"Trust nothing. Believe nothing it speaks. Believe not that this figment is all there is, test the sarcophagus." Rashid says for his friends.
"As for you," The Patriarch draws the Sunsword, "we are not come to listen to your tales or bragging on how wide your net of information gathering has penetrated. Like any weed, it will dissolve when the root is cut."
"Listening to its foul words will but ensnare, trick and deceive until the eventual victory of Light is but a pale thing slightly better than defeat."
With that, the Patriarch of Elinie springs to the attack. He makes his first few swings short jabs, trying to get Manethander to skip backwards, losing balance.
Then he follows up with a wide sweep where the instinctual response would be to spread arms wide for balance and move yet further backwards.
This would leave the Book in just one hand... And the last stroke is a bullrush for the center of Manethanders mass, making him move his arms back in, to defend.
And thus, move the Book into reach of Rashid, where it was the true target all along, to be hit hard! - Sending it back to the others for recovery. - Step two, of course, is disentangling one self from the vampire's grasp.
It all makes perfect sense in Rashid's mind... And all it hinges on, is that Manethander is too cocky, too secure in his power, that he plays along with the first few feints before revealing how terribly fast he truly is.