Author Topic: The Prince's Tourney - The Debate  (Read 14731 times)

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Offline X-Bellam & BC/TB (Bobby)

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Re: The Prince's Tourney - The Debate
« Reply #30 on: August 02, 2011, 03:40:53 PM »
Kaeranne seems about to speak, then stops and motions quietly with one hand, summoning a servant to her side.  A minute later, the servant approaches behind Elamien and quietly murmurs, "If it pleases you, your Excellency, Countess Vanadaere would ask to speak with you following the discussions, regarding the agents you speak of." 

Offline X-WIT/Toreas Kharnmoin (Rune)

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Re: The Prince's Tourney - The Debate
« Reply #31 on: August 02, 2011, 03:57:41 PM »
The Archprelate notices the exchange of words.

"Countess Vanadaere, if you have anything to say, do not be too shy to share it with all of us. You are among friends, and we are all here for a common purpose".
Toreas Kharnmoin
Pontiff of All Anuire
Archprelate of the Western Imperial Temple of Haelyn

Offline X-Bellam & BC/TB (Bobby)

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Re: The Prince's Tourney - The Debate
« Reply #32 on: August 02, 2011, 04:08:02 PM »
The Countess looks startled by the attention.  "There is nothing to share, your Holiness - my lord's lands border Countess Lamier's, and if the Gorgon's agents are active within her domain, they may have entered his as well, or intend to.  A more detailed discussion of their activities would help him discourage them, but I felt this meeting would only be distracted and delayed, not improved, by the fine details."

Offline X-WIT/Toreas Kharnmoin (Rune)

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Re: The Prince's Tourney - The Debate
« Reply #33 on: August 04, 2011, 11:51:24 AM »
"I see. Please convey to your Lord that I would very much like to meet him in person, should our schedules permit. From what I hear, he has already crossed swords with the Shadow numerous times, and his experience may prove useful. And naturally, should he uncover any agents of the Shadow within his realm, whoever their masters might be, I ask that he informs the Conclave of his findings".
Toreas Kharnmoin
Pontiff of All Anuire
Archprelate of the Western Imperial Temple of Haelyn

Offline X-Brosengae [Cloene] (Linde)

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Re: The Prince's Tourney - The Debate
« Reply #34 on: August 04, 2011, 01:36:33 PM »
Cloene, having been quiet for a while now ask: "So in order to best help our citizens we should agree not to fight among each other?"

Offline X-Alamie/CA (Marco)

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Re: The Prince's Tourney - The Debate
« Reply #35 on: August 04, 2011, 06:16:01 PM »
Duke Carilon looks at Cloene with an undefinite smile ad says "Dear Count, fighting among each other must surely be avoided but I think we should also agree about who's our enemy and who we must fight against."

he grunts " As for now it seems to me we're still to choose between the Sowrdhawk and the Gorgon"

he composes himself and continues

"My apologizes dear lords and ladies, but we're the proof we lack of unity of intentions and actions"  he looks at Princess Aubrey "as Your Grace said, maybe a council is not the right idea, but we must to show to all Anuire and to the awnshegh, we're united in arms,  hearts and minds. If not a council, let us choose a leader, a First among Peers, or what else but please...we cannot make of this meeting another one full of only empty words"

Offline X-Avanil/Aubrae Avan (Thorsten)

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Re: The Prince's Tourney - The Debate
« Reply #36 on: August 04, 2011, 07:49:25 PM »
The Princess nods thoughtfully.
"Perhaps you are right, Your Grace. Unity goes a long way, when it comes to battling the shadow - that much is certain."

She bows her head gracefully in the Duke's direction.
"I of course shall be more than happy to accept such a charge - to work as a banner for the nobility of Anuire to gather around and present a united front towards any that would threaten our way of life."
Aubrae Avan,
Princess of Avanil, Duchess of Taeghas

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Offline X-Alamie/CA (Marco)

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Re: The Prince's Tourney - The Debate
« Reply #37 on: August 04, 2011, 10:57:09 PM »
The Duke nods smiling

"I'm glad you agree Your Grace"

He touches his chin with his left hand for a few seconds, seeming just lost in far thoughts

"and I'm also glad you want accept the burden of a charge"

he looks at her, smiling

"but now I'm also curious...what kind of charge do you mean? the charge of fighting the Shadow mercilessy or the charge to lead us against the awnshegh?"

Offline X-Brosengae [Cloene] (Linde)

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Re: The Prince's Tourney - The Debate
« Reply #38 on: August 05, 2011, 12:06:16 AM »
"Brosengae will support the fight against the shadow no matter what. But if the idea is to unify temples and nobles in the fight against shadow, wouldn't it be prudent to choose a member of the Clergy, as they have greater experience in such matters? And if we choose the new Pontiff it would eliminate the problem of two leaders!
Or if we prefer a noble, then Archduke Osoer? As the Archprelate of WIT so knowledgeable states, he has experience in fighting the shadow."

Offline X-Avanil/Aubrae Avan (Thorsten)

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Re: The Prince's Tourney - The Debate
« Reply #39 on: August 05, 2011, 12:56:59 AM »
"The fight against the Shadows is led by the Conclave of Anuire, Your Grace, and the Pontiff and High Priests of the Conclave first and foremost among those. That is why they have gathered as one - to face the foe and drive them out."

She indicates the Archprelate of the WIT.
"As he is next in line for Pontiff, it will in fact soon be His Holiness, Toreas Kharnmoin, whom we must look to in trying times. It is him, as it was the Pontiffs before him, who directs the spiritual sword of Anuire against the fell creatures of the dark."

The Princess looks to Carilon again.
"As we've heard today, there are those among the shadows minions we cannot touch, nor identify. Just as there are things that can posses even great men and drive them to despair and dark deeds. Where it not for the temples, our souls as well as the soul of every living person in Anuire would be in grave peril.

But where the temples direct the fight against evil on a spiritual level, we nobles must look to lead men of flesh and bone.
*We* must be prepared to act, if and when it is needed. To be, as Duke Carilon so eloquently put it, united in arms, hearts and minds... we also need the clear and distanced overview of the situation."

She leans back in her chair and draws her shawl closer around her body.
"This is not about rushing headlong into the fray to die a glorious death... simply because if the ultimate foe wins, there will be no one to remember our glory or splendor. No, this should first and foremost be a matter of preparedness and planning. Of gathering knowledge of who the foe is, and how he is defeated, and seeing to it, that this information is in the hands of everybody, and those with the information has the adequate training to understand and utilize it.

If, as I understand His Grace's wish, we need to unite forces too, it will be a veritable diplomatic and logistic nightmare - seeking permissions for troops from different realm to move hither and dither, and arrange things so that no realm is left in a weakened state, open for an attack."

Looking around the room, she continues.
"None of this can be done properly from the front - as any man, or woman, who've ever been in the field can tell you. It needs a centralized strong-point and with someone at the helm at all times, to ensure rapid response, without word first having to travel the breadth and length from the east coast to the west.

And I gladly offer myself and my court for that cause."

Aubrae Avan,
Princess of Avanil, Duchess of Taeghas

Diplomacy is the art of letting someone else have your way.

Offline X-Brosengae [Cloene] (Linde)

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Re: The Prince's Tourney - The Debate
« Reply #40 on: August 05, 2011, 02:20:57 AM »
Cloene shake his head a bit "Your Highness, your offer is graceful, and completely acceptable if no more suitable candidate want the honor... But as I see it, word will have to travel weather it travels from Taeghas, Osoerde, or from the seat of the Conclave in the Imperial City. And I fail to see how it doesn't help to have experience with the Shadow, and to be involved in the matter of peoples souls. When the task as you see it is to create a center of intelligence on that exact matter.

But you are right that time will be important, and if you truly have more time for the task than those who might be more qualified, it would justify choosing you. Or do you have some experience on the subject that you have not shared, that might make you as qualified?

Furthermore, I see a lot of the important people of Anuire here today, and representatives of other. But I see far from enough of the Nobles of Anuire here to start electing a first of peers, to be a Banner for all of the Anuirian Nobility to gather around.

But agreeing that one will be chosen and electing someone to host a gathering this fall where all Anurian Nobility, with proper warning can send an envoy to speak their case on who will be that banner.  That idea would have my full support."

He looks at Aubrae:
"I nominate that Brosengae host it in Bindier, with Princess Aubrae as the speaker."

Offline X-Avanil/Aubrae Avan (Thorsten)

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Re: The Prince's Tourney - The Debate
« Reply #41 on: August 05, 2011, 03:03:27 AM »
"I am a full-blooded member of the College of Sorcery, Vordhuine" Aubrae remarks matter-of-factly. "And deal in ancient and arcane powers on a near-daily basis. I believe that gives me several distinct advantages that those with a more traditional schooling do not have. Combine that with my noble blood and divine right it provides me with alternatives to that which the temples provide. How many others can say the same?"

The Avanese Princess smooths down a crease in her dress.
"Now, all credit should go to Duke Carilon for suggesting this in the first place, but point of fact is, that we would not even be discussing this, if I had not taken the initiative to set up this event and invited you all to participate.

I think it is an idea with a lot of merit; to unite the nobility in a common cause alongside the Conclave. That said, if we talk this to death, it will never happen. We need to agree on mutual action here and now, to pledge ourselves to action and progress from there. And if even just a few are willing to join me in this, then we shall have assembled a strong foundation for the future."

She glances around the table.
"The time may come when what we may need the most is a warrior. But if we are going to do this, what we need now is someone with enough force and drive to pull together all the pieces of this new puzzle, and make them stick - and to be frank, I come as highly recommended in that area as it gets."
Aubrae Avan,
Princess of Avanil, Duchess of Taeghas

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Re: The Prince's Tourney - The Debate
« Reply #42 on: August 05, 2011, 03:24:24 AM »


"With all due respect, agreeing to vague terms is a rather difficult thing to do", states Elamien.

Offline X-Alamie/CA (Marco)

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Re: The Prince's Tourney - The Debate
« Reply #43 on: August 05, 2011, 08:03:11 AM »
" Princess Aubrae humbly proposes herself as a leader of a united front of Anuirean nobles and, of all of us gathered here today, none can deny she has some qualities. She runs a powerful realm, she's from one of the noblest lineages in all Cerilia, and she's an expert of arcane things. All of them make her as a suitable candidate for that role, and I'd be tempted to put myself and my men in an alliance leaded by herself."

He lookes for a few moments at the Princess of Avanil.

"and if anyone else doesn't candidate himself I think she'd be the best choice"

He looks again at the Princess

"but before, Your Grace, you must give answer to some doubts of mine:

1) We spoke about an alliance of nobles of all Anuire but here, in this debate, I see verey few of them. Many of the most important realm aren't attending. Shuold you be able to include all, or at least many of them, in this alliance? if yes who? If not the others could see our group only as an attempt to create a kind of group of force to manovrate the political affairs of Anuire.

2) In my humble opinion Your Grace nothing can be obtained if before you've no dealt with the Westeners. I apologize for that for I know that speaking of it can reopen old wounds and scars, since tragedies to your realm and to your own Noble House have happened a few months ago, but the Butcher of Daulton, the Marquis of Thasbyrn, Draco Moergan still roams with his huge army in lands near to yours, and, I must admit, to mine. He's got the support of many, if not all the old vassals of Brandon Boer, and If we'll start a campaign against some Shadow's minions what will prevent him to attack and make a mortal blow to our realms.

Can you make him a non menacing one, with the subtle ways of diplomacy, or do you think the first move of this hypothetical alliance wuold be to remove phisically this menace?"

Offline X-Sea Witch/Aneira (John)

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Re: The Prince's Tourney - The Debate
« Reply #44 on: August 05, 2011, 08:36:58 AM »
The Sea Witch shifts in her seat, brushing hair from her face.  She takes a small drink of her watered wine but says nothing.
Aneira Taren, Sea Witch of the South Coast.