Author Topic: Turn #71 - Knights of Haelyn  (Read 25769 times)

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Re: Turn #71 - Knights of Haelyn
« Reply #30 on: April 02, 2012, 09:16:34 AM »
In honor of the late Kasper II this goes down in WM9...

On WM 9 Ser Kalien 'Fellsword' personally leads an assault on the enemy fortifications:

An elite dismounted force of templars will constitute the core of the assault force:

Knights (KoH) Legendary OK
Mtd Armsmen (KoH) Crack OK
Mtd Armsmen (KoH) Elite OK
Mtd Armsmen (KoH) Elite OK

Overall command now lies with General Welling:

Tinsouf siege force
General Welling

The first wave of attackers will come from the ranks of the IHH, directed by general Griene. They will soften up the defenders before the templars finally storm the bastions.

General Runil Griene OK
Regulars, Skilled
Regulars, Skilled
Pikes, Skilled
Pikes, Skilled
Pikes, Skilled
Pikes, Skilled
Pikes (Endier) Skilled
Crossbows, Skilled
Crossbows, Skilled
Crossbows, Skilled
Crossbows, Skilled
Skirmishers, Skilled
Skirmishers, Skilled

The siege train is also ready to rain death and destruction on the enemy:

Dwarven mercs
Commander Heiri Wainier
Artillerists (Endier) Skilled

Finally a cavalry reserve is kept ready in case of enemy attempts to relieve the siege;

General Runil Griene OK
Knight Elite E
Armsmen mnt Crack OK
Armsmen mnt Crack W
Dragoons Crack E
Dragoons Crack E
Scouts Skilled OK
Scouts Skilled E
Scouts Skilled E

Knights (KoH) Crack W
Knights (KoH) Crack W
Mtd Armsmen (KoH) Elite OK
Mtd Armsmen (KoH) Elite E
Mtd Armsmen (KoH) Vet W
Mtd Armsmen (KoH) Vet W
Scouts Green D
DM Bjørn

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Re: Turn #71 - Knights of Haelyn
« Reply #31 on: April 02, 2012, 10:01:31 AM »
The Khinasi dogs have never seen war like this...

Catapults slamming their deadly loads of rock into crumbling forts and keeps. Ballistae and crossbows raining death as hard-eyed soldiers advance along pre-planned routes, covered by portable siege shields. Storm ladders brought up. Dozens of men scaling each. Keeping the pressure up. Gaining a foothold. Anuirean knights and armsmen follows next, clad from head to to in hardened steel, almost impervious to attacks. Walls are secured. More men swarm up the ladders. It's only a matter of time before lightly armored and armed Khinasi infantry is dug out from their positions.

The scene is repeated in several locations across Tinsouf. The enemy law fort castle has fallen!
« Last Edit: April 02, 2012, 11:03:18 AM by DM B »
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Re: Turn #71 - Knights of Haelyn
« Reply #32 on: April 02, 2012, 11:04:27 AM »
WM 10:

The crusaders follow up with an equally effective assault on the enemy law fort.

Only a guild fort 2 now remains.

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Re: Turn #71 - Knights of Haelyn
« Reply #33 on: April 02, 2012, 11:06:02 AM »
WM 11:

Guy de Nichaleir returns to the crusading army.

Scouts report an enemy cavalry force gathering in Shirshet.

What will Ser Guy do? Continue his assaults, advance or hold?
DM Bjørn

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Re: Turn #71 - Knights of Haelyn
« Reply #34 on: April 03, 2012, 05:59:50 AM »
OOC:  If I understand the post correctly we have taken control of Tinsouf.  If so then the following applies in accordance with IC-1.  If not then we will continue the assault and have the secondary units prepare for the enemy Calvary units to arrive by setting a trap for them and use IC-2.


As the Red Knight arrives at the castle in Tinsouf he and Archibald assess the force and the damages.  Calling forth both Generals he prepares for battle. 

I say we should be securing the crusades backside not pillaging this region.  Once we can secure this foothold I will divert a portion of the knights to help support Oserde.

 In the mean time Kalien 'Fellsword I would like you to take a screening team and ensure that we know when the army of Calvary is to arrive we cannot afford then to come behind and route us. 
General Welling I would like you to take units and set a trap by waiting in cover until I give the signal.  You will wait until the Calvary storms into the fort and then attack them from behind.  I will ensure that horn is used if we need before they storm. 

The plan will be as if we have only left a small contingent of units here.  General Griene and I will hold the fort until the trap can be sprung.   This will make it look as if we have too much pride and they are nothing to us.  In the mean time I will prepare the city for war.  Once the Calvary units storm the castle I will give signal and the word to General Welling to take them from the rear. 

I advise you use this time wisely get as much rest as possible for the upcoming battle.  Kalien when you make the location of the enemy army ensure that you do enough to slow them and then retreat back to the fort and prepare for battle. 

I give only a moment for your reply as we do not exactly have the time to argue points at this time.
General Welling says without pause, as you command sir.

One more thing General Take Archibald with you and have him tend to the units while we wait for the upcoming battle.
(Using Archibald knowledge of the healing arts to help regain the composure and remain ready for battle).

Tinsouf Fort 2 Units:

Commander: The Red Knight
General Griene OK
Knights (KoH) Legendary OK
Armsmen mnt (KoH) Crack OK
Armsmen mnt (KoH) Elite OK
Armsmen mnt (KoH) Elite OK
Pikes (Endier) Skilled OK
Pikes (IHH) Skilled OK
Pikes (IHH) Skilled W
Pikes (IHH) Skilled OK
Crossbows (IHH) Skilled W
Crossbows (IHH) Skilled OK

Screening Team:
Commander: Kalien
Scouts (IHH) Skilled OK
Knights (KoH) Crack W
Armsmen mnt (KoH) Elite W
Skirmishers (IHH)  Skilled E
Skirmishers (IHH)  Skilled OK
Crossbows (IHH)  Skilled OK
Crossbows (IHH)  Skilled OK

Hidden Troops:
Commander General Welling
Scouts  (IHH) Skilled E
Scouts  (IHH) Skilled E
Dragoons  (IHH) Crack E
Dragoons  (IHH) Crack E
Knights (KoH) Crack W
Knights  (IHH) Elite E
Armsmen mnt  (IHH) Crack OK
Armsmen mnt  (IHH) Crack W
Armsmen mnt (KoH) Elite E
Armsmen mnt (KoH) Vet W
Armsmen mnt (KoH) Vet W
Regulars (IHH)  Skilled W
Regulars (IHH)  Skilled E
Pikes (IHH)  Skilled OK

Dwarven mercs
Commander Heiri Wainier
Dw Engineers OK
Dw Engineers OK
Dw Artillerists OK
Artillerists (Endier) Skilled OK
Dw Guards OK
Dw Crossbows OK
Dw Crossbows OK


As the Red Knight arrives at the castle in Tinsouf he and Archibald assess the force and the damages.  Calling forth both Generals he prepares for battle. 

I say we should be securing the crusades backside not pillaging this region.  Once we can secure this foothold I will divert a portion of the knights to help support Oserde.

We must take this place now before we are overrun.  It is imperative that we wipe them out and prepare for an assault from the incoming Calvary units.

Once we have taken this land I want Kalien 'Fellsword to take a screening team and ensure that we know when the army of Calvary is to arrive we cannot afford then to come behind and route us. 
General Welling I would like you to take units and set a trap by waiting in cover until I give the signal.  You will wait until the Calvary storms into the fort and then attack them from behind.  I will ensure that horn is used if we need before they storm. 

The plan will be as if we have only left a small contingent of units here.  General Griene and I will hold the fort until the trap can be sprung.   This will make it look as if we have too much pride and they are nothing to us.  In the mean time I will prepare the city for war.  Once the Calvary units storm the castle I will give signal and the word to General Welling to take them from the rear. 

I advise you use this time wisely get as much rest as possible for the upcoming battle.  Kalien when you make the location of the enemy army ensure that you do enough to slow them and then retreat back to the fort and prepare for battle. 

I give only a moment for your reply as we do not exactly have the time to argue points at this time.
General Welling says without pause, as you command sir.

One more thing General Take Archibald with you and have him tend to the units while we wait for the upcoming battle.
(Using Archibald knowledge of the healing arts to help regain the composure and remain ready for battle).

OOC: The attacking units will remain the same as Bjorn listed them then break down in the groups mentioned above for the plan to defend this land.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2012, 09:16:49 AM by DM B »
Count and Grand-Maester
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"Haelyn himself will be your leader ... Wear his holy symbol as your badge. If you are killed your sins will be pardoned ... Let those who have been fighting against their own brothers and kinsfolk now fight lawfully against the Swordhawlks."

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Re: Turn #71 - Knights of Haelyn
« Reply #35 on: April 03, 2012, 08:58:58 AM »
There is one remaining fort guild 2 in the province. It appears to contain two Khinasi archers, or maybe one archer and one spears. Conceptually this guild fort protects a key trade town along the main road. It's not absolutely essential to take, but if you're here to stay you must deal with it, sooner or later.
DM Bjørn

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Re: Turn #71 - Knights of Haelyn
« Reply #36 on: April 03, 2012, 09:00:14 AM »
You now control a castle 2 and a fort law 2. Excellent for a base of operations.
DM Bjørn

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Re: Turn #71 - Knights of Haelyn
« Reply #37 on: April 05, 2012, 08:59:56 AM »
The final assault goes equally well and the last fort falls into crusader hands.

Fellsword's screening is effective in preventing the enemy from interfering with the assault. Once again the Khinasi proves that the crusader forces are badly prepared for fighting mobile horse archers. The combination of heavily armored knights and armsmen protecting a mix of skirmishers and crossbows DOES have some merit. Althjoguh not fast enough to be useful on a larger scale such a force can effectively defend on a local scale. In Tinsouf the enemy has need to be in a particular place - if they just ride away the screening force will effectively have won.

It's costly, however. The enemy force seems well led and highly motivated. The crusading force is a composite of KoH templars and IHH musters without much in terms of experience. Still, it's mission accomplished. The assault goes through, undisturbed. The plan to catch Sheikh Yousef ibn Faroud and his men is prhaps too optimistc. The sheikh is too wily. He avoids the trap altogether and proceeds to taunt the Anuireans for some time. Only the presence of fortifications and crossbows do much to deter his riders. They fall back to Shirshet.

WM 12 begins
« Last Edit: April 05, 2012, 09:08:46 AM by DM B »
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Re: Turn #71 - Knights of Haelyn
« Reply #38 on: April 05, 2012, 09:00:51 AM »
« Last Edit: April 05, 2012, 09:03:19 AM by DM B »
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Re: Turn #71 - Knights of Haelyn
« Reply #39 on: April 05, 2012, 09:18:58 AM »
WM 12:

Tinsouf castle/forts:

Commander: The Red Knight
General Griene OK
Knights (KoH) Legendary OK
Armsmen mnt (KoH) Crack OK
Armsmen mnt (KoH) Elite OK
Armsmen mnt (KoH) Elite OK
Pikes (Endier) Skilled B
Pikes (IHH) Skilled OK
Pikes (IHH) Skilled W
Pikes (IHH) Skilled OK
Crossbows (IHH) Skilled W
Crossbows (IHH) Skilled OK

Screening Team:
Commander: Kalien
Scouts (IHH) Skilled E
Knights (KoH) Crack E
Armsmen mnt (KoH) Elite B
Skirmishers (IHH)  Skilled D
Skirmishers (IHH)  Skilled OK
Crossbows (IHH)  Skilled W
Crossbows (IHH)  Skilled E

Hidden Troops:
Commander General Welling
Scouts  (IHH) Skilled E
Scouts  (IHH) Skilled E
Dragoons  (IHH) Crack E
Dragoons  (IHH) Crack E
Knights (KoH) Crack W
Knights  (IHH) Elite E
Armsmen mnt  (IHH) Crack OK
Armsmen mnt  (IHH) Crack W
Armsmen mnt (KoH) Elite E
Armsmen mnt (KoH) Vet W
Armsmen mnt (KoH) Vet W
Regulars (IHH)  Skilled W
Regulars (IHH)  Skilled E
Pikes (IHH) Skilled OK

Dwarven mercs
Commander Heiri Wainier
Dw Engineers OK
Dw Engineers OK
Dw Artillerists OK
Artillerists (Endier) Skilled OK
Dw Guards OK
Dw Crossbows OK
Dw Crossbows OK
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Re: Turn #71 - Knights of Haelyn
« Reply #40 on: April 05, 2012, 09:20:03 AM »
Unit roster updated with losses from assaults and cavalry battle with Khinasi.

Tinsouf is now in crusader hands.

What are you going to use the last WM for? Consolidation, pillaging, scouting etc.?
DM Bjørn

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Re: Turn #71 - Knights of Haelyn
« Reply #41 on: April 06, 2012, 06:59:15 AM »
WM 12

OOC:  We will be doing very little pillaging due to our lawful nature.  I am not sure if we can muster but we will probably need to do that along with scouting and repairing. If we can muster we will muster Crossbow/ranged units.


The Red Knight sends for all team leaders and rallies the units to defend the town taking up fortifications  in the castle.
I want a status report immediately and repairs to being post haste.  We will need to defend this area while recruiting more members to our banners.  I will begin a dispatch to inform the council of our current status.

I want rotating scouting units to be lead by Kalien and General Welling.  The rest of the units will take up defensive fortification until such time as we can fully assess out enemy.  I will have General Griene remain here to help with the defensive strategies along with moral of the units.  Archibald, do your best to check on the men and ensure they are getting the rest necessary for the coming days.  Take time to heal as many as possible and pray to the all-father for strength and wisdom as we move forward against our foe.

Tinsouf castle/forts: Castle Defense

Commander: The Red Knight (plus body Gaurds)
Sub Commander: Archibald Goldstar (Healing aiding in recovery of units)
Knights (KoH) Legendary OK
Knights (KoH) Crack W
Knights  (IHH) Elite E
Knights (KoH) Crack E
Armsmen mnt  (IHH) Crack W
Armsmen mnt (KoH) Elite E
Armsmen mnt (KoH) Vet W
Armsmen mnt (KoH) Vet W
Regulars (IHH)  Skilled E
Armsmen mnt (KoH) Elite B
Skirmishers (IHH)  Skilled D

Commander Heiri Wainier, Post your men in such a way as to be able to defend this castle.  I want your men to be able to start taking the enemy down as they approach should the need arise.  I would also like your Engineers to look over the area and ensure that while we repair that we chose the most tactically beneficial areas to repair first.

Tinsouf castle/forts: Castle Defense 1

Dwarven mercs

Commander Heiri Wainier
Dw Engineers OK
Dw Engineers OK
Dw Artillerists OK
Dw Guards OK
Dw Crossbows OK
Dw Crossbows OK

General Griene, I want you to post pike at the entrance should they break through I would have them charge into our spears I will also ensure that you have a complement of crossbowmen on the walls.

Tinsouf castle/forts: Castle Defense 2

Commander: General Griene OK
Dragoons  (IHH) Crack E
Dragoons  (IHH) Crack E
Pikes (Endier) Skilled B
Pikes (IHH) Skilled OK
Pikes (IHH) Skilled W
Pikes (IHH) Skilled OK
Pikes (IHH) Skilled OK
Crossbows (IHH) Skilled W
Crossbows (IHH) Skilled E
Scouts  (IHH) Skilled E
Regulars (IHH) Skilled W

Kalien, I want you to take first scouting team and go out when you’re finished with the route we will send General Welling and the second scouting team out to relive you.  We will continue to rest our men as much as possible and rotate them out of scouting units.

Scouting team Team 1:
Commander: Kalien
Scouts (IHH) Skilled E
Skirmishers (IHH)  Skilled OK
Crossbows (IHH)  Skilled OK
Armsmen mnt  (IHH) Crack OK
Artillerists (Endier) Skilled OK

Scouting Team 2:
Commander General Welling
Scouts  (IHH) Skilled E
Armsmen mnt (KoH) Crack OK
Armsmen mnt (KoH) Elite OK
Armsmen mnt (KoH) Elite OK
Crossbows (IHH) Skilled W
Count and Grand-Maester
Guy de Nichaleir
Regent Endier

"Haelyn himself will be your leader ... Wear his holy symbol as your badge. If you are killed your sins will be pardoned ... Let those who have been fighting against their own brothers and kinsfolk now fight lawfully against the Swordhawlks."