Still lots to do...
I think the presentation benefits greatly from a good Contents section, plus that its a pdf with thumbnails and bookmarks. Getting in a glossary and index will also help.
Yes, please!
Looking through it, I like the overall feel, but I have spotted a few things (aesthetic stuff mainly, and some minor spelling things) that I'd suggest fiddling with. This is all based on my personal preferences (so assume every suggestion starts or ends with the words "I think" or "I believe"):
- The picture for your front page, while certainly hot and bothering, gives off too much of a World of Darkness/White Wolf feel. Its the same one used in the last SR, where I think it worked just fine, but this is a game about a ruined empire and a pdf that's a guide to regents. Perhaps something more "Epic" or medieval would be better suited? That also seems to be an ongoing theme for the pictures inside.
- The picture dubbed "Medieval_king" (first one inside) is slightly askew. Could this perhaps benefit from a slight alignment?
- Text-type. Have you tried different styles? I go from liking this, to finding it straining on my eyes, to liking it again.
- Text-type. The text in the little boxes, could they be made non-italic and in a different colour perhaps? That way you could keep italics for flavor-text, where it works rather well.
- Text. You are very glad for the use of "..." in your writings and examples. It works well in some instances, but not so well in others. I'd suggest toning it down just a wee bit.