"Many," replies Baron Bellamie. He has trailed behind the rest of the regents, sniffing at the wind and gazing around them quietly. He stands now watching the stream flow past, rubbing the fingers of his right hand together. "But few of them palatable. Unfortunately, most of those who have sought to open ways to the Shadow World in the past have been those with dark intentions and few moral restrictions. The necessary means and rituals devised for it have, as such, been of a similarly dark nature." His face twists as if to spit. "The Ruornites did their work well in painting it as a place only those of evil would even study, and as their god gives them passage when needed, they have created no rites of use to us either. And thus we find ourselves sharply limited when we must reach the other side. Would they had foreseen such a consequence in their infinite wisdom!"
He sighs, stepping to the river's side and looking down into it for a long moment before continuing. "Blood," he says shortly. "When blood is spilled, even without killing, it carries with it a part of a man's life and strength. That force passes through the Shadow World to whatever lies beyond it, weakening the Veil in its wake. Thus it is that the undead find the Shadow World such a natural home, for it stands between our world and that which comes after - a halfway sort of place, for the halfway fallen. If the Veil is weak enough here, a spilling of blood could tear it open... but I hate to inflict such on this place."
He gazes around himself. "It is not an evil place, whatever the Ruornites might judge from the thinness of its Veil... only a quiet one. One that remembers death, that stands close to that silent peace. A place of repose and stillness. Hence the nature of the stream, carrying away your memories of the living world and all that passed within it, that you might rest undisturbed by its needs and call. To spill blood here could taint it, could turn a place of peaceful waiting into one of murder and painful endings - and hunger for more spilled strength. I cannot suggest that."
"There are other alternatives, though still dangerous ones. If Master Kaleiman has no arts to allow us passage, he or our priests must still have those that would call up the creatures of the Shadow World here - spells of illusion, of summoning, of calling on the deceased. Their passage to join us would, in a place of sufficient weakness, create places of entry that would linger before closing, allowing us to use them as well. And I have read of some few rites that might grant passage safely... my concern for them is that I have only read of them, never been properly taught or practiced them." He grimaces. "What they might do if misperformed, I can only imagine. And dread."
Edit: Clarifying that he's talking about the place we're in in the third paragraph, not the Shadow World.