Wait.... volunteer? This isn't a paid position?
What I'm hearing here is partly a debate about the DCs involved in Hire Help, but mostly one about how you ACHIEVE those DCs. That says to me that not everyone is on the same page with how actions interact, or that not everyone agrees with how a process of actions does/should work. And that doesn't surprise me, because those were things I learned about Bjorn's style from play, not from reading the RG. Most of the information is in there, but the emphasis in the writing hasn't always been in the same places as the emphasis during gameplay.
I think we need to have a little more clarity about the results of using Regent actions, such as Diplomacy, Espionage, and Adventure, as Supportive Actions. I think we also need to discuss expectations of player knowledge (how much a player needs to know about his action's odds of success) - a player needs to know enough to have a chance at figuring out the best way to do things, but not so much that he expects to have total control over how things run.
Past that, Niels does have a point that there's several things in Hire Help that could be adjusted. What is the impact of a non-heroic character vs. a heroic one? Is that a distinction worth making in this game, or should we let go of the differences between 'NPC' and 'PC' classes and just worry about character levels? Is the bonus provided by being a Master of a skill (particularly Administration or Warcraft) equivalent to a +5 DC? I know I tended to go for those Masters on the majority of my Hire Helps, even at the cost of a lower character level.
Matt, are you saying you want to open a new forum section for threads like this? Sounds fine to me if so, and I'll kick things off in there and try to guide discussions to keep them productive, but I don't have the permissions in the forum to create areas. Do we want to just put this stuff in the Regent Guide section?