Author Topic: The future of RoE and the need for a DM team  (Read 31349 times)

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Re: The future of RoE and the need for a DM team
« Reply #105 on: April 24, 2013, 12:28:41 PM »
It IS a wrap. I cannot find the neccessary time/energy to keep things moving forward. Not for any length of time anyway; and the incessant star-stop was what killed the game in the first place.

So, the question is: What do we do now?

I understand there is quite som interrest in setting up a new game, but in what form? A RoE 2.5 that continues the current timeline - or soemthing entirely new?

I can contribute, either as a player or DM, but I have limited time until the end of 2013. So the new game will need a DM team of at least 2 people.
DM Bjørn

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Re: The future of RoE and the need for a DM team
« Reply #106 on: April 24, 2013, 12:44:56 PM »

I understand there is quite som interrest in setting up a new game, but in what form? A RoE 2.5 that continues the current timeline - or soemthing entirely new?

I'm interested.

IMHO I think it would not be fair a RoE 2.5. The RoE II's storyline and metaplots are B's ideas, known only to him, and a continuing the current timeline would require his support and so it will eventually lead the new game to a lot of start and stops.

I suggest a game based in another area of Cerilia parallel to RoE II.

I'm ready to be a player or also a Co-DM.

Offline DM B

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Re: The future of RoE and the need for a DM team
« Reply #107 on: April 24, 2013, 12:57:38 PM »
Things to think through:

- DM team; how many and who?
- how many players?
- geographic location (there are several good spots)
- geographic extent (from a local game with just a few realms to a really big RoE-type game)
- what types of domains will be available
- frequency of turns
- amount of interaction vs. focs on strategy
- number of turns to be played
- should agendas be used?
- rules?
DM Bjørn

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Re: The future of RoE and the need for a DM team
« Reply #108 on: April 24, 2013, 12:58:21 PM »
Also: Should MiloS be allowed to play a headless, possibly undead, regent or not? ;)
DM Bjørn

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Re: The future of RoE and the need for a DM team
« Reply #109 on: April 24, 2013, 01:04:31 PM »
- DM team; how many and who?
Can't help there. No time.

- how many players?
Always interested.

- geographic location (there are several good spots)
- geographic extent (from a local game with just a few realms to a really big RoE-type game)
- what types of domains will be available
I suggest picking a small location, like a realm or a region, the expanding as it fills up with players.

- frequency of turns
As a player, I can take anything less frequent than daily :)

- should agendas be used?
I loved agendas.

- rules?
As usual?

Also: Should MiloS be allowed to play a headless, possibly undead, regent or not? ;)
Headless One
Tasaenae Swordwraith,
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Offline X-Alamie/CA (Marco)

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Re: The future of RoE and the need for a DM team
« Reply #110 on: April 24, 2013, 02:46:28 PM »
Things to think through:

- DM team; how many and who?
- how many players?
- geographic location (there are several good spots)
- geographic extent (from a local game with just a few realms to a really big RoE-type game)
- what types of domains will be available
- frequency of turns
- amount of interaction vs. focs on strategy
- number of turns to be played
- should agendas be used?
- rules?

My two cents
I suggest a small number of players (i.e. the forum's members still active).
1) choiche of the area (any except Anuire)
2) rules same as RoE II
3) agendas must be used
4) landed realms of the area first assigned to players. When they're all filled up tlet then pass to temples and guilds
5) a new turn every 2 weeks

Offline X-Maesil Shippers/ML (Quentin)

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Re: The future of RoE and the need for a DM team
« Reply #111 on: April 24, 2013, 04:41:29 PM »
Things to think through:

- DM team; how many and who?
- how many players?
- geographic location (there are several good spots)
- geographic extent (from a local game with just a few realms to a really big RoE-type game)
- what types of domains will be available
- frequency of turns
- amount of interaction vs. focs on strategy
- number of turns to be played
- should agendas be used?
- rules?

My two cents
I suggest a small number of players (i.e. the forum's members still active).
1) choiche of the area (any except Anuire)
2) rules same as RoE II
3) agendas must be used
4) landed realms of the area first assigned to players. When they're all filled up tlet then pass to temples and guilds
5) a new turn every 2 weeks

1)no problem with that
2) I'm cool with the idea since I did not get enough practice to completely master the rules. I'll need to read again through them but it will be easyer than learning again from scratch, furthermore the current rule set seemed pretty much flawless to me
3) nothing to say 'bout that
4)I'm ok with that too and want to be part of it if I can still be considered as an active member
5)this should be discussed some more with the other players since it should take into account the number of interactions between players and players and the DM as well. Also wether or not this kind of schedule is doable would depend on the size of the domains.(I guess? Just saying that because at first I got a bit lost with the bookkeeping part)
Sometime I feel that I need to settle down... Find a farm, a family...
The slaughter them all and find a new farm and family!

Offline X-WIT/Toreas Kharnmoin (Rune)

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Re: The future of RoE and the need for a DM team
« Reply #112 on: April 24, 2013, 06:54:15 PM »
Things to think through:

- DM team; how many and who?
- how many players?
- geographic location (there are several good spots)
- geographic extent (from a local game with just a few realms to a really big RoE-type game)
- what types of domains will be available
- frequency of turns
- amount of interaction vs. focs on strategy
- number of turns to be played
- should agendas be used?
- rules?

- DMs: small team. It would have to be someone very experienced, of course.
- Geographic location: don't care as long as the backstory is insteresting.
- Geographic extent: Leaning towards local.
- Domains available: Mainly landed regents, but I like having some additional domains mixed in. Though if anyone suggests we have another CoT in the game, I'll ask to play a wizard and leave delayed blast fireballs under his bed.
- Frequency of turns: 2-4 weeks? Depends a lot on how much work would have to be put into domain orders and such.
- Interaction vs. focus on strategy: Up for debate, I'm a bit undecided at this point.
- Number of turns? Depends on the frequency. Having chapters/milestones are a good way to have shortterm goals and still be able to continue if we're still up for it.
- Agendas: yes please.
- Rules: I'm actually leaning towards a simplification of the current rules, to keep the "work" down to a minimum. And don't get me started on the building/ruling costs... :-D
Toreas Kharnmoin
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Re: The future of RoE and the need for a DM team
« Reply #113 on: April 24, 2013, 09:48:51 PM »
- Domains available: Mainly landed regents, but I like having some additional domains mixed in. Though if anyone suggests we have another CoT in the game, I'll ask to play a wizard and leave delayed blast fireballs under his bed.
Pls, leave at least one temple domain open for me ... ;)
And of course, agendas ! :)
Count Saender Ghoried
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Re: The future of RoE and the need for a DM team
« Reply #114 on: April 25, 2013, 12:58:34 AM »
I would love to get in as a player.

Also, I am still available to help DM, being retired I have lots of time to process turns and do the tedious data entry stuff (I actually kind of enjoy that).

As far as the scale and scope, I always sort of liked the idea of the players being the lesser nobles of an NPC realm, so there could be lots of petty court intrigue.

As far as agendas go, well I haven't used them in play, obviously, but I did like the idea of them.
Matilda Lilja, minstrel and teller of tales in the household of Otmar Messer, Lord Commander and Governor-General of the Realm Regained in Thurazor.

Offline DM B

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Re: The future of RoE and the need for a DM team
« Reply #115 on: April 25, 2013, 03:15:02 PM »
- Rules: I'm actually leaning towards a simplification of the current rules, to keep the "work" down to a minimum. And don't get me started on the building/ruling costs... :-D

That's the way to go I think; but I've put all rules development on hold until I'm done with current projects. But perhaps an enterprising DM can manage to simplify a bit within the existing framework?
DM Bjørn

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Re: The future of RoE and the need for a DM team
« Reply #116 on: April 25, 2013, 07:28:12 PM »
:) love to see there is activity on the forum.
If it would reduce the workload of DMs I can offer to play the "enemy". I refer to those unavoidable but often temporary powers that the regular players interact with.
Naturally I would prefer to be a regular player but we all have to do our share. And there can me much fun in playing an ogre raiding force for a few turns. They have their goals as well and such :)
Laela Flaertes, By the Grace of Haelyn Duchess of Tuornen

- Geir
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Re: The future of RoE and the need for a DM team
« Reply #117 on: April 25, 2013, 07:34:40 PM »
The distinction from regular player-powers would be such as stricter goals, lack of lands, prospects for survivability :)
Laela Flaertes, By the Grace of Haelyn Duchess of Tuornen

- Geir
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Re: The future of RoE and the need for a DM team
« Reply #118 on: April 25, 2013, 10:31:53 PM »
Things to think through:

- DM team; how many and who?
- how many players?
- geographic location (there are several good spots)
- geographic extent (from a local game with just a few realms to a really big RoE-type game)
- what types of domains will be available
- frequency of turns
- amount of interaction vs. focs on strategy
- number of turns to be played
- should agendas be used?
- rules?

1) I have loads of time right now, but that will end late august or early september when my daughter is born. So I would like to be a player or co dm in a 2-3 dm team depending on geographical extend and number of players.
2) A few or many... As long as we can manage to keep the game flowing and it is fun for everyone
3) Any.. I am also open to using other settings if dm team so choose
4) any.. Depending on number of players.
5) Depending on geographical extend in order of importance to me: Landed, Temple, Guild, Mage.
6) 1-2 weeks for email interaction and DO creation followed by 1-2 weeks with interactive forum actions followed by 1-2 week of DM resolving turns and returning them.... So 3-6 weeks per turn depending on number of players.
7) For me it is a strategy game with interactions as a vital part of pushing through your strategy... 50/50
8) A four year realtime game... so depending on scope 36-72 turns... 9-18 years of game time.
9) YES. Agendas are super. But I would like comprehensive rules for agendas and what you gain for solving them, compared to focusing on the fun of doing other stuff... VP wise.
10) RoE ish. Simpler though.

Offline X-Avanil/Aubrae Avan (Thorsten)

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Re: The future of RoE and the need for a DM team
« Reply #119 on: April 27, 2013, 10:33:04 AM »
Things to think through:

- DM team; how many and who?
- how many players?
- geographic location (there are several good spots)
- geographic extent (from a local game with just a few realms to a really big RoE-type game)
- what types of domains will be available
- frequency of turns
- amount of interaction vs. focs on strategy
- number of turns to be played
- should agendas be used?
- rules?

1) As many as it takes? I would suggest one "Head DM" however.
2) I don't think it should be that many more than what we've been working with so far - if we could group people better together too, that should be sufficient. Seems to me it wasn't as much a lack of players as it was a lack of common areas of interaction between them that we ran into last time.
3) If we're playing paralel to present time, I've always wanted to look closer at Rjurik. There's quite a few scandinavians among us too, so digging into vikingy things could be interesting :) Brechtur might work too, for a more political/hansatic league and less warmongering game. If time and space doesn't matter, I wouldn't mind having a go at Adurias, pre-exodus. Little is written so it could make a good opportunity to create ancient history. Or perhaps we could even play around the time of exodus - like a colonization game, with humans landing on Cerelia. Mass invasion of goblin/elven lands should give everybody common grounds for interaction. And it poses lots of possibility for both adventuring, backstabbing and politicking. Also gives the opportunity to meet a young(er) Ruobhe and pre-arachnid Spider as a big badguys. But really, as long as the story's there, I'm good.
4) I'd do what you guys initially did with RoE (only in English this time). Start small, and if needed, enlarge the scope.
5) Primarily landed, with temples/guilds in second line and wizards last.
6) A month, give or take. Any less, and I fear I'll be stressing to meet deadlines each turn.
7) I liked how things where in RoE. What's that? 60/40? 50/50?
8) As cool as it would be, to see children grow into men and women who in turn will wage their own wars, I'd start with something "manageable". 20 turns? And if we get that far, we could always decide whether we just push on as is, or take a small leap in time. That'd also be a natural point to switch realms.
9) Yes! Agendas was part of the awesomeness that is RoE. Ambition is the motor of this political beast!
10) I struggled with the micromanagement of realms in RoE from time to time, but loved the complexity of its warfare. I wouldn't mind simplifying things a bit, though.
Aubrae Avan,
Princess of Avanil, Duchess of Taeghas

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