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Re: Transfer of holdings
« Reply #60 on: February 08, 2010, 03:09:55 PM »
The basic mechanic will be:

15 + province lvl for Provinces
5 + prov lvl + holding lvl for Holdings

+1 per ceremony through (multiple transfers are multiple ceremonies!)
+5 for Investiture spell* or trade/source holding.
+ some other permutations; such a +2 DDC for recognition if you don't already have a holding of that type in the province.

* Will be downgraded to a 0-level spell me thinks.

The idea is that the transfer of a holding of intermediate level in a non-exceptional province should be possibly to accomplish by taking 10 IF investiture is cast and the province has OK prosp and the domain OK stab. Taking 10 + 5 for the spell...that's 15 just there...enough for 5 + 5 + 5 = 15 for example. And if you can throw in 2-3 points of good prosp/stab that's good for say 5 + 6 +7 = 18. You could even make it without the spell for smaller transfers...but otherwise that +5 will be highly useful!

Bonuses for action descriptions an personal effort (adventures) are probably going to be rare, but not unheard of (i.e. your regent spends an adventure IN ADDITION to the investiture to gain a +2 bonus, or the action description is very good for a +2 bonus) .
DM Bjørn

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Re: Transfer of holdings
« Reply #61 on: February 10, 2010, 10:58:26 AM »

Let's have a look at another common set of ceremonies - the one where you appoint your heir (Designation) and the one where you hand over your domain to your heir (Coronation).

While it is possible to have multiple heirs and to divide your domain by doing a multiple coronation, we'll stick with there being only one target (by far the most common occurrence).

IF there were multiple targets there would be multiple ceremonies (at 1GB each and +1 DDC per ceremony).

12 + province lvl for Provinces
2 + prov lvl + holding lvl for Holdings

That might seem excessive; DDC 17 for a lvl 5 province, DDC 14 for a holding 5 in a province 7. Waaay beyond Taking 10. And you need to check for EACH province/holding. So unless you spend massive amounts of Influence you're going to fail a lot of those checks. NOT.

You have to take into the common modifiers:

Investiture spell (+5 bonus): You should always be doing this when using Coronation/Designation.
Stability (variable): Domains try to have good stability before conducting such important ceremonies; and if the regent just died the resulting loss of stability takes effect on the NEXT turn, so the coronation ceremony won't be affected.
Prosperity (variable): Domains try to pimp prosperity before conducting these ceremonies. Either using Agitate or even going with Grants to achieve cheap (but temporary) effects. Especially important for high-level provinces of course.
Effort (+2 bonus): The regent AND the heir will most likely be tacking adventure actions to back this important event up.
Description (+0 to +2 bonus): This is such an important event that the player needs to make a good action description; preferably one that's good enough for an actual bonus.
Synergy (+2 bonus): Such an important courtly event should be taken in conjunction with diplomacy (court session) and a period of games and gaiety. Warrants a synergy bonus.

Designation (+2 bonus): If the Heir is already Designated the following Coronation ceremony (the one that is free of RP cost and automatically initiated should the current regent die) gets a +2 bonus.

So domain that PREPARE their Coronation/Designation ceremonies will regularly have +10 (or more) bonuses to their checks, making Take 10 a viable option even for the largest of provinces and holdings.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2010, 10:10:59 AM by DM Bjørn »
DM Bjørn

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Re: Transfer of holdings
« Reply #62 on: February 10, 2010, 11:09:35 AM »

The Recognition ceremony is also pretty common. You use it to swap holdings between domains as agreed per diplomacy. It can also be sued to seize uncontrolled provinces/holdings (for example those that just got Divested), but this is relatively rare.

The transfer of any number of provinces/holdings to ONE RECIPIENT from ONE DONOR constitutes one ceremony. So swapping stuff between two domains is really two separate ceremonies (I recognize your claim to my stuff, while you recognize my claim to your stuff).

Each ceremony costs 1GB and there is a +1 DDC mod per ceremony taken together (i.e. +2 for that classic swap). If you don't like the extra DDC mod, make it to separate ceremonies instead (but that of course takes 2 action and, if used, 2 separate Investiture spells). Your call.

15 + province lvl for Provinces
5 + prov lvl + holding lvl for Holdings

Base DDC is 3 points higher than for Coronation/Designation. This is as it should be.

You've got more or less that same modifiers, but some stuff like synergy for example probably isn't going to happen, nor are your regent likely to support with an adventure. You might want to pimp the province prosperity a bit though; could be more cost-effective than NOT being able to take 10. And the Investiture spell is still highly useful if the initial DDC is too for you to make that Take 10 threshold.

But from time to time it WILL happen; the DDC is too high to Take 10 and you'll have to spend Influence to be certain of success. That too is intentional.
DM Bjørn

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Re: Transfer of holdings
« Reply #63 on: March 06, 2010, 02:12:05 PM »
Two questions:
- Is the Investiture Spell now officially a Level 0 spell?
- DOes the spell grant a bonus to all ceremonies involved in an investiture action, or only one per spell?
- Would it make sense to include a 'Greater Investiture' spell, granting a bigger bonus? Or is that just too much cheese?


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Re: Transfer of holdings
« Reply #64 on: March 06, 2010, 07:54:36 PM »
That was 3 questions...

1. Yes, it's 0-lvl spell
2. All ceremonies/checks are affected by ONE investiture spell.
3. I'll look into it.
DM Bjørn

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Re: Transfer of holdings
« Reply #65 on: March 08, 2010, 09:15:53 AM »
Two questions, and two points for contemplation.
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Re: Transfer of holdings
« Reply #66 on: March 09, 2010, 03:15:01 AM »


Is COURT a modifier for any of the investiture ceremonies, under the new rules?

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Re: Transfer of holdings
« Reply #67 on: March 09, 2010, 07:55:03 AM »


Is COURT a modifier for any of the investiture ceremonies, under the new rules?

DM Bjørn

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Re: Transfer of holdings
« Reply #68 on: April 06, 2010, 02:22:43 PM »
Could we get a summary of these new rules added to the 'Official Errata' section?
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