Looking at the various realm spells, there appears to be a wide range of results with regards to the timing and duration of the effect. Some are applied in the turn cast, some in the next turn, and some both in the casting turn and the next. Could this be reviewed to make it more consistent, and perhaps simplified?
For the respective Realm Spells cast in turn X, the effect will be:
- Bless the Holy Land: income from turn X increased, resulting in more money in turn X+1, and temporary bonus to prosperity affecting actions in turn X+1
- Bless the Sacred Holding: income from turn X increased, resulting in more money in turn X+1, protects holding in turn X, bonus to holding level affecting actions in turn X+1
- Demagouge: prosperity bonus affecting actions in turn X+1
- Gold Rush: income from turn X increased, resulting in more money in turn X+1
- Armour of the Defenceless: Enchants troops in turn X
- Dominate Army: Enchants troops in turn X up to and including turn X+2 (say).
Part of the problem is that the money collection system, while based on the data of the P&H of the relevant turn, is representative of the income from the turn before. As long as this is the case, it might be very difficult to separate the Realm Spells’ effect on money and their effect on other attributes.
Would there be merit in introducing two types of casting times for Realm Spells? One Short for spells taking effect in the same turn as cast, and one Long (while still a free actions) for spells taking effect the following turn.