First of all, I too would like to wish Bjorn a speedy recovery
The other reason for posting is to elaborate on my offer made last month. Since I am not a player and thus an unknown to you all, I thought I would treat this as sort of a formal application and make this a bit of an introduction and gaming resume.
I feel I have a lot to offer this game, and, to be honest, I think I am THE answer to your problems.
ExperienceI have been running D&D/AD&D campaigns for 35 years now (I started just after the original 1st edition AD&D Monster Manual was published), and have been running Birthright campaigns on and off since it first came out.
Rule familiarityI am quite familiar with the ROE rules, as I use them as the basis for my own current homebrew Birthright campaign.
Rules designLike most DMs of my generation, I am an inveterate rules writer and tinkerer, having had to make things up as we went along for many years simply because there were no published rules for it. Furthermore, I am a relatively skilled writer, proofreader, and editor. I have posted two examples of my work in the Regent Guide section. far as the time commitment required, I am retired, so I have
lots of free time to put into this.
NeutralityAnd finally, as a stranger to everybody here I have no biases or grudges.
The offer is there, and is genuine. I would very much like to do this.
Arpig - aka Bob.