Author Topic: Charter of the Conclave of Temples (CoT)  (Read 2253 times)

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Charter of the Conclave of Temples (CoT)
« on: September 24, 2010, 08:33:55 AM »
Since the Charter isn't exactly secret I'm posting it here.

0. The Conclave is centered around a defensive alliance against the Lost and the Awnsheghlien. It has been clearly stipulated that the Conclave is not to interfere in matters of dogma, nor become engaged in worldly affairs.

1. All temples, grand and small, belonging to the gods of Anuire - Haelyn, Nesirie, Cuiarécen, Sarimie, Ruornil, Eloéle, Avanalae, Aéric and Laerme - are given a seat each in the Conclave of Temples (CoT).

1 a) No temple of the dark gods Belinik and Kriesha may hold a seat in the Conclave.

1 b) The CoT does not recognize any temple belonging to gods other than the 9 Celestial Powers and the 2 Infernal Powers.

OOC: The CoT recognizes the existence and power of Belinik and Kriesha, but refuses to accept that there are other gods than these.

1 c) Any temple may claim a seat on the Conclave, except as outlined above, but cannot be seated until accepted by a vote of the Conclave.

2. Every two years a Grand Conclave will be held in the City of Anuire. Every temple with a seat has an equal vote on all matters and may submitt propositions to the Grand Conclave.

2 a) Major alterations to the nature of the Conclave (such as changes to this charter) require 2/3 majority.

2 b) All other votes require a simple majority to pass.

3. The CoT will be led by a Pontiff.

3 a) Each time the Grand Conclave meets (except special sessions), a new Pontiff is to be elected, changing between the five traditions. Only a priest of Haelyn may be elected Pontiff.

The traditions will hold the Pontificate in the following order:
Orthodox; Reformist; Traditionalist; True Reformist; Watchers.

3 b) The Pontiff is the head of the CoT and is due tribute from all members, as determined by the Grand Conclave.

3 c) The Pontiff is free to act in the best interests of the CoT, within the bounds of the Charter, any propositions passed and the counsel provided by the Cardinals of the CoT.

OOC: Typically the Pontiff makes day-to-day decisions, manages the treasury and commands the militant arm of the CoT.

4. The following temples will provide Cardinals as permanent advisers to the ruling Pontiff; these temples are hereafter called Cardinal Temples:


4 a) New Cardinal temples can only be created with a 2/3 majority.

5. Each temple belongs to a tradition - or is unaligned - each tradition are given the right of veto against a decision taken by the Pontiff (but not against propositions passed by the Grand Conclave). Each tradition are given unlimited vetoes - but one cannot veto twice in a row - another tradition must veto before you can do it again. A tradition can only use a veto veto if a majority of the tradition's temples agree. Unaligned temples have no right to veto.

5 a) The traditions are:

The Orthodox: OIT, MOC, RCS
The Reformist: IHH, ETN*
The Traditionalist: WIT, CJS, EOM, TOF, PSN
The True Reformist: NIT, HTC, LFB
The Watchers: HA*, LPA, OA, THB

*politically aligned; dogma is orthodox

5 b) The unaligned temples are:


6. The Conclave will maintain a standing military force not aligned with any temple. The Pontiff is the supreme commander of said force.

6 a) The Knights of Haelyn is the (current) militant arm of the CoT. The Grand-Maester of the KoH is the second-ranking officer, and has been granted the power to oversee military affairs by the Pontiff.

7. All temples are to provide tithe to the Conclave. The tithe is primarily intended to support the military arm of the Conclave, in peace and war. The rest of the fund is to be used as the Pontiff sees fit (or is directed by the Conclave).

7 a) Changes to the tithe requires a majority vote.

7 b) Ordinary (peacetime) tithe:

Member Temple: 1GBs
Cardinal Temple: 2GBs
Haelynic Cardinal Temple: 4GBs
Pontiff's Temple: 6GBs

7 c) The CoT can decide (by majority vote) that war is upon the temples and agree to use the wartime tithe. A majority vote is required to return to the ordinary tithe:

Member Temple: 2GBs
Cardinal Temple: 4GBs
Haelynic Cardinal Temple: 6GBs
Pontiff's Temple: 8GBs

7 d) A temple may claim hardship and be hallowed to be exempt from the tithe. The Pontiff decides to allow or disallow the claim of hardship.

7 e) The Pontiff may at his discretion accept temple troops as Conclave troops instead of a monetary tithe. Such troops must be available for the Pontiff to use (i.e. given as auxiliaries upon request).

The normal upkeep of troops will count half against the tithe responsibility (OOC: 2GBs worth of DO stated upkeep, is worth 1 GB of tithe). A commander is worth ½GB of tithe, a general is worth 1GB of tithe.

8. The temples agree to work together in creating a permanent Conclave structure in Anuire City.

8 a) Each temple will construct and maintain an embassy in the City.

9. The Conclave has the power of Excommunication.

9 a) The a ruler of a (realm, province, law, temple, trade, guild, manor or source) may be excommunicated by the Conclave.

9 b) Excommunication is reserved for those discovered to be actively working with the Lost or the Awnsheglien, or be involved in the resurrection of the Prince of Lies, the Face of Evil, Azrai the Shadow.

9 c) If enough proof of such a terrible crime can be gathered, it is to be laid before the Pontiff and all the Cardinal temples for them to deliberate on. If 2/3s vote aye the interdict of excommunication is to be cast over the ruler.
DM Bjørn