If accurate, could you confirm the following breakdown of advantage/hardiness scenarios, which qualify for a bonus? . . .
Regent X may call upon at least half, but not all, of the levels of a single relevant holding type: +2 Modifier.
Regent X may call upon all of the levels of a single relevant holding type: +4 Modifier.
Regent X may call upon at least half, but not all, of the levels of two or more relevant holding types: +4 Modifier.
Regent X may call upon all of the levels of a single relevant holding type and upon at least half, but not all, of the levels of one or more additional relevant holding types: +4 Modifier.
Regent X may call upon all of the levels of two or more relevant holding types: +6 Modifier.
Regent X may call upon all of the levels of two or more relevant holding types and upon at least half, but not all, of the levels of one or more additional relevant holding types: +6 Modifier.