Osoer is not surprised by Lord Serim's analysis and he agrees whole-heartedly with the assessment.
"Lord Serim, please tell Lady el-Mesir to be very vigilant. I would not be surprised if magic were to play a part now where it has not before," he says. "When the city falls, the Baron and I shall move to secure Prince Oden. Lord Rockhammer, Lord Serim and Captain Enlien shall secure the remaining elements of the city."
"Send a all the scouts, dismounted outriders, skrimishers, as well as 400 archers and 400 crossbowmen into the foothills to screen against the Swordhawk and the Osternord force," he says.
"Inform the my most loyal captains, that they shall draw lots. Whomever has the short lots shall not partake of any looting, instead they will move to secure vital supplies, such as food, water and weapons. The right of pillage shall last 3 days; I suggest it is time that is well spent for after its conclusion, execution will await any caught stealing, raping or otherwise harming the people of Rohrgaard."