince, Boer has struck against the capital of Brosengae. There, according to the story, he found the Duchess waiting for him, eager to slip out from under the Avanese yoke.

The astute observer of war and politics will not that this makes little sense; even Boer's army cannot be in two places at once. It cannot be both blocking Zoest's army AND seizing the capital. And even Boer could not have staged any heroic raid or such and captured the city AND the Duchess.

No, subterfuge is the likely explanation; Prince Avan has been defeated not only on the battlefield, but also on the political scene. Brandon Boer must have bought the Duchess' allegiance BEFORE the campaign even started, or at least convinced her to join his course should he manage to take Taeghas.
DM Bjørn

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Re: Boer vs. Avan #62
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2009, 10:04:17 PM »
Darien Avan, fearing the worst, force-marches his army north, sending his scouts and outriders (such as there are) before his host to link up with Zoest...only to find the tattered remnants of the Grand Avanese army marching back home, their banners hanging limply.

Treachery indeed; the army of Brosengae must have been ready to move even as Brandon set course of the City of Anuire. He did it to make sure Zoest did not movewhile the made ready for battle...had the Prince know he could have averted this disaster and been able to gather all his hosts.

Now he can only move forcefully to block any Boer pursuit of his fleeing army; and he does so with great zeal. Personally leading the cavalry he repeatedly engages the pursuing Boers, who have less cavalry them him, having dispatched part of it to Core already, finally routing them and taking Baron Bacaere prisoner.

But Barisen is lost, as the Baron of Tenarien sends his infantry legions forward to secure the high ground; Avan can only curse and pull back. Not three days later the advance guard of the Dieman army arrives in Devan to join forces with him.

War move 11 to begin.
DM Bjørn

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Re: Boer vs. Avan #62
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2009, 10:13:10 PM »
War move 11:

Avan still has a potent army; the remnants of his own Avanese army, as well as his freshly hired mercenary army. Unfortunately he doesn't have much cavalry, and his own men are weary, while the mercenaries are untested.

Diem's force is also potent, a mix of musters, auxiliaries and mercenaries. These are steady men, even if they have not all fought together. They are also quite fresh. But Diem too has little cavalry.

Boer's army is mostly infantry now - but situated well on hilly high ground - and ot easily dislodged...
DM Bjørn

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Re: Boer vs. Avan #62
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2009, 11:57:22 AM »
General Maecolm, Commander of the Army of White Lion, the force assembled by Ghieste, looks across the maps and drawings and reports before them in the command tent. A grizzled veteran, he scowls at the various numbers but a glimmer appears in his eyes as he begins to see some possibilities

"Sir's, so they have taken to the hilly ground above; well what information do we have on their supply lines, their current numbers and what is their level of provisions in their current position? Cos it's all very well sitting on top of a hill but if you have no water or just what you have carried then you have 3 to 5 days, at the most, before your ranks start to desert on mass. With just their baggage train then they have perhaps 7 days food? Any force they send to forage or meet up with supplies we can harry or pick off, constantly depleting their numbers. In fact we could force Boer to attempt a relief attempt, one we could well prepare for, perhaps?"

"And if they do intend to sit on the hill then I would suggest breaking out a siege weapon or two - a few rocks in the middle of the night, or even just oil barrels, will keep them awake - there is nothing breaks a man's spirit like exhaustion and few men can sleep when they are waiting for the next sound of the falling weight of a trebuchet."

"And if we want to pull them off sooner? Well I have a few ideas on that one to though they involve a little acting on the parts of our various leaders..."
His Grace Ghorien Hiriele,
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Re: Boer vs. Avan #62
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2009, 08:32:55 AM »
DM Bjørn

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Re: Boer vs. Avan #62
« Reply #9 on: March 29, 2009, 08:37:07 AM »
Avan seems content to hold the lines, as does Boer's forces. Both sides probably needs time to reorganize and resupply.
DM Bjørn

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Re: Boer vs. Avan #62
« Reply #10 on: March 29, 2009, 11:14:24 PM »
OOC: There's some engieneers with the army. Would it be possible for them, to construct some sort of contraption, that could throw various objects at their fortified position?

With a little contingent of his personal guard, Kaven rides along the Avan/Diem lines, to assess the foe, while striking up conversation with some of the commoners.
"Haelyn's blessings, good man," he offers in his southern accent, to one Avaneese soldier, weary from the last weeks hard duress, "we'll see them off soon enough, eh?" he comments to another.

Returning at last to the main camp, he dismounts and seeks out the Archduke, to partake in the map-session.

"I would agree, that it would be best, to keep them on their toes, perhaps by use of light siege weaponry. I feel I must insist though, that we need to offer them the possibility of surrender first.

I've been in similar situations before. If we decide to assault, the cavalry we have will be of little use, and should instead circle around the hill, and deal with reinforcements and the likes, or stay here in reserve and outrider positions, in case something unforeseen happens. Also, we need to have several lines, and someone capable of recognizing weak spots, and send or lead reinforcements to plug a hole.

We have to consider several things: First of, Brandon Boer is NOT with this army as far as we are aware. That alone, speaks highly for an assault. The longer we wait, the longer we risk falling into the same situation as I heard rumours of, at the Sword and Crown, where the Avaneese suddenly found themselves attacked from several sides.

The Avaneese are weary though, and could do with rest. Perhaps we could stage some raids of the Boeruine positions with our Diemean troops, and wear them out, preferably with a minimum of casualties, while the Avaneese get their breath back? There are a lot of possibilities, all with merits and flaws here."

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Re: Boer vs. Avan #62
« Reply #11 on: March 30, 2009, 08:26:39 AM »
Darien Avan, fearing the worst, force-marches his army north, sending his scouts and outriders (such as there are) before his host to link up with Zoest...only to find the tattered remnants of the Grand Avanese army marching back home, their banners hanging limply.

Treachery indeed; the army of Brosengae must have been ready to move even as Brandon set course of the City of Anuire. He did it to make sure Zoest did not movewhile the made ready for battle...had the Prince know he could have averted this disaster and been able to gather all his hosts.

Now he can only move forcefully to block any Boer pursuit of his fleeing army; and he does so with great zeal. Personally leading the cavalry he repeatedly engages the pursuing Boers, who have less cavalry them him, having dispatched part of it to Core already, finally routing them and taking Baron Bacaere prisoner.

But Barisen is lost, as the Baron of Tenarien sends his infantry legions forward to secure the high ground; Avan can only curse and pull back. Not three days later the advance guard of the Dieman army arrives in Devan to join forces with him.

War move 11 to begin.

Note: From this text it is implied that Boeruine's forces are in BARISEN, while DIEM/AVAN/GHIESTE is in DEVAN.

It is, however, OK to assume that your scouts have made contact with the enemy and discerned their location and general deployment.
DM Bjørn

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Re: Boer vs. Avan #62
« Reply #12 on: March 30, 2009, 10:35:01 AM »
OoC: FYI, I believe Sheldon is generally unavailable during the weekends.

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Re: Boer vs. Avan #62
« Reply #13 on: March 30, 2009, 09:21:41 PM »
IC: War move 11 ended, without much happening.

Word is brought to Avan that Carrida has not fallen, but that the Baron continues to hold out; he's lost most of his field army since it was with the Grand Avanese army, but he's got enough troop and supplies to withstand a looong siege. Good news!
DM Bjørn

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Re: Boer vs. Avan #62
« Reply #14 on: March 30, 2009, 10:04:30 PM »
(pseudo OOC {My regent's desires, but not his exact words})  I would want to press the attack while the men on the hill are still disorganized, Giving Avan's forces a chance to regroup while my own coalition have the advantage of rest and the enemy is still off balance.

I would first, as Baron Enlien notes, give them a chance of surrender.  Any Brosengae soldier who throws down their weapons and armor, and walks towards our lines in the next hour, will be bound, taken into custody, and treated humanely until the end of the war, when they will be repatriated.

After the hour, pound them throughout the night with our artillarists and Ballistae (ooc or in theory, until their ammunition runs low, or we cannot find any more things of sufficient mass or appropriate incindiarity to hurl at them). and then close, Ghieste's forces of the left (If he is willing to attack with us), mine on the center and right, making a U. as soon as the archers are in range for indirect arcing fire they should set fire to their arrows and rain flaming death on the enemy encampment.

(OOC: can this still happen in 11 or very soon after we arrive?  Normally my wife forbids me any RoE time on the weekends.  I can normally sneak an email or two, but if I get caught on the computer for too long my hands get smacked for being a negligent father.  :-[ )
« Last Edit: March 30, 2009, 10:33:52 PM by Diemed/Carvaloen Diem (Sheldon) »
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