Author Topic: Adventure 67: The Bonds Would Break...  (Read 38972 times)

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Offline X-Elinie/RiD (Niels)

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Adventure 67: The Bonds Would Break...
« on: April 22, 2010, 01:18:37 AM »
OOC: OK! Here we go for real. No OOC clutter here.

I have taken some snippets of emails, and reposted them here. Please continue the IC talks in Ansien, prior to embarkation here.

Current Participants, in no particular order:

PETG - Adventurers
RiD - Elinie - Adventurers - Amy units
WO - Osoerde - ? - ? (still in the North)
DK - Mhoried - Adventurers - Army units
SM - Tornilen - Adventurers - Army units - Realm Spells
IHH - Adventurers - Army units
LPA - Adventurers - Army units - Realm Spells
HA- ? - ? (still in the North)

Independent NPC's:
Maester Kaleiman - If he heeds the call.

Please say, IC, exactly what you are bringing, or use the Mirror thread to simply list what we got. We will need to do war planning in addition to adventuring.

Link to Mirror thread:

Link to War thread:
« Last Edit: May 26, 2010, 03:29:54 PM by DM Bjørn »
Formerly: His Grace, Patriarch Rashid ibn Daouta, Last Imperial Duke of the Eastern Marches, Duke of Elinie, Master of Sutren Hills, Holy Paladin of Avanalae, Light of Reason.

Offline X-Elinie/RiD (Niels)

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Re: Adventure 67: The Bonds Would Break...
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2010, 11:12:17 PM »
Quote from: PETG Elamien (Brandon)
Assuming a meeting in Ansien . . .

When a number of individuals have gathered in Ansien, Elamien Lamier speaks to the assemblage:  "My heart is glad that so many perceive the danger, which threatens eastern,--and perhaps all of,--Anuire.  But, before we discuss our collective enemy strategically, I believe that we ought to introduce ourselves.  For some of us may not have met or may only be loosely acquainted.
"So, I am Elamien Lamier, Guildmaster of the Points East Trading Guild, recently married to the Patriarch of Elinie.  I, alone, represent my organisation; for, in truth, my merchants, on the whole, are not mighty adventurers.  But I am certainly willing to place my own body in peril, in order to combat Manethander and his several corrupt,--or corrupted,--agents.  And I do have some experience with a blade."
And she gestures, with a sweeping motion of her arm, palm upraised, that any, who would follow her introductory example, are welcome to do so.

Quote from: PETG Elamien (Brandon)
Elamien adds, "Of course, if there is no desire to discuss strategy in a quiet setting, then I hope that all of you from foreign lands will at least enjoy your brief time in Ansien, before we set out to deal with the difficult task, which is before us."
« Last Edit: April 22, 2010, 11:33:50 PM by Elinie/RiD (Niels) »
Formerly: His Grace, Patriarch Rashid ibn Daouta, Last Imperial Duke of the Eastern Marches, Duke of Elinie, Master of Sutren Hills, Holy Paladin of Avanalae, Light of Reason.

Offline X-Elinie/RiD (Niels)

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Re: Adventure 67: The Bonds Would Break...
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2010, 11:15:21 PM »
OOC: MOC has also joined us. - And I would really prefer if we did this on the forum. (Like mentioning Carthage should be destroyed)
But, onward.

Rashid, smiling at Elamien adds; "While I would gladly let my beautiful wife steal the stage, as the Patriarch of Elinie and host of this gathering, I must welcome you all for coming."
Continuing more somberly, Rashid says; "I am aware that several of you, have felt the hand of Manethander in your own lands. He has been reaching from his tomb for years, now."
"We have all had our fights against his agents. Our wins and our losses. What we stand before now, is more grim than I had ever hoped for."

Looking each of the present people in the eye, he speaks again. "Manethander has the Book of Law that OIT lost. You will note, that they are not present here today. Such was the impact of that blow from agents of Manethander."
"His minions and his own vile presence, has been working with it for two whole seasons. Seeking a way to pervert its words to undo the prison my forefather, Daouta ibn Hammoud, placed him in, so long ago."
"He will succeed in that goal, by the Eve of the Dead."
"So. Our mission is not of leisure. It is of necessity. What we have felt so far, is but the faint trailings of darkness emanating from Manethander. If released, he might well prove as formidable in his own way, as the Gorgon. More so even, for his ability to turn the minds of men, making his armies not goblins and dwarves, but our cousins, sisters and brothers."
"We know Tshalen has gone missing. Along with a core of highly skilled units. Archduke Osoer will tell us more on that, in a moment."
"We also know, that for all appearances, the Mhor lost men to Tshalen, where they struck not one blow in return. At this juncture, the only thing the two armies had in common, was that they entered the Grey Hills, and have not been seen or heard from ever since. - Mhor, have you found any evidence to the opposite?"
"Lastly, the creature known as the Ogre is still unaccounted for. And he too has units under his command. The Sword Mage and others have faced him before, and he alone is formidable."
"To be honest with you, I remain doubtful, that the forces of arms we have between us, is enough to deplete Manethanders forces in a pitched battle."
"The duty of our armies then, is to protect us, and provide cover and distraction, while we locate and break into the tomb of Manethander."
"Once there, it will be up to us. With Blood and valor, only we have a chance to stand before Manethanders manipulations."
"We are a disparate group. We have our own histories and conflicts, and in this struggle Manethander may prey upon those. To tempt you to do things that will doom our mission. Resist this urge, should you feel it, to solve disputes of realm or honor while on this mission."
"We go, armed as we are, with tools against any known kind of undead."
"But facing this evil, the final solution may only be found in situ. In the tomb itself."
"Steel yourselves."

With that, Rashid yields the floor to whom ever wish to speak next.
Formerly: His Grace, Patriarch Rashid ibn Daouta, Last Imperial Duke of the Eastern Marches, Duke of Elinie, Master of Sutren Hills, Holy Paladin of Avanalae, Light of Reason.

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Re: Adventure 67: The Bonds Would Break...
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2010, 03:29:07 PM »
OOC: Topic has been unlocked. I've also split of the posts that came after this one and moved them to the Great Beyond (you can repost them here again if it makes sense).

You may start posting here as you arrive or otherwise send dispatches to the Patriarch of Elinie, keeping in mind there is no instant communication and that we've just entered the second month of this season.
DM Bjørn

Offline X-Bellam & BC/TB (Bobby)

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Re: Adventure 67: The Bonds Would Break...
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2010, 04:16:43 PM »
Baron Bellamie steps forward slowly.  He was one of the first to arrive, having traveled north from Osoerde in the Patriarch's company, and while he has been present to greet each arrival, he has said very little - most unlike him, for those who have met him before.  Instead of the colors of the Osoerde's South Hold, he wears mourning black, from books to coat to leather gloves, marked with an emblem of Nesirie in white embroidery - a prayer for mercy granted to the souls of the fallen.  A slowly fading burn mars one cheek. 

"Lords and ladies of Anuire - I stand before you as a dire warning.  One year ago, I took part in a hunt for the thieves who stole the Book of Law, minions, we now know, of Manethander.  That quest came to naught; unprepared for the power leveled against us, we were routed and driven away with ease.  But that we had accomplished nothing did not prevent the Grey Duke's anger against us.  His vengeance came in the night, as warriors of my own country poured from the Shadow World into my home, burning and killing as they came, led by my fellow Baron Landen Tshalen.  They came for me, and I defended myself, and defeated Baron Tshalen by the grace of the gods.  But they came for more than my life - they came for everything of value in it, and they were not forestalled.  My home lies in ruins... and my family lies within it."

"Lords and Ladies, I have lost everything, for no greater reason than that I drew the Grey Duke's attention!  This is his nature, to take all he touches, be it our lives, our lands, or our very minds and souls themselves!  This is why I have come here today, to take my vengeance for what I have lost.  But I bring warning as well, one I urge you to carry in your hearts until needed.  You will be tested, should you stand against him.  He will play upon you, seeking to turn us against one another, to wield our differences and distrusts as a blade in his hands.  And when those moments come, when you feel the stirring of hatred, fear, or suspicion against one another begin to sap your will or distract your aim... remember this.  Remember the depth of his retribution for the simple act of opposition.  Remember the consequences that face all of us, all men and women of Anuire, should he not be destroyed.  Remember what you will suffer, should we fail."

Offline X-Tornilen/SM (Alexander)

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Re: Adventure 67: The Bonds Would Break...
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2010, 05:05:40 PM »
Standing by her chair, Marya Tanar cocks her head to one side, giving Bellamie an appraising look. Some scornful remark or ridicule is on her lips, but the look in Bellamie's eyes makes her hestitate. "No, no need to kick him while he is down, if there ever was a need." She discards the internal monologue and gives him a nod.

"Your advice is noted. Condolences on your loss."

Then seats herself and continues. "We need to take stock of our situation. With the outbreak of war between Mhoried and Osoerde, I believe I have brought the largest force to this little party, on behalf of Ghieste and Roesone, as well as Tornilen. With all we have gathered here, we must hope it is enough."

"The plan that was formulated earlier, by the LPA I believe, seems sound. We lead the armies to the Duke, destroy his forces, go in to confront him, then use the LPA's magics to destroy him when he tries to enter this world."

She smiles nastily. "I will remain in command of my forces until the Ogre is destroyed. There is a reckoning there that I do not wish to postpone. I will keep the field until Manethander is destroyed. Should we rout the Ogre's forces completely, I will join you in... his lair or whatever, and help you there."

"Now you know my position. Let us look at what information we have. What kind of forces are facing? What kind of fortress in Manethander hiding in? That sort of thing. Perhaps the PETG would like to take the floor on this, unless they want us all to make a deposit before they give us the information to save them and their patriarch?" The last is delivered with a sardonic smile.

In the background Commander Gaerik Bellerran walks over to baron Bellamie. He is a stocky man of medium height, with hair streaked through with grey. "Cousin, we are all sorry for your loss. We... will make those monsters pay."
« Last Edit: May 29, 2010, 05:14:01 PM by Tornilen/SM (Alexander) »
Marya Tanar, The Sword Mage
Duchess and Mage of Tornilen

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Re: Adventure 67: The Bonds Would Break...
« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2010, 08:19:44 AM »


Says Elamien, with a serious look upon her face, "If Baron Tshalen and some of his followers have been slain, then there may be less ghouls, with which to deal, in Elinie.  But there is no exact count of hostile units to be given:  for who can say how many individuals might have been corrupted?

"In order to reach Manethander's tomb, a military confrontation may be necessary, as a matter of course; but I believe that some of us ought to separate from the army, whilst any such confrontation is in progress, in order to deal with Manethander in a timely and effective fashion.  For, on occasion, he is now awake.  And he may be able to give strength to his followers in that state, particularly in the absence of distraction."

Offline DM B

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Re: Adventure 67: The Bonds Would Break...
« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2010, 06:56:23 PM »
The wizard Kaleiman of Elinie:

"I bring grave tidings from the north - there was a battle in Balteruine several weeks ago, between the fores of Osoerde and Marquis Bellamie of Morcosoer, and those of the Mhor, his vassal Baron Haensen, and the templars of the Haelyn's Aegis. There were many dead and injured on both sides. Mhor Droene was killed in that battle. Presumably his younger brother Agelmore is now Mhor. Archduke Osoer critically injured, through not dead. He is, as far as I know, in the 'possession' of the Aegis. Marquis Bellamie is said to have escaped to Morcosoer with what forces remained to him. Beyond that I know few details - but perhaps Baron Blaede has additional tidings? At any rate we cannot hope for any aid from that quarter."
DM Bjørn

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Re: Adventure 67: The Bonds Would Break...
« Reply #8 on: May 30, 2010, 09:35:20 PM »
Pontiff Wallac Isilviere:

"Baron my condolence for your grave loses. I wish I had something meaningful to say that would somehow bring back hope to you but alas I have little to offer but respect and that I assure you I will go with you against the duke.

I’ll do it not for vengeance, just as cause for it may be, but for the greater good, for what is right, for the innocents, for friendship and for the glory of Haelyn our All Father.”
His Holiness Wallac Isilviere, Pontiff of All Anuire, High Prefect of the Impregnable Heart of Haelyn

Offline X-LPA/Gaerred Khaiarén (Gray)

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Re: Adventure 67: The Bonds Would Break...
« Reply #9 on: May 30, 2010, 10:49:58 PM »
Gaerred listens quietly to the words of Master Kalieman.

"And so, the Grey Duke begins to move," he says.

He stands and moves to take a small cooper bowl into which he burns myrrh, sage and lavender, while intoning a simple prayer.

Holy Avanlae, O yea I call upon you, to cast away the Shadow, to burn away deceit and bring all into the Light.

He deeply breathes in the aromatic smoke.

"It is clear that the Grey Duke does not inspire loyalty and if men will not keep their promises to him by the nature of their hearts, then the Grey MUST surely enforce it the power which corrupts and taints - a taint which I believe we can detect."

OOC: Bjorn, let's try a Detect Shadow on the assembled people

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Re: Adventure 67: The Bonds Would Break...
« Reply #10 on: May 30, 2010, 11:29:00 PM »
Baronettess Tilgentor is standing quietly and listens to the conversation. When the oppertunity arrises she add that she will help in any way she is able, be it on the battlefield, in the toomb or where else there may be need for the blessed word of Nesirie or an extra weapon against creatures of the shadow.
Her Excellency Geraldine el-Mesir,
Countess of the Free City of Illien
Guildmistress of Port of Call Exchange,
Mage of Ilien & Protector of her people.

Offline X-Tornilen/SM (Alexander)

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Re: Adventure 67: The Bonds Would Break...
« Reply #11 on: May 31, 2010, 12:21:46 AM »
As the High Hierophant begins the small, possibly magical ritual, Marya steps back and hisses between her teeth, while gripping the pommel of her sword: "By Kriesha's barren loins... "

Her other hand is crackling with lightning, but before she releases any of it she visibly calms herself down. Letting go of the sword, taking a deep breath and releasing it. She crosses her arms and watches the High Hierophant finish his little ritual.

"Sire, I will give you this warning: Perform magic near me, without warning or explanation, again, and I will cut you down."
Marya Tanar, The Sword Mage
Duchess and Mage of Tornilen

Offline X-LPA/Gaerred Khaiarén (Gray)

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Re: Adventure 67: The Bonds Would Break...
« Reply #12 on: May 31, 2010, 12:48:25 AM »
Gaerred slowly raises his hand the move still the his Templars and the paladins present in the room.

"Which would only prove, that you are exactly what I believe you to be - a godless murderer - which would be in keeping with your Vos heritage - but unfit to the current role that you so deftly play," he says quietly to her for he is not a man prone to quick anger or hurried passion. 

"Save your threats, they mean nothing to me - I am the Light of Avani and in that regard - threats are made powerless and irrelevant." 

He quiets his mind and casts his soul to reverie in the Lady and then turns his eyes the the assembled people.

Offline X-Points East

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Re: Adventure 67: The Bonds Would Break...
« Reply #13 on: May 31, 2010, 01:41:35 AM »


After glancing back and forth, from the High Hierophant to the Sword Mage, a number of times, Elamien speaks again:  "There is obviously a lack of trust in this room . . . perhaps with reason.  But I wondre:  is there any other trustworthy news from the north?  Southern Morcosoer is not far removed from Soilas, as we, all, know; and it strikes me that, just possibly, Marquess Braecus may have managed to send some word south to Archduchess Marlae."

And she is then silent.

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Re: Adventure 67: The Bonds Would Break...
« Reply #14 on: May 31, 2010, 02:12:04 AM »
"All bravado aside," Marlae begins.

"The Grey Duke has played his hand masterfully," she says.

"He played upon our fears and inherent distrust. And then utterly capitalized upon the ensuing chaos," she continues.

"It behooves those in this room to find a way to trust one another and to do so quickly.  Then again, do as you would do, in the Grey Duke's tomb and in his illusions, you would be foolish to trust all that you see, and foolisher yet, to strike at the very people who might be our salvation."  She quietly fold her hands into her lap.

"As to the Marquis, I have all faith that he will turn southward, if only to honor my husbands intent and hopefully, its spirit as well," she looks casually at Tristan before standing.

"Good Baron, I think I shall take my leave now will you escort me to my carriage."  Her smoldering eyes regard him intently.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2010, 02:13:43 AM by Osoerde/William Osoer (Alan) »
Yes, wyrmling, the meat is made all the more tender by armor...