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Re: Sieges, pillaging and prosperity
« on: March 26, 2012, 12:02:16 PM »
If a full complete siege takes say 4 warmoves and assault takes about 1 warmove how much more damage would one expect ones units to take from the assault? Assuming its overwhelming numbers in favour of the attacker
His Holiness Wallac Isilviere, Pontiff of All Anuire, High Prefect of the Impregnable Heart of Haelyn

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Re: Re: Sieges, pillaging and prosperity
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2012, 07:25:15 PM »
If a full complete siege takes say 4 warmoves and assault takes about 1 warmove how much more damage would one expect ones units to take from the assault? Assuming its overwhelming numbers in favour of the attacker

As I understand it, a full siege takes 4 warmoves to *attempt* and remove 1 level of fortification - at the end of the siege a roll is made against a DC set by number of siege/artillery-points divided by castle level. If the check is succeeded, the level of fortification is reduced by 1 (which would mean sieging a castle (3) into the ground takes at least 12 weeks).

An assault means you can do in 1 warmove, what you would otherwise have to do in 4 - but each unit inside, as well as each level of fortification (I think?) gets a free attack -  attack of opportunity, if you will - with massive bonuses on the assaulting army. Unless the narrative (and Bjørn) wills it differently, it'll still take at least 3 weeks of continuous assaults to take the castle, and some of your men will be hurt afterwards.
Aubrae Avan,
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Re: Re: Sieges, pillaging and prosperity
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2012, 08:22:09 PM »
DM Bjørn

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Re: Re: Sieges, pillaging and prosperity
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2012, 08:30:55 PM »
Investment works the same, except you just sit around doing very little and it takes a full turn to reduce one level.
DM Bjørn

Offline X-Coeranys/WD (Greg)

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Re: Re: Sieges, pillaging and prosperity
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2012, 12:46:16 AM »
I assume another difference is that with investment the basic physical structure of the castle is left intact vs. a siege in which I expect significant physical damage to the structure?
William Deaulen
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Re: Sieges, pillaging and prosperity
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2012, 12:40:40 PM »
Indeed. Investing a fortification merely incurs negative levels, it doesn't damage/destroy anything. Sieges certainly do damage. Same with assaults; but in the case of an assault there is a good chance SOME of the fortification will remain. If you just siege it into oblivion nothing will be left.

The way it's supposed to be done is like this:

- Move in and neutralize
- Invest (not shoot at the castle, but conceptually including preparations for shooting/assaulting)
- Besiege (actively shooting shit at the castle)
- Once you've succeeded in knocking the castle down a few levels, plus incurred a negative level or two...
- ...assault!
- Given some luck the assault with cause reparable damage only, and the negative levels go away once you've put in a new garrison


- Ghoudaïa has a castle 6*
- KoH/IHH army finally battles through and invest the castle**
- KoH/IHH sets up shop and the dwarves start shooting rocks at the walls, sapping etc.
- Every 1 month/4 WM the attackers can try to damage a castle level***
- Every 3 months/12WM the castle takes 1 negative level****
- After half a year the castle has taken 2 points of damage and one negative level (there was a counterattack that lifted the siege one meson)
- A castle 3 is assaultable for the KoH/IHH army
- On the third attempt (3 WM of trying) one castle level is damaged, bringing it down to effective lvl 2*****
- The fourth attempt does no damage, but the siege effort does. Effective level is now 1
- On the next WM the remaining garrison tries to surrender, but KoH/IHH declines. Another assault is mounted, doing no damage to the castle, but routing the defenders. The city is put to the sword.
- The negative level goes away, giving the attackers a castle 2 with 4 damaged levels. The DM decides that 2 of those levels can be repaired for 5GBs each, one more for 10 Gbs, and the last one is destroyed.

* We'll disregard other fortifications for this example as they will only complicate stuff
** Requiring 24 units if we assume a full garrison and active castle
*** Castle garrison units can also take damage from bombardment, but this is a secondary effect
**** It's important to keep up the investment; if the enemy breaks through that turn's negative level will be lost, or worse - negative levels can recover! Units inside can also take damage from starvation
***** Defending units are also taking damage, but MUCH less than the attackers
DM Bjørn