Feeling the mens mood lighten as the storm is left behind, the Baron of Medoere also takes a deep breath, relishing the fact that it is ordinary winter cold, and not a storm of magical proportions, that nibbles at his exposed skin.
Leaving the camp had been the right choice, he felt. Now the defenders left behind could squabble with their 'saviours' about the biting cold their magician had employed, which, even though the allied forces had felt them worst, undoubtly had let to much misery in the castle as well.
To the south of them lay Carrida, already freed of oppressive forces, and a castle in friendly hands. Kaven looked forward to greeting the general again. Even though his lack of etiquette had prompted him to dislike him at first, fighting beside built certain bonds... besides he would be a welcome sight, especially if he had a glass of mulled wine anywhere upon his person.
Kaven looked back at the men marching behind him. The mercenaries had been promised garrison duty, and he would make good that promise, though it would most likely mean, that men who where now cozy in bunk beds in a barrack would have to camp outside to see that promise through.
He shrugged, after the weather they left behind, he kinda looked forward to resting in a tent near a castle with access to a hot bath and at least some manner of shelter.
- Those mercenary units promised garrison duty, are send to assist General Maelcolm in Caer Carr, while the men who have spent time resting there are drawn out. (I do not know if they actually rested enough to recover lost damage, so if they miss a few weeks or so, they should stay.)
- The rest of the army camp besides the castle.
- Is Brosen forces still holding the other side of the river? If so, then a dispatch is sent to them (if so, I'll write the actual dispatch and send it per mail.)