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Re: Prelude: Cadian Dawn (IC)
« Reply #315 on: June 02, 2014, 01:42:33 PM »
Soon thereafter a voice can be heard over the ships inter-vox system: "This is Sergeant Kremiel of the Dark Angels. By the will of Inquisitor Maegon of the Holy Orders of the God-Emperor's Inquisition I have been named Watch Captain of the Deathwatch. Furthermore, by the will of the Inquisitor, I take command of this vessel and all those aboard it. Submit and you shall have safe passage, regardless of your pedigree. Resist, and you shall feel the wrath of the Angels of Death."

A thought occurred to him and he quickly connected to Derryck, "Once we have left Cadia and the situation has calmed down somewhat, see if you can find out any more about this prisoner the Dark Angels are holding.  I feel we may need additional leverage."

"I will. I've never heard of Astartes taking otehr Astartes prisoners. It is always victory or death with those types."
DM Bjørn

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Re: Prelude: Cadian Dawn (IC)
« Reply #316 on: June 02, 2014, 01:47:05 PM »
Elsewhere on the ship:

The squats have managed to regain control over the enginarium, killing the Relictor scouts guarding it in the process. The enginarium seems relatively intact.

The second half-squad of Relictor scouts are unaccounted for: A massive explosion rips through the ship's guts as the contents of the armory explodes. Only the hardened natural of the armory-vault saves the ship from total annihilation. No trace of the scouts can be found; they may have fled into the bowels of the vessel.

DM Bjørn

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Re: Prelude: Cadian Dawn (IC)
« Reply #317 on: June 03, 2014, 07:19:37 AM »
Kremiel: "Magos. As you can see the Inquisitor's men made quite a mess of the bridge." He indicates the damage done, particularly by the servitor's autocannon, to the bridge controls. "See what you can make of it. Also, these must be incinerated." He indicates the corpses of the dead, one of which have been covered by a polymer sheet, partially concealing the monster underneath. "There was...a warp-related incident during the fighting...we were forced to offer the Emperor's peace to the survivors of the fight. Only the Inquisitor and his interrogator remain. So make sure this is done discretely. I'd rather not have to purge the ship's complement any further."

Well, at least he doesn't try and hide his actions, mused Azrael.  Fine, I'll play along for now.

"Once we have taken off you can eject the bodies into the plasma drive exhaust, that should serve to destroy any corruption.  I have medical personnel on the way to tend to..."

He was just about to continue when the floor shook beneath them from what was evidently a massive explosion somewhere below them.

Azrael growled angrily, "I had barely finishing repairing this damned ship, why is everyone determined to blow it up again before we even get off this bloody planet!"

Turning back to the Dark Angel, he started again, through gritted teeth, "As I was saying I have medical personnel on the way to tend to the Inquisitor and his Interrogator.  If you would secure the corpses I will see what can be salvaged."

Another pair of Dark Angels arrived to assist with the corpses.  The marines swiftly cleared the corpses of the Relictors and the Inquisitorial agents to the sides of the bridge, while moving Lexander and Hrothgar to the rear.

Once the bridge had been cleared as much as it could be Kremiel ordered his newly promoted Sergeant, Nodai, to  take Tephon and Rodias and ensure move the corpses of Lexander and Hrothgar to the rear of the ship, and guard them until they could be disposed of.  Though it was probably not necessary, as Nodai turned to follow the other two off the bridge Azrael added, with genuine weariness in his tone, "If you could find whoever caused that blast before they destroy the ship it would make things easier."

Kremiel nodded, "I have already sent instructions to the rest of my men to that effect."

Nodai, Tephon and Rodias headed off to ensure the warp-tainted bodies were secured until they could be thrown into the superheated plasma, while Gamon departs in a different direction with a shield and what looks like an odd crystal orb.  Azrael hadn't noticed either object before, the Dark Angels must have placed them out of sight before he arrived.  Much as he would like to know what they are, he rather suspects that Kremiel is unlikely to tell him, so he puts it out of his mind for now.

Kremiel and the remaining two Dark Angels remain on the bridge, with Zeriah and Asteus taking up guard positions on either side of the doorway.

Shortly after the Dark Angels had left Irena arrived with several assistants.  Azrael motioned them over to where Maegon and Nemus lay.  He had tied a makeshift tourniquet around Nemus's severed leg and had begun disassembling Maegon's armour.  Power armour contained many systems to assist in tending wounds and keeping its occupant alive.  Maegon's had tried to help, but it was too badly damaged to be that much use, and it would be easier for Irena to stabilise him and get him to the infirmary without it.  The Inquisitor was unbelievably frail without his armour, and manoeuvring him onto the stretcher was easy.  Fortunately both the Inquisitor and the Interrogator looked like they should survive.  Nemus had lost a lot of blood, but he was still breathing and now that they had staunched the flow would hold on long enough to reach the infirmary.  The Inquisitor's stomach wound was serious, and there was no way of telling here exactly what internal damage it had caused, but stomach wounds were always a slow wound, even if they were unpleasant.

With Maegon and Nemus stabilised Irena's assistants lifted up the stretchers and carried them out of the bridge.  Kremiel assigned Asteus to guard the two patients, Azrael wasn't entirely happy about that, but he couldn't really complain.  He briefly stepped off the bridge himself to have a quiet word with Irena about the drug Maegon had used.  Although his own knowledge of it was not as extensive as he would have liked, Kremiel seemed to be entirely unaware of it's provenance, and given the Dark Angel's earlier executions he wanted to keep it that way.  In any case, whatever else happened it was imperative to make sure Nemus was awake and lucid as soon as possible.

Azrael remained outside the bridge for a moment watching Irena catch up with the stretchers of the Inquisitor and Interrogator.  He was just about to turn and head back in when Rhein approached from a different direction.

[OOC: Adjusted to take into account LordPyscho's suggestion that the Dark Angels really wouldn't leave the bridge unguarded.]
« Last Edit: June 07, 2014, 10:36:29 PM by Dragon Lord »

Offline Rhein

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Re: Prelude: Cadian Dawn (IC)
« Reply #318 on: June 03, 2014, 06:26:15 PM »
The fierce battle outside had quickly turned into a stalemate. While the first waves were utterly shattered crossing the open ground to the voidship (and many of the riffraff trying to rush into the defenders ranks still shared this fate) the more experienced of the attackers utilisied the natural cover the battle was constantly providing: the droves of the dead and half-dead as well as the craters made from the constant ordnance.

"Adept Rhein, you are required on the bridge immediately, someone will guide you there."

Rhein was far from pleased when his call came in. Who was he? They had made the deal that he and his warmachines would secure the main hatch. He was no gopher for no Magos. And especially no Adept to no Magos. He wouldn't bow to no Omnissiah-worshipping lunatic. There was a battle raging on and such he decided that such a scarce order would have been overheared.

A couple of minutes later he changed his mind. The fight outside was getting fiercer and fiercer and, what bothered Rhein the most, it was coming closer.  The first grenades had been exchanged and some of Hrothgars troops already had contact. Especially the flamethrowers of the Carbideblest were keeping enemies away from them, but the dead Wulfens troops weren't that lucky. He wasn't too fond of getting entangled in close combat warfare and the Salamander had already intercepted some small calibre rounds. When a massive tremble was rocking through the ship behind him, he got convinced to leave the battleground and investigate.

"Angelica! The command is yours. Listen to Norr and ZRN and don't lose my men. You know how to reach me. Chief-Assembler: Hasten up. I want a smoothe embarkation if the situation calls for it."

Soon after Rhein and his small group arrived before the Bridge: Rhein was accompanied by impressive legionaires in spiked and edged, well-maintained flak/plate armor (giving the impression of carapace armour), herding one of his archo-flagellant like drugged creations around. He was aiming to make a dangerous impression, albeit far from friendly. Most probably it was luck, too, that he didn't run into the Dark Angels. And he was blissfully unaware of the "Inquisions" command of the ship.

"Magos Azrael.." Rhein smirked when he arrived before the bridge, putting an emphasis on his rank.

"My gratitude is far from servitude. Do not order me around. Let us come to an equal footing: Neither am I your subordinate, nor am I an Adept of your Cult Mechanicus. I have to ask you to refrain from calling me like that."

With a gesture he motioned his escort to stay at the doors (and keep watch), while he walked over to Azrael, keenly eying him.

"What is it that you are going to ask from me?"

[OOC: Obviously, if the Dark Angels remain on the bridge, some edits are needed

---Erased a part, should work now--]
« Last Edit: June 12, 2014, 10:01:21 AM by Rhein »

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Re: Prelude: Cadian Dawn (IC)
« Reply #319 on: June 04, 2014, 01:45:43 AM »
[OOC: Now edited in line with the other changes]

"My gratitude is far from servitude. Do not order me around. Let us come to an equal footing: Neither am I your subordinate, nor am I an Adept of your Cult Mechanicus. I have to ask you to refrain from calling me like that."

"What is it that you are going to ask from me?"

Azrael regarded Rhein and the group with him coolly.  The ends of his mechadendrites were covered in blood and oil both from working to stabilise the Inquisitor and Interrogator, and from the omnipresent gore that covered most of the equipment in the bridge.  One of them dripped quietly.

So this was the one who had contacted him earlier.  Judging by the appearance of his followers armour he believed in dressing for intimidation.  Azrael could appreciate that, while he would probably not have not anything about his bloody mechadendrites in any case he was quite aware of how it would look and did nothing to dispel the impression.  Unfortunately for him, particularly after everything that had happened recently, Azrael didn't feel very intimidated, in fact if people had once called him a heretic based on appearances, that applied to this group far more so.  What Azrael took greater note of was the arco-flagellant like creature.  He found such things rather distasteful, but it was clearly a work of some skill, and that was promising for Rhein's usefulness, even if he did have a bad attitude.

Adopting a neutral tone to match his impassive expression, Azrael responded to the newcomer.

"Very well Rhein.  However, given your knowledge of Mechanicus communication protocols and evident expertise," Azrael waved a hand at the creature, "it is hardly surprising I would assume that you were an Adept of the Mechanicus."

"Who you are, and what your affiliations are, is of no real concern to me," he paused, and then raised an eyebrow at Rhein's followers, "though I'm afraid you may find that our allies the Dark Angels have a rather less magnanimous outlook."

Considerably less, if their execution of the last of those who witnessed the battle on the bridge is anything to go by, Azrael added to himself.

Azrael watched the smirk leave Rhein's face at that.  At least the damned marines can be useful for something.

"As you will see in a moment," Azrael gestured around the bridge, "we had something of a... situation... up here, hence the shortness of my earlier message, and as we have a somewhat limited window to get off this godsforsaken rock, someone else with technical expertise would be useful."

"Of course, you are welcome to take your chances with the hordes outside and the exploding hive if you would prefer," he added, in the same intentionally neutral tone he had been using throughout.

Azrael saw Rhein's eyes widen slightly at that.  "Oh yes, you probably wouldn't be aware.  "We aren't sure exactly how long we have, but we have good reason to believe that the hive is going to detonate rather spectacularly in the very near future."
« Last Edit: June 20, 2014, 05:58:43 AM by Dragon Lord »

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Re: Prelude: Cadian Dawn (IC)
« Reply #320 on: June 04, 2014, 03:53:32 PM »
Soon thereafter a voice can be heard over the ships inter-vox system: "This is Sergeant Kremiel of the Dark Angels. By the will of Inquisitor Maegon of the Holy Orders of the God-Emperor's Inquisition I have been named Watch Captain of the Deathwatch. Furthermore, by the will of the Inquisitor, I take command of this vessel and all those aboard it. Submit and you shall have safe passage, regardless of your pedigree. Resist, and you shall feel the wrath of the Angels of Death."

"Nodaï ?"

"Yes, Ser... I mean, Captain ?"

"You are the new Sergeant."

The Dark Angels examine the deck equipments, damaged by the recent battle.
Adepts of the Mechanicum will be needed to make the necessary reparations.
Fortunately, Magos Azrael should be on the way.

Meanwhile, Kremiel and his men examine the Relictor's bodies, who fell around the control panels.

"Nodaï, look at this one."

"Looks like a Librarian. And this jewel incrusted in his armor..."

"Remove it. You heard the last words of the Inquisitor."

Nodaï draws a chainknife and begin cutting the power armor around the artifact, knowing instinctively that he has better not to attack the Orb directly.

Gamon and Zeriah return the massive body of that was once Hrothgar.
Below is Lexander's shield, detached from the arm of its bearer.

Kremiel has no time to examine the shield with greater care, as Azrael enter the bridge.

Azrael activated the door to the bridge and stepped through into the scene of carnage as Kremiel was stooped studying the corpses of Lexander and Hrothgar.  Though he hadn't done an exhaustive count Azrael was quite certain that there were a couple more corpses than there had been earlier, it would seem the Dark Angel had decided to dispose of witnesses.

"A fine sentiment Sergeant," Azrael said, keeping his voice neutral and suppressing the contempt he felt.  The hem of his robes trailed through a pool of blood as he strode across the bridge toward the Dark Angel.
"Unfortunately, without me no-one is going anywhere," he continued, sweeping his hand across the chaos of the bridge, taking in the shattered control systems.

Kremiel: "Magos. As you can see the Inquisitor's men made quite a mess of the bridge." He indicates the damage done, particularly by the servitor's autocannon, to the bridge controls. "See what you can make of it. Also, these must be incinerated." He indicates the corpses of the dead, one of which have been covered by a polymer sheet, partially concealing the monster underneath. "There was...a warp-related incident during the fighting...we were forced to offer the Emperor's peace to the survivors of the fight. Only the Inquisitor and his interrogator remain. So make sure this is done discretely. I'd rather not have to purge the ship's complement any further."

Well, at least he doesn't try and hide his actions, mused Azrael.  Fine, I'll play along for now.

"Once we have taken off you can eject the bodies into the plasma drive exhaust, that should serve to destroy any corruption.  I have medical personnel on the way to tend to..."

He was just about to continue when the floor shook beneath them from what was evidently a massive explosion somewhere below them.

Azrael growled angrily, "I had barely finishing repairing this damned ship, why is everyone determined to blow it up again before we even get off this bloody planet!"

Turning back to the Dark Angel, he started again, through gritted teeth, "As I was saying I have medical personnel on the way to tend to the Inquisitor and his Interrogator.  If you would secure the corpses I will see what can be salvaged."

"Thank you for your assistance."

Then he turns toward the four other Dark Angels.

"Brothers, please make some space for the Magos."

"Yes, Captain."

The superhuman strength of the Space Marines allow them to move the bodies with a speed inaccessible to humans.

Another pair of Dark Angels arrived to assist Kremiel with the corpses of Lexander and Hrothgar.

Quickly, they liberate space around the control consoles for Azrael's convenience.

The Relictor's bodies are aligned along the left wall, while the dead inquisitorial agents are aligned along the right wall of the bridge.

Azrael can note that the Dark Angels seem reluctant to touch Hrothgar's twisted body... and that Lexander's headless body has been placed with another Relictor at the rearmost extremity of the bridge, opposite the door, partly hidden behind a control block.

He also note the names of the different Dark Angels.
"Captain" Kremiel, "Sergeant" Nodaï, Gamon, Zeriah, Asteus, Tephon, Rodias.

Did the Inquisitor really named Kremiel Watch Captain of the Deathwatch and Ship Commander ?

Anyway, the arrogant Space Marine does not seem ready to leave the bridge.

Instead, he sends his newly appointed Sergeant and two other battle brothers to do the dirty job.

Nodaï nodded and headed off to ensure the warp-tainted bodies were secured until they could be thrown into the superheated plasma.

Shortly after the Dark Angels had left Irena arrived with several assistants.  Azrael motioned them over to where Maegon and Nemus lay.  He had tied a makeshift tourniquet around Nemus's severed leg and had begun disassembling Maegon's armour.  Power armour contained many systems to assist in tending wounds and keeping its occupant alive.  Maegon's had tried to help, but it was too badly damaged to be that much use, and it would be easier for Irena to stabilise him and get him to the infirmary without it.  The Inquisitor was unbelievably frail without his armour, and manoeuvring him onto the stretcher was easy.

Once during the operations, Kremiel approaches to see Azrael at work, without saying a word, then returns near Lexander's body.

Fortunately both the Inquisitor and the Interrogator looked like they should survive.  Nemus had lost a lot of blood, but he was still breathing and now that they had staunched the flow would hold on long enough to reach the infirmary.  The Inquisitor's stomach wound was serious, and there was no way of telling here exactly what internal damage it had caused, but stomach wounds were always a slow wound, even if they were unpleasant.

As they worked Azrael filled Irena in on what he knew of the drug that Maegon had used (though that was not much), and that whatever else happened it was imperative to make sure that Nemus was awake and lucid as soon as possible.

That crisis dealt with for now, and Irena heading back to the infirmary with her two new patients, Azrael turned back to the bridge equipment, painfully aware of how much time they had lost already.  Hopefully Rhein would get here shortly and prove to be of some use.

As Irena prepares to leave the bridge with Maegon and Nemus, Kremiel asked one of his men to watch over the Inquisitor.

"Asteus, you will remain with the Inquisitor to protect him. Impossible to know who's still lurking in the corridors of this ship."
"Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a thousand battles without disaster." Sun Tzu

"No campaign plan survives first contact with the enemy" C. von Clausewitz

"You are a ghost, a figure that stands between light and dark, trapped amid the grey." Malcador the Sigillite

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Re: Prelude: Cadian Dawn (IC)
« Reply #321 on: June 04, 2014, 08:05:28 PM »
Kremiel orders a battle squad of five formed to search down and destroy any 'rogue elements' this aboard the ship. Specifically this means the unaccounted for Relictor scouts - plus any Relictors still in the apotecharium.
DM Bjørn

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Re: Prelude: Cadian Dawn (IC)
« Reply #322 on: June 11, 2014, 10:27:44 PM »
On the bridge

While Azrael and Rhein are speaking outside, and tech-adepts are repairing the damages of the recent battle, Kremiel examines the bodies of Lexander and Adorus... and their tainted artifacts.

Nodaï extracted the part of the Librarian's armor including the orb, a fist-sized dark and sickly crimson sphere from which emanates a sense of lurking evil perceptible even to the untrained mind.

And the huge shield...
A tearful eye is watching Captain Kremiel from the center of the shield, as if through a crimson mist.
"Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a thousand battles without disaster." Sun Tzu

"No campaign plan survives first contact with the enemy" C. von Clausewitz

"You are a ghost, a figure that stands between light and dark, trapped amid the grey." Malcador the Sigillite

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Re: Prelude: Cadian Dawn (IC)
« Reply #323 on: June 17, 2014, 12:21:36 PM »
The remnants of Lexander's group still pose a challenge, as does the presence of the Tenebrous Cabal in the depths of the ship. The Dark Angels are hunting the former. The latter are a big unknown.

The bulk of Hrothgar's warband has been crushed. They are no longer a factor, unless some of the warlords wish to recruit from their remnants.

Rhein's band has successfully navigated the battlefield with only light casualties and are now boarding the Sensibilious. Other (mostly smaller) groups have also made it aboard during the chaos, but none pose a major challenge (and can become a source of followers).

It is time to get the ship off the ground...
DM Bjørn

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Re: Prelude: Cadian Dawn (IC)
« Reply #324 on: June 20, 2014, 06:10:53 AM »
Azrael turned back to the doors of the bridge.

"If you will follow me, I will show you the extent of the damage and introduce you to our new Captain."

If Rhein was listening carefully he might have noted just a hint of sarcasm when he said the word Captain.

"You may want to ask your followers to remain out here."

With that he keyed the doors to open and stepped through.  As he did so Kremiel looked up at the sound.  After he had walked forward a few steps, Azrael stopped by the Dark Angel.

"Rhein, allow me to introduce you to Watch-Captain Kremiel of the Dark Angels.  Kremiel, this is Rhein, a tech-adept who recently arrived.  His warband is assisting in holding the main entrance, and I am hoping he will be able to assist me with the repairs to the bridge."

Offline LordPsycho

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Re: Prelude: Cadian Dawn (IC)
« Reply #325 on: June 26, 2014, 02:01:23 PM »
Azrael turned back to the doors of the bridge.

"If you will follow me, I will show you the extent of the damage and introduce you to our new Captain."

If Rhein was listening carefully he might have noted just a hint of sarcasm when he said the word Captain.

"You may want to ask your followers to remain out here."

With that he keyed the doors to open and stepped through.

As he did so Kremiel looked up at the sound.

Captain Kremiel is interrupted in his contemplation and raises the head.
Azrael just returned, accompanied by another persona.

The Space Marine takes a quick look back on the eye, but the latter disappeared, leaving him with a strange sensation, as if waking from a dream.

He sighs and walks slowly toward Azrael and the other man.

After he had walked forward a few steps, Azrael stopped by the Dark Angel.

"Rhein, allow me to introduce you to Watch-Captain Kremiel of the Dark Angels.  Kremiel, this is Rhein, a tech-adept who recently arrived.  His warband is assisting in holding the main entrance, and I am hoping he will be able to assist me with the repairs to the bridge."

"This one does not looks like a tech-adept." thinks Kremiel.

"Glad to meet you, Rhein. No cybernetics, no red robes ?...

His cold eyes behold Azrael, then return to Rhein.

"Anyway, please do your best together to ensure that the ship can leave this doomed planet as soon as possible."
"Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a thousand battles without disaster." Sun Tzu

"No campaign plan survives first contact with the enemy" C. von Clausewitz

"You are a ghost, a figure that stands between light and dark, trapped amid the grey." Malcador the Sigillite

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Re: Prelude: Cadian Dawn (IC)
« Reply #326 on: July 08, 2014, 11:42:11 PM »
After the dust had settled outside and an eery silence washed over the fields of bodies (except for the occasional agonized screams of the deceasing) the Carbideblest turned on what remained of the formerly big warband of the wulfen. They were not to take chances with this rabble, especially with what remained of his bodyguard openly swearing at the Carbideblest cowardice who obviously used them as their meatshield, themselves only taking a (literally) couple of fatalities. It was a quick, unexpected death - their remains were mopped up while they were yet trying to reorganize, just getting out of their cover, tending to their wounded. They would have had a severe lack of confidence into those that would easily betray Hrothgars warband and their comrades just to join the Carbideblest Newborn - and letting them live to spread word or grow to strength again was out of question.

Rhein gave his warband a call to use some other recruiting methods after his small chat with the Astartes - if one thing was for sure, then, it was that they trusted each other as far as they could throw a dreadnought. Which wasn't too far, speaking for Rhein.

"That is probably why I am still alive, Captain. A carapace armor has some considerable advantages compared to a red robe. Shouldn't you know better to judge a book by his cover, but I guess I am not the one to judge you either. Huh. I admit I did not expect an Astartes out here. Less a full squad of Dark Angels - you wouldn't be full of surprises, too, would you?"

One would guess the fact that the Dark Angel did not outright shoot him for this tease was a good sign. There again, what Rhein could grant the captain instead of judging him was solid help of getting this ship of Cadia faster.. and some personel that could probably help operate the bridge, after the battle would have subsided. He on the otherwise was awarded with the Dark Angels protection for as long as his warband was on this ship. Still, even while their small chat included some smirks, teasing and pleasentries it was clear to both of them that their timely alliance was born out of necessity, not out of trust.

Following Rheins instructions, the Carbideblest began to dismantle armour parts from their warmachines as well as store them in the hall behind the main entrance and send some backup in form of ex-techpriest Trueborn that could prove to be a boon in repairing the ships bridge. Inclusive bodyguards. In the meanwhile the rest of them split up to set up camp in the main floor and make it more defensible and suitable to their needs.. and to loot the battlefield of everything remotely useable and grant the dying the mercy of a quick end. Angelica on the other hand, on Rheins personal orders stalked the battleground for potential recruits to bolster their ranks: individuals that could prove to be a worthwile addition to the Newborn. She found quiet a couple of crippled and mortaly wounded that had shown some courage and skill in the slaughter and, after apologizing in the name of the Carbideblest, offered them the possibility to live a new life under their banner in exchange for medical treatment and bionical replacements, now that their old life has come to an end. It was misfortune that they ended up on the opposing front and thus had to meet their ultimate end, but a select few of those that fought so hard for their survival would thus be given another chance to perform better - and to join ranks with much more advisable company.

Whilst a few of them insisted on harboring something you could call a negative attitude towards her and thus signed their death sentence (quiet knowingly, you could guess), most of those individuals she had noticed in the past slaughter were too canny to reject this offer. Now flooded with injured (and comatose), the Newborns infantry would still grow quiet effectively as soon as these battleproof veterans were able to get properly integrated into their Legionares after their treatment and rehabilitation. Should everything work out as planned, the abundance of time while travelling through space would work for them.

Meanwhile tech-adepts of the Trueborn had reached the bridge and a task schedule had been set up. Chief-Assembler Norr had been sent to the battlefield to harvest some living, organic replacement parts for the damages (and fatalities) of the servitor crew, following the instructions of 'Magos' Azrael. The Trueborns had mostly been assigned to superficial and more crude damages, since their battle armament misfortunately made it impossible to conduct more delicate repairs, leaving them to Azrael and Rhein.

"I must admit", the latter canted smirking, "the pace and fineness of your damage analysis of servitor units CGU-197X and CGF-524H was quiet a joy. It has been a while to work with a.. superior mind."
« Last Edit: July 11, 2014, 04:38:35 PM by Rhein »

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Re: Prelude: Cadian Dawn (IC)
« Reply #327 on: July 27, 2014, 12:20:10 PM »
Time to move: You've had the chance for some fighting and interaction. Now the ship will take off, commanded by the newly self-promoted Watch-Captain who's claiming to be acting on the Inquisitor's behalf...

You can of course continue to bicker, plot and explore once the ship is off the ground!


The ship has been repaired to the best of Azrael's (considerable) abilities. Moreover the vessel has been pried loose from the ruins of the outpost city, and made ready to take off (not as advanced, but requiring lots of labour). The various warbands have taken their places on board, met violent ends, or simply been left to rot on the carnage fields around the vessel. When the ship finally clears the ground there are a lot of prayers offered to a great variety of gods, saints, and daemons in thanks...

None too soon I might add: As the ship starts to lumber up and away there is a tremendous explosion in the heart of Kasr Hemshin, like a thousand nuclear fires has been lit at the same time. The voidship's shields and hull protects it from the worst of the radiation, the heat pulse, and the force of the blast, but still you are buffered and thrown about. Next there is a sickening feeling of falling, as the explosion suddenly becomes an implosion, sucking everything back in towards the centre. All on board fear you will be consumed, but the moment of dangers passes - the ship, and Azrael's repairs, have held. The Sensibilious soars upwards on roaring pillars of plasma, unconstrained by the limitations of gravity.

Below you the shattered remnants of the once-mighty hive are sucked down into gaping maw of darkness, deep inside the planet's crust. Massive fault lines rip through the lands around the hive, whipping up gargantuan tsunamis, and creating devastating earthquakes. To add a final insult to injury, the very atmosphere around Hemshin catches fire, incinerating everything for hundreds of kilometres.

What could have caused such tremendous damage? A cyclonic warhead perhaps?
DM Bjørn