Author Topic: Prelude: Cadian Dawn (IC)  (Read 137225 times)

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Offline Lurk Skywalker

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Re: Prelude: Cadian Dawn (IC)
« Reply #45 on: October 18, 2013, 02:49:42 PM »
The quest and usage of Chaos artefacts by the Relictors had been driven by a deeply ingrained consideration, that mere humans would have translated in their weak minds as fighting fire with fire.

The abundance of human and probably less human materials in the area led the Lector to consider them to further the achievement of his own most sacred missions. Conscious of the preciousness of lives of his loyal brethren from the last pure chapter of Imperial Marines not blinded and misguided by the Inquisition, the Lector sets out to gather around him human tools and thus create an expendable host.

« Last Edit: October 18, 2013, 02:53:27 PM by Lurk Skywalker »

Offline Stonecrown Coster/MB (Rune)

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Re: Prelude: Cadian Dawn (IC)
« Reply #46 on: October 18, 2013, 03:11:42 PM »
{I am Nouri and even my untrained eyes can tell that the situation at the ship shall become untenable quickly.  Ships need crews and yet, desperateness may rob that one of hers before she can even be the beacon of hope that is drawing some one towards her.}

{Perhaps there is a way that your and yours and I and mine might change the course of fate for that ship, and also ours as well, enough to get off this crag.}

For some time, Gaius stays quiet. Then Nouri feels the light touch of his response, a feeble and erratic voice from far away.

"You are not wrong, psyker. The ship will prove valuable, no doubt, if we are able to gain control. Yet, ......" The message becomes a faint whisper, too weak for Nouri to understand. Then, it returns: ".... I suggest you come to our camp, so we can meet in person. Someone of your strenght should have no trouble finding me".
"Send this gift to Count Gladanil... Tell him to buy himself something pretty".

Offline Ohlaak (Alan)

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Re: Prelude: Cadian Dawn (IC)
« Reply #47 on: October 18, 2013, 05:38:23 PM »
Nouri smiles.

{But there is much to be done.  That ship will need supplies and parts which will not be found in the wilderness, but rather the hive. And yet, that is not all that will be needed. The ship and crew must be protected while repairs are made and its injured are tended to. I daresay our meeting will be delayed for a brief time.} he says and reaching out to the captain of the ship.

{You must know what some of the most likely outcomes are for your ship and crew?  But why should you except this fate when you have so much left to accomplish in the name of your lord?  There are those of us within the waste who can help you - soldiers to bolster your ranks and protect your ship, technician to help raise your ship, raiders to help you find supplies and psykers to help hide you while this all happen.  All you must agree to is to take us from this crag.}

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Re: Prelude: Cadian Dawn (IC)
« Reply #48 on: October 18, 2013, 06:11:01 PM »
Corporal Usher nods to his men, as a silent order to obey without discussion.
The five men drop their weapons.

Usher offers the handle of his chainsword to Derryck as sign of submission.

"We have no hostile intent. We came to see the ship."

Derryck accepts Usher's chainsword while the others collect the weapons his men dropped.

"I presumed as much," said Derryck flatly.  Then pointing up the hill with Usher's chainsword, "this way, the boss will want to meet you."

Derryck directs Usher and his men up the hill to where Azrael has set up a small base of operations in a ruin almost completely hidden amongst the rocks.

About half-way there they pass not far from where Locum-Lector Galrek is hiding.  Derryck is quite certain that they are being watched, but as no attack comes he does not say anything, simply noting the spot so he can discuss it with Azrael later.  Watchers who don't attack immediately suggests a more organised and cautious group, who could make useful allies in this endeavour, or else more dangerous enemies.

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Re: Prelude: Cadian Dawn (IC)
« Reply #49 on: October 18, 2013, 06:36:32 PM »
Derryck directs Usher and his men up the hill to where Azrael has set up a small base of operations in a ruin almost completely hidden amongst the rocks.

Usher and the four Spiders follow Derryck quietly.

For sure, their equipment is in better condition than our.
I wonder who their "boss" is...

The Caporal is surprised to discover that the "boss" is a Magos of the Adeptus Mechanicus, named Azrael Kane. He wears a carapace armour instead of red robes, but his four mechadendrites and the strange light in his augmentics eyes leave little doubt.

"Please accept my sincere greetings, Magos. As said to the Sergeant here, our squad of five men was send the see the ship. We have no hostile intent. Our Master only gave us an observation mission."

Guessing the coming question, Usher avoids the Magos to ask:

"We serve Inquisitor Maegon Solemnys, of the Ordo Hereticus."
« Last Edit: October 18, 2013, 06:43:43 PM by LordPsycho »
"Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a thousand battles without disaster." Sun Tzu

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Re: Prelude: Cadian Dawn (IC)
« Reply #50 on: October 18, 2013, 06:46:40 PM »
"Please accept my deep respect, Magos. As said to the Sergeant here, our squad of five men was send the see the ship. We have no hostile intent. Our Master only gave us an observation mission."

"Indeed there are many groups who have come to investigate the ship, finding one that is not hostile is a pleasant surprise," replied Azrael, with perhaps just a hint of sarcasm, "I should like to speak to your master, do you have a means of contacting them?"

Offline LordPsycho

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Re: Prelude: Cadian Dawn (IC)
« Reply #51 on: October 19, 2013, 01:16:14 AM »
"Indeed there are many groups who have come to investigate the ship, finding one that is not hostile is a pleasant surprise," replied Azrael, with perhaps just a hint of sarcasm, "I should like to speak to your master, do you have a means of contacting them?"


Caporal Usher hesitates just a fraction of second.

"Secured frequency. "

But that should not be a problem for you...

"937.2 MHz. 3GP24 standard. Keyword Enigma One-Six-Nine."

Usher indicates the radio confiscated by Derrick's men:

"Our vox-device is set with the correct parameters, except the keyword. But it suffered some damaged these past years... I you have a better device..."
"Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a thousand battles without disaster." Sun Tzu

"No campaign plan survives first contact with the enemy" C. von Clausewitz

"You are a ghost, a figure that stands between light and dark, trapped amid the grey." Malcador the Sigillite

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Re: Prelude: Cadian Dawn (IC)
« Reply #52 on: October 19, 2013, 01:11:35 PM »
"Our vox-device is set with the correct parameters, except the keyword. But it suffered some damaged these past years... I you have a better device..."

Azrael gestures to Derryck to pass him the vox.  He gives a quick inspection and then says, "I do indeed, however I can repair this one easily enough.  Consider it a gesture of goodwill."

He then proceeds to rapidly partially dismantle the vox-set and sends someone to fetch a couple of parts.  After a short time he finishes tweaking components inside the device and reassembles the casing, handing it to Usher.

"I think you will find that it is as good as new.  You may speak to your master yourself."

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Re: Prelude: Cadian Dawn (IC)
« Reply #53 on: October 19, 2013, 07:43:40 PM »

They press on and manage to reach Lancer and his crew without confrontation. The Scourge assembled again, they expand the camp and build more makeshift fortifications. Come morning, it is time to get a full view of the situation.

The Scourge has been reunited. They have lost 3 troopers during the march - one to a mine, one to an unseen sniper and one lost, presumed dead.
DM Bjørn

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Re: Prelude: Cadian Dawn (IC)
« Reply #54 on: October 19, 2013, 07:46:48 PM »

The abundance of human and probably less human materials in the area led the Lector to consider them to further the achievement of his own most sacred missions. Conscious of the preciousness of lives of his loyal brethren from the last pure chapter of Imperial Marines not blinded and misguided by the Inquisition, the Lector sets out to gather around him human tools and thus create an expendable host.

The Marines kill the leader and officers of another small warband that have set up camp in the vicinity. The procedure is fairy standard - use the scouts to gather intelligence, the strike swiftly and with overwhelming force using the marines. The survivors of the warband are given a simple choice - swear allegiance or die.

You now have 2 squads of poor-quality troopers.
DM Bjørn

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Re: Prelude: Cadian Dawn (IC)
« Reply #55 on: October 19, 2013, 09:02:53 PM »
Night falls on the second day (but do feel free to continue your conversations before moving on).

During the dark hours some unknown forces mounts a fairly large-scale assault on the ship. They stage from the ruined fort-town and attack the bow of the vessel - the ship's defences have poor firing arcs and the rubble provides ample cover for the attackers.

Do you wish to interfere?

DM Bjørn

Offline LordPsycho

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Re: Prelude: Cadian Dawn (IC)
« Reply #56 on: October 19, 2013, 11:00:32 PM »
"Protect your mind, Nemus. I must read the future paths before deciding possible actions."

The Inquisitor did not survive 182 years without being very provident.

The Pilgrim. Like yesterday...
Five of Discordia - The Warlock. Rogue psyker displaying his psychic powers.
The Tower. Once more, Maegon already drew this card yesterday...
Master of Mandatio - The High Lord. Guidance, planning for the future...
Strenght. Serenity, comprehension, discipline,  inner strength.

The meaning is clear.

They must keep going higher.

Maegon feels disturbances in the Immaterium. Like... flux and reflux of psychic energy between two points of the material world, through the immaterial world. He recognizes psychic communication between two powerful entities.

But the Inquisitor has not regain enough power to interfere. Since his mental duel with Sorcerer Malifarius of the Death Guard six months ago, his body and mind have not recovered their full abilities.

Up. I feel that something of great interest is waiting for me up there.

@Maegon: The polluted air is getting thinner and colder. Four thousand meters above the surface of Cadia your men are beginning to feel the effects of the climb and the climate - the hive is no longer sealed against the environment in any meaningful fashion. For all his own weariness the Inquisitor is among the fortunate; he can just seal his armour and enjoy the comforts of a controlled and steadily replenished atmosphere. It is no exaggeration that you, and you alone, could go to the very top.

Still, you must push on, at least of a while longer. Fate has revealed that you will be tested over the next few days, but that if you stay true you will be rewarded. It could be interpreted as meaning you'll find some of what you're after higher up; as you've correctly deduced some of the higher areas may still contain some useful gear.

"Nemus, you take command. I have to keep climbing. Alone."

The Interrogator thinks a moment to object, but he knows that it would be useless.

"Alright. Good luck, Master."

Azrael gestures to Derryck to pass him the vox.  He gives a quick inspection and then says, "I do indeed, however I can repair this one easily enough.  Consider it a gesture of goodwill."

He then proceeds to rapidly partially dismantle the vox-set and sends someone to fetch a couple of parts.  After a short time he finishes tweaking components inside the device and reassembles the casing, handing it to Usher.

"I think you will find that it is as good as new.  You may speak to your master yourself."

Usher thanks the Magos and calls the Inquisitor once more. This time, the vox-device seems to work perfectly, without being affected by interference.

While the Inquisitor prepares to resume his ascension, Sergeant Malavida calls him:

"Inquisitor ! We just received a new call from Caporal Usher !"


Maegon thinks of his penultimate draw, this morning.
Six of Adeptio - The Tech-priest.
Unity ?

"Caporal, glad to hear you. What are the news ?"

"Inquisitor, we just met Magos Azrael Kane and the Nar-Ghosts."

Just as expected.

"There is a lot of agitation around the ship. Several other unknown factions..."

"Usher, please activate the speaker."


"Magos, my name is Maegon Solemnys, Inquisitor of the Holy Ordos. Please accept my sincere greetings. I'm glad to know that my men are in good company. Also it's a pleasure to know that the Adeptus Mechanicus has still representatives on this cursed planet."
« Last Edit: October 19, 2013, 11:47:18 PM by LordPsycho »
"Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a thousand battles without disaster." Sun Tzu

"No campaign plan survives first contact with the enemy" C. von Clausewitz

"You are a ghost, a figure that stands between light and dark, trapped amid the grey." Malcador the Sigillite

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Re: Prelude: Cadian Dawn (IC)
« Reply #57 on: October 20, 2013, 01:29:50 AM »
"Magos, my name is Maegon Solemnys, Inquisitor of the Holy Ordos. Please accept my sincere greetings. I'm glad to know that my men are in good company. Also it's a pleasure to know that the Adeptus Mechanicus has still representatives on this cursed planet."

There is some degree of muttering amongst the Nar-Ghosts present in the room at the mention that Usher's master is an Inquisitor.  Azrael is not fazed by it however, he knows a few things about the Inquisition, most importantly that there are two types of Inquisitor, the kind that adopts a 'burn them all and let the Emperor sort them out' attitude, and the rather more, shall we say, pragmatic kind.  Quite rightly Azrael doubts that any of the former variety would have survived on Cadia this long, while one of the latter variety might be a useful ally.

Azrael waves his hand for quiet while responding, "Thank you, Inquisitor.  Judging by your sentiments I would guess that you are as eager to find a way of this 'cursed planet' as I, and I believe that in that cause we might be of use to one another."

Offline Ohlaak (Alan)

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Re: Prelude: Cadian Dawn (IC)
« Reply #58 on: October 20, 2013, 03:03:30 AM »
Night falls on the second day (but do feel free to continue your conversations before moving on).

During the dark hours some unknown forces mounts a fairly large-scale assault on the ship. They stage from the ruined fort-town and attack the bow of the vessel - the ship's defences have poor firing arcs and the rubble provides ample cover for the attackers.

Do you wish to interfere?

Nouri sits cross-legged and watches the bright flashes of the ships defenses, barely dimmed by the hazy smog, illuminate the darkness from his perch in the hive. "And so it begins," he mutters to himself while rubbing the beard that has grown since last he had a proper shave.  A subtle rustle to his left and Luliana comes to sits next to him.  Kiltren and a small group watch out while Ben jovially snores quietly.

"Master, should you not rest?" she says quietly.  He looks at her for a second before turning back to look upon the battle below.  "Champion, awaken the Thralls, I have need of their shadows tonight," he says.  She nods though he can already tell she would object if not for her training.

"Luliana, we have the components for a greater ritual and yet, I would not have that prevent us from our salvation. We yet have faith, Luliana.  You shall anchor them and I shall give them substance and purpose," he says curtly to which she nods to awaken the Thrall-Wizards.

Within 10 minutes all has been made ready and the Cabal begins its work. The Thralls stand arranged around Luliana  in a circle.  Four small braziers mark the cardinal directions around Luliana, their light casts the shadows of the men outwards. Nouri stands on the outside of the circle with an assistant and begins quiet chant which Luliana and each Thrall join in.  Nouri takes a small knife and cuts his right hand, letting the blood pool into his hand, before dipping two fingers in it to anoint each Thrall's forehead in runes of magic.  The thralls' shadows seem to writhe in anticipation as the magic begins to take hold.

Nouri behind each thrall in turn and seemingly thrusts his left hand it their shadows before flinging it upwards.  There is an audible snap as the Shadow is freed from its mortal tether and as this happens, each thrall is guided to the ground by Nouri's assistant as they collapse. When all the Shadow's are freed, they writhe about the area, before Nouri calls out to them - and they gather and listen.

"Ul-ras navacar, Nouri nul mothras. Vualrat ohmnulven. Dulshass Evenmoir poircen." [I, Nouri, call forth the faithful to battle. Go forth and bear our enemies into the Abyss. For we sacrifice them upon the alter of god as I command.]

With that Nouri throws out his right hand casting his blood upon them. As it rains upon them, it does not pass through them, but rather runs down their bodies.  They in turn bow deeply to Nouri before turning and jumping off the hive perch and melding to shadows of the night.

Nouri turns too look back upon Luliana who still slowly and quietly intones.  "Tether them well, Luliana. We do not want them to make sacrifice of my Thralls instead of my enemies," he says softly before turning and gracefully falling into lotus position to watch the battle and command the Shadows as a ghostly apparition upon the battlefield.

[OOC: The shadows are kinda envisioned like a hybrid of a d&d Shadow and say, a Dementor from Harry Potter.]

« Last Edit: October 20, 2013, 03:10:28 AM by Ohlaak (Alan) »

Offline Stonecrown Coster/MB (Rune)

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Re: Prelude: Cadian Dawn (IC)
« Reply #59 on: October 20, 2013, 10:49:46 AM »
Night falls on the second day (but do feel free to continue your conversations before moving on).

During the dark hours some unknown forces mounts a fairly large-scale assault on the ship. They stage from the ruined fort-town and attack the bow of the vessel - the ship's defences have poor firing arcs and the rubble provides ample cover for the attackers.

Do you wish to interfere?

From his viewpoint, Gaius observes as the battle continues. As he allows his mind to expand, he can smell the raw emotions on the battlefield: anger, fear, determination. In the back of his mind, excited voices are whispering. He smiles bitterly and shuts them out. "Hannah, come to me, there is a lesson to be learned here. Within minutes the girl comes up behind him.

"There are times when you have to choose not only whether to fight, but who to fight, Hannah. At this point, our "competitors" are a greater threat to us than the ships crew. And it seems as if they have the upper hand at this point. Let's see if we cant even out the battlefield, shall we? Lodge on to my mind and stay quiet, girl". She nods.

Together, their minds shifts to the battlefield. "The human mind can be a fragile thing, Hannah, stone cold in one instant, and burning with emotion the next. Rare is the person who can shield himself perfectly, especially if he has not been trained in the psychic arts. Look at this one, down here". They hover above a soldier taking cover behind a huge treestump. "Do you see his feeble shield? All humans have some form of natural resistance to outside influence. But without training, you will find the shield to be flawed, and weak". With a thin incision they move through a veil thin as silk, and his mind is open to them. Gaius tastes the soldiers emotions, before unleashing his own. The soldier screams in terror, eyes filled with panic. No longer able to control his emotions, he starts to flee, only to be hit by the defensive fire from the ship. Gaius moves on to another soldier, repeating his actions.

Now, moving from mind to mind like this is time-consuming. More precise, and more powerful, but time-consuming nonetheless. And there are already plenty of emotions on the field, can you smell them, Hannah? That feeling of doubt that lingers? Let us expand it". Expanding his mind again, he augments the feeling of doubt among those in range. Some soldiers stop for a second, before they shrug it off and continue, while others halt, clearly conflicted. And some starts to withdraw towards their base.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2013, 10:56:59 AM by Stonecrown Coster/MB (Rune) »
"Send this gift to Count Gladanil... Tell him to buy himself something pretty".