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Introduction to Binsada
« on: January 13, 2011, 11:03:19 PM »
The Khinasi that live in Binsada today are descended from a people that came here by a circuitous route. In the years before and after Deismaar there were Basarji who followed the Asarwe River north, away from the lands ruled by Masetians. The hardiest of these made a living in the arid plains of the Tarvan Waste. In time they wandered further west, around the Tarvanian Hills and found a rich (by their standards) land ripe for the taking. The Masetians that had dwelled there in small numbers (for they were ever loathe to settle in numbers far from the coast) since before 400 BD were swept away, perhaps as earlt as the 1st century HC.

As was their custom elsewhere the Basarji then settled the places now vacated by the Masetians. And here they remain to this day, a strongly tribal and nomadic people, yet with each tribal group bound closely to a certain settlement. It is here they meet for trade and diplomacy, war and marriage. As a result Binsada can be divided into three regions; the Asarwe River and the adjacent steppe, the capital of Ber Dairas and the grasslands down to the coast, and the lands between the el-Tasri and Moura River. Each region is centered on a city – with Ber Dairas being by far the largest – around whom the tribes of Binsada continue on with their traditional lives. Each region, indeed every province, is home to a number of nomadic clans. Around Ber Dairas the leading clan is that of the Queen, el-Reshid. El-Harfeh is the lading clan in the north, while El-Ghouref guards the eastern border.

In the years that followed Binsada would become the core area for the great nomadic tribes that wandered between there and the Zhaďnge Valley. They raided beyond that area, but natural barriers and the high walls – inherited from the Masetians – of the city-dwellers along the coast prevented further expansion. Then came the Anuirean Empire. After some disastrous campaigns the Anuireans turned to diplomacy and subterfuge, using the factitious nature of the tribes against them. Slowly but surely they wormed their way into the plains, secured strong sites for their forts and towns, and kept the tribes from uniting by promises of gold and the threat of force. Except for a number of a number of military establishments, including Ber Dairas, there were a number of lesser Anuirean colonies along the coast. When the Khniasi broke free of the Anuirean yoke the Binsadans did to these settlements what had done to the Masetians generations before – they swept them into the sea.

Today Binsada remains a strong and proud nomadic society, managing both to keep in touch with its roots, while also maintaining more permanent settlements than their tribal kin elsewhere. It may be that some think them weaker for it, but looking at Binsada one has to recognize on thing – it is the one realm where nomads truly rule a prosperous kingdom. Binsada’s true weakness lies in her ignorance of the sea and the wealth that it brings. There are some that say this is a curse cast by Masela on those that murdered her faithful all those years go, a cruse that remains in effect to this day.
DM Bjřrn

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Re: Introduction to Binsada
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2011, 11:04:36 PM »
Banira bint Hamilah el-Reshid (1492 HC), Sultana of Binsada: Female Khinasi; Fighter 4; Basaďa, major, 42; N; Cha 18. Banira is the eight Reshid Sultana to rule in succession. She is strong, proud, and beautiful. A fine warrior and great horseman. She spends part of the year running her realm from Ber Dairas, but she never neglect the tribes, spending part of the year travelling among them. She is well loved by her subjects, but to their great grief she has borne no children.

Daoud ibn Mustaf el-Reshid (1493 HC), Tamounzada of Ber Dairas: Male Khinasi; Ranger 6; Basaďa, minor, 29; CG. Daoud is the Sultana’s cousin. He serves her loyally as the first line of defense against the Sphinx. Daoud used to spend more time at court, but his loud and outspoken ways has more than once caused conflict between him and the sovereign. Only because he wishes the best for Binsada of course, but there can be no questioning the word of the Sultana.

el-Harfeh, Kaďd of Asarwe: Anduiras. The tribes aligned with the el-Harfeh dominate northern Binsada, from the Harrowmarsh and well into the lands of the Sphinx. El-Harfeh produces strong and able warriors that fear neither the servants of the Sphinx or the Hydra.

el-Djebel, Sheikh of Andujar: Vorynn. The tribes aligned with el-Djebel dwell in southeastern Binsada, along the border to Irbouda and Zikala. The other tribes are somewhat skeptical of the el-Djebel tribe itself, for they seem to be adopting the ways of the city-dwellers. Still, the wealth and power brought by Zikalan traders and the fiery faith that have come with them are hard to ignore.

Haswan Mandil, High Priest of the Binsadan Temple of Leira: Male Khinasi; Cleric 4; Vorynn, minor, 19; N. This nomad-chieftain turned preacher may be old and grey, but he burns with conviction and passion. Of late the Binsadan Temple has turned even more outspoken, some say aggressive, and is currently seeking to expand in Sendoure. Or perhaps this is just an indication that times are changing and that a new leader is emerging.

Delia of Coeranys: Female Anuirean; Rogue 4/Fighter 1; Anduiras, minor, 22; CG. Delia’s grandparents fled from Rohrmarch to escape the Lyeshan purges. Settling in Coeranys they raised a family and called that land home. When Delia was very little it became apparent that Coeranys was no longer safe. So her family set sail east and eventually arrived in Ber Dairas by way of Turin. From humble beginnings Delia’s father managed to gain the favor of the court and the trust of the tribes, creating from nothing a vibrant trade guild. Delia honors the faith of the now departed father, but to her more pragmatic mind Lyesha is just Avani and Laerme rolled into one.

The Red Witch: Female Khinasi; Wizard 9; Vorynn, major, 32; N. Some say that the true name of the Red Witch is Corazón bint Rilni. They are obviously misguided, for in the Old Tongue Corazón means ‘beloved by’, making her name ‘Beloved of Rilin’. That she might be, but it is not her real name, so the Red Witch will suffice. The Red Witch is not the court mage of Binsada, but she does work hard to keep the land free of other source regents, including the malevolent influence of the Sphinx. Some say that the old hag has finally mastered the magics of the Harrowsmarsh and that her power therefore is much greater than it used to be.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2011, 11:24:53 AM by DM Bjorn »
DM Bjřrn