Osoer, along with Deaulen, begin setting the stage for an epic trap for the Osternord force. Osoer forth the knights (dismounted) to take up duty on the siege of Oden and thusly freeing some additional light infantry (primarily Archers) and some regulars, to participate in the trap.
Using the screen force and a unit of knights as bait, they attempt to draw the enemy force into terrain that hinders their ability to easily retreat, and allows them the ability to attack from high ground. Regulars are kept with archers to protect them. Once the trap is sprang, the idea will be for the flanking sides to rain death upon the force, while a second force (light infantry and scouts, as well as Dragoons/Outriders) moves to envelope the enemy.
Osoer will lead the decoy/flanking units, Deaulen will lead the enveloping units.