Author Topic: Turn #69 - Tribunal in Ilien  (Read 87906 times)

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Re: Turn #69 - Tribunal in Ilien
« Reply #195 on: January 20, 2011, 10:50:48 PM »
There are some angry shouts in return, mostly having to do with sinners being forgiven...Drago Tanar, Marya Tanar, the Warlock, the list goes on...

At which point a calm and detached Ser Ryence remarks in the general direction of the shouters, that maybe the reason there continues to be so much trouble with sinners, is exactly that - that the list of those forgiven for their horrid deeds goes on and on, showing everyone how lenient and forgiving Anuire has become.
Aubrae Avan,
Princess of Avanil, Duchess of Taeghas

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Offline X-Mieres & SAS/AV (Mark)

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Re: Turn #69 - Tribunal in Ilien
« Reply #196 on: January 20, 2011, 10:57:03 PM »
The Governor's eyes narrow as he walks right up to Marie, "I think the Tribunal has made its decision, and that you should respect it," he says darkly.  He then leans forward and whispers something to Marie.  Taking a moment to look her in the eyes he seems to add something and then simply stares at her.
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Offline X-ETN/Maire Cwyllmie (Libor)

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Re: Turn #69 - Tribunal in Ilien
« Reply #197 on: January 20, 2011, 11:09:46 PM »
The Governor's eyes narrow as he walks right up to Marie, "I think the Tribunal has made its decision, and that you should respect it," he says darkly.  He then leans forward and whispers something to Marie.  Taking a moment to look her in the eyes he seems to add something and then simply stares at her.
Maire nods as if something expected happened and then replies in a silent voice: "Nevertheless, you profited from it. Accepted that help."

Offline X-Mieres & SAS/AV (Mark)

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Re: Turn #69 - Tribunal in Ilien
« Reply #198 on: January 20, 2011, 11:16:53 PM »
The Governor's expression does not change, he does respond quietly, "A poor horse that won't run.  I have a better hand Marie, and I don't bluff."  Motioning his head to where GeM was lead from the room he states, "She's done, let it go."
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Re: Turn #69 - Tribunal in Ilien
« Reply #199 on: January 20, 2011, 11:24:54 PM »
The lean knight from Avanil rises from his chair and stretches legs sore from sitting down for so long.
"The Tribunal saw her convicted, and the punishment was known by all, milords" he remarks dryly in his nasal voice as he approaches the Governor and the Archduke and bows before them. "Governor, Your Imperial Grace".

The Avanese knight remains standing, as he gazes towards the convicted. With the Tribunal concluded and the verdict settled, matters can at last be discussed more freely. "The cruelty of it is as much a statement to prevent others from engaging in heresies as anything else. Seems to me that the least we can do is see this through to the end - and make sure accurate description of the punishment are spread throughout the realms..."
The gesture he makes with his mouth might have been a smile, if it hadn't been strangled in its birth. "All in an effort to prevent the heresy here from spreading elsewhere, milords."

Diem nods wryly to the Avanese Knight.  "My regret is only that she did not separate with her head on an encounter with a guillotine in Aerele Central Square first, and then if the Pontiff wished to use her corpse for kindling be my guest, in my mind she was a rebel against her sovereign and a thief first... and her propensity for sacrilege a direct outcropping of her horrid mangal breeding second... but I will contentedly accept the outcome."
--Archduke Diemed

Offline X-ETN/Maire Cwyllmie (Libor)

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Re: Turn #69 - Tribunal in Ilien
« Reply #200 on: January 20, 2011, 11:29:45 PM »
"I said what I had to. I believe Pontiff will give it a thought. And be honest to me Governor. Don't you see some similarity here?"
The last question was apparently rhetorical as Maire doesn't wait for an answer and leaves the room.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2011, 11:31:47 PM by ETN/Maire Cwyllmie (Libor) »

Offline X-Mieres & SAS/AV (Mark)

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Re: Turn #69 - Tribunal in Ilien
« Reply #201 on: January 21, 2011, 01:51:36 AM »
The Governor watches Marie leaves, "To you- yes," he mutters as she departs.  After she is gone he stalks from the room in the opposite direction.  "....not over..." is about the only thing that can made out from his mumbles as he exits.
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Offline X-Sea Witch/Aneira (John)

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Re: Turn #69 - Tribunal in Ilien
« Reply #202 on: January 21, 2011, 07:18:01 AM »
The Sea Witch rises slowly to her feet as others make their leave.  Her eyes fixed on where but a moment before the condemned Geraldine el'Mesir sat.  Quietly approaching the seat, the Sea Witch gazes down at it for a long moment before slowly circling the seat, her eyes fixed on it.  Pursing her lips, she lifts her gaze towards the door through which most of those attending have now departed through.

After standing motionless for several second, she slowly turns to leave.
Aneira Taren, Sea Witch of the South Coast.

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Re: Turn #69 - Tribunal in Ilien
« Reply #203 on: January 21, 2011, 07:45:26 AM »
General Kerric of Elinie is sitting on his chair, smiling to himself.

He then gets up and leaves. Each step towards the doors his smile grows wider.
Formerly: His Grace, Patriarch Rashid ibn Daouta, Last Imperial Duke of the Eastern Marches, Duke of Elinie, Master of Sutren Hills, Holy Paladin of Avanalae, Light of Reason.

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Re: Turn #69 - Tribunal in Ilien
« Reply #204 on: January 21, 2011, 10:01:08 AM »
With great care and attention Lady Alizabet notates the final results and the prouncement of the punishment as the others in the room descend into embittered argument. Once she has blotted the last loose ink from the page she calls forth one of her servants and hands him the sheaves of neat-handed parchements before standing up and smoothing her dress into position. When there is a dip in the noise she raises her voice slightly and speaks with clarity over the hubbub. Her tone is honey coated and some would say she almost purrs as she speaks.

"Milords and Ladies, the Tribunal has voted upon the guilt of the Lady and the Pontiff has pronouced the punishment. His Holiness was good enough to make clear the punishments for the crimes at the start of the tribunal's sessions and they are well documented with significant precedent; such were they always likely to be, even should his Holiness the Pontiff have found reason to offer clemency in some shape or form. As the good Sir of Avanil, I apologise Sir for such a vague naming but we have not been introduced, as he has commented already the Punishments for the crime in question have to be terrible, to keep the steel within all of us true and to remind us how terrible it is to fall to the shadow; they could not be otherwise, as much as individuals amongst us wish them to be.."

"On the matters of the names mentioned by some of us as to those who have suffered lesser punishments? If we were to compare each of those cases, how they were ajudged and who made judgement upon them, with the present Tribunals sitting then I am to understand we would find significant differences legally, politically and theologically - it is not fit to compare a Destrier with a Mule for many purposes, despite them both being steeds of some variant."
His Grace Ghorien Hiriele,
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Re: Turn #69 - Tribunal in Ilien
« Reply #205 on: March 18, 2011, 01:23:31 PM »
Things wind down after that, at least on the surface. Beneath the surface diplomacy and plotting continues unabated. At the heart of everything sits Wallac I, Pontiff of All Anuire, working all hours of the day and often throughout the nights as well. Sharing his divinely inspired wisdom with his fellow rulers, turning war into peace, hostility to friendship, and poverty to greater riches for all.

Weeks later the Countess hands over her realm to its new ruler - Baron Kaven Enlien of Medoeer is now also the Count of Ilien. Other arrangements are also made, lands change hands, loyalties shift. The SASI gains control over most of the PCE assets. The IHH comes to dominate Ilien both spiritually and temporally. The KoH gains great estates in Ilien. Duke Diem gains Ilien back as a vassal and rewards his vassals amply. His rule is secure once more.

The greatest loser is - of course - Geraldine el-Mesir. Or maybe she is the greatest winner of them all. After having accepted her sentence and given away her worldly possessions she is given a holy task. To go East with the Crusade and support it with every shred of her being, until the Swordhawk is undone and the lands under his dark rule liberated, or until she dies. Such is her path to redemption. Such is the Will of Haelyn.
DM Bjørn