Author Topic: ROE Copenhagen Barbecue - Summer 2010  (Read 13383 times)

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Offline X-Elinie/RiD (Niels)

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Re: ROE Copenhagen Barbecue - Summer 2010
« Reply #15 on: June 21, 2010, 10:20:45 AM »
I'd like to make a motion for a change of venue. 

Lets say... Niagara Falls, Canada?

While I'd love to do that, the set up and planning time required is more than one week.  :)
Formerly: His Grace, Patriarch Rashid ibn Daouta, Last Imperial Duke of the Eastern Marches, Duke of Elinie, Master of Sutren Hills, Holy Paladin of Avanalae, Light of Reason.

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Re: ROE Copenhagen Barbecue - Summer 2010
« Reply #16 on: June 24, 2010, 12:36:08 PM »
Results just in: I'll be representing the Silver Prince at the Barbecue Sunday, and I'm hoping to attend the house-warming-thingy too - if nothing else, then to show the colours for a few hours - Praise Ruornil!

Offline X-Elinie/RiD (Niels)

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Re: ROE Copenhagen Barbecue - Summer 2010
« Reply #17 on: June 24, 2010, 03:44:10 PM »
Address sent as PM.  :)
Formerly: His Grace, Patriarch Rashid ibn Daouta, Last Imperial Duke of the Eastern Marches, Duke of Elinie, Master of Sutren Hills, Holy Paladin of Avanalae, Light of Reason.

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Re: ROE Copenhagen Barbecue - Summer 2010
« Reply #18 on: June 24, 2010, 06:38:54 PM »
Would have loved to join you guys, but doesn't look like I'll make it. Just had a look at last minute tickets, and I'm not sure it would quite make it to the £450 worth of fun category.

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Re: ROE Copenhagen Barbecue - Summer 2010
« Reply #19 on: June 24, 2010, 07:33:14 PM »
I have two days of hard work ahead of me friday and sunday, so I might make an appearance at both events but it all depends on how tired I am :)
 Send me the adress and I'll figure it out once I'm on my way home (I've begun a new job as guide in the Cold War museum Stevnsfortet, twenty meters beneath the surface and about two hours with train from Copenhagen  :'(

Offline X-Elinie/RiD (Niels)

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Re: ROE Copenhagen Barbecue - Summer 2010
« Reply #20 on: June 24, 2010, 08:32:24 PM »
Addy sent!  :)

And now we've got you under ground, all we need is a heavy duty padlock and some rites of purification.  ;D

Just kidding, I hope to see you at either/both events.  :)
« Last Edit: June 24, 2010, 08:34:01 PM by Elinie/RiD (Niels) »
Formerly: His Grace, Patriarch Rashid ibn Daouta, Last Imperial Duke of the Eastern Marches, Duke of Elinie, Master of Sutren Hills, Holy Paladin of Avanalae, Light of Reason.

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Re: ROE Copenhagen Barbecue - Summer 2010
« Reply #21 on: June 24, 2010, 09:15:54 PM »
Urgh.  UK emergency budget issues and workload have prevented me from attending as planned, I must now wrestle with returns of capital being taxed as income rather than enjoying the hospitality of the Copenhagen crowd.   :'(
Robhan Khaiarén
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Re: ROE Copenhagen Barbecue - Summer 2010
« Reply #22 on: June 24, 2010, 09:50:40 PM »
That is too bad. Hope work treats you better in the future, and you get your missing funds.

I have sent PM with adress for the housewarming to Thorsten & Jon.

Further questions and adress requests should be directed to me via phone.
Her Excellency Geraldine el-Mesir,
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Offline X-Elinie/RiD (Niels)

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Re: ROE Copenhagen Barbecue - Summer 2010
« Reply #23 on: June 24, 2010, 09:52:35 PM »
Damn that international crisis!  :)

Well, I hope you find a reason to come to DK some day Andy, we've got a lot of hosting to make up for.  ;D
Formerly: His Grace, Patriarch Rashid ibn Daouta, Last Imperial Duke of the Eastern Marches, Duke of Elinie, Master of Sutren Hills, Holy Paladin of Avanalae, Light of Reason.

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Re: ROE Copenhagen Barbecue - Summer 2010
« Reply #24 on: June 26, 2010, 05:31:11 PM »
I will, although I was happy to host and be sociable for a change.  I just need to get myself organised. :-[
Robhan Khaiarén
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Offline X-Ilien & PCE/GeM (Linde)

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Re: ROE Copenhagen Barbecue - Summer 2010
« Reply #25 on: June 28, 2010, 12:30:14 AM »
Thank you all for a great housewarming.
And thank you for the gifts ^_^
My wife and I both agree that the party was a success.

And thank you Niels for a great BBQ.
It was good to see Jon again, and Thorsten have shown me that he is infact a living breathing human and not only an evil robot set on making life difficult for Ilien.
Especially thanks to Alexander who were willing to discuss other subjects than RPG with my wife, and I am sure most of us were delighted to be reminded about how my wife at some point at a previous party had discussed how [Bleep] makes some people [Bleep]. :P

Also thanks to Dan and Bo who are not playing RoE but still came and ate our food..... No seriously... THANKS ^_^

Hope to see you all again soon.

[EDIT: This message is now safe for children to read again]
« Last Edit: June 28, 2010, 04:51:42 PM by Ilien & PCE/GeM (Linde) »
Her Excellency Geraldine el-Mesir,
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Offline X-Elinie/RiD (Niels)

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Re: ROE Copenhagen Barbecue - Summer 2010
« Reply #26 on: June 28, 2010, 04:35:15 AM »
Thanks Linde! - And likewise on the housewarming, was awesome.  :)

We're just about winding down here now, its 4:30 am and Thorsten has retired to sleep and has to be at work in oh, about 4 hours...

Alexander and Dan are both nodding off, waiting for the early bus to start going and I'm very, very glad that I am "working" from home today.

Pretty sure my work day won't start until well past noon.  ;D

Many thanks to all who came by! - The only thing I'd do different, is having the BBQ on a Saturday next time.   :o
Formerly: His Grace, Patriarch Rashid ibn Daouta, Last Imperial Duke of the Eastern Marches, Duke of Elinie, Master of Sutren Hills, Holy Paladin of Avanalae, Light of Reason.

Offline X-Medoere & RCS/KE (Thorsten)

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Re: ROE Copenhagen Barbecue - Summer 2010
« Reply #27 on: June 28, 2010, 02:24:04 PM »
Thorsten have shown me that he is infact a living breathing human and not only an evil robot set on making life difficult for Ilien.

"Strong is Vader Kaven. Mind what you have learned. Save you it can!"  :P

Thanks to Linde and Niels both for hosting and providing a good background to share some laughs at the behest of everyone else (Yes, Bobby - that's you. You threaten to egg my house, I badmouth you  :D)
I would very much prefer BBQ on a Saturday too next time - my day so far has been a careful balance between too much and too little coffee.

Linde, I tried asking what your wife did to avoid her getting bored, but she began to talk about bio-something-stuff and I think I kinda spaced out. Far easier to curse the Green Knight with a beer in the hand.
Next time we get twice as much meat for the grill - I'm not sure we where completely covered in this time.   ::)

Offline X-Ilien & PCE/GeM (Linde)

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Re: ROE Copenhagen Barbecue - Summer 2010
« Reply #28 on: June 28, 2010, 04:56:06 PM »
Yup!! Her are smarts or some stuff... (I don't get it either)

But her is purrdy ^_^


I edited my last message to save the any kids reading it from getting too much information :P
Her Excellency Geraldine el-Mesir,
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Offline X-Elinie/RiD (Niels)

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Re: ROE Copenhagen Barbecue - Summer 2010
« Reply #29 on: June 28, 2010, 05:42:05 PM »
Hehe, there were meat everywhere!

Next time, I'm not bringing out the potatoes until AFTER people has some meat on their plates...  :)

Them taters were quite filling, what with the 2 liters of cream and cheese sauce they were baked in!
Formerly: His Grace, Patriarch Rashid ibn Daouta, Last Imperial Duke of the Eastern Marches, Duke of Elinie, Master of Sutren Hills, Holy Paladin of Avanalae, Light of Reason.