At the dawn of a new day, Maegon draws his Tarot, as a tireless ritual.
Three of Excuteria - The Soldier. Maegon has a thought for Caporal Usher and his men... Have they reach the crashed ship ? Are they still alive ?
The Reaper.
Well... Not necessarily a bad sign... All men must eventually die and face the judgment. The card also represents change, and change is seldom good.
Six of Adeptio - The Tech-priest. Maegon has a thought for Magos N-Tho, fallen in duty five years ago... His talents would be precious... They must exist some remaining Priests of the Mechanicum on this cursed planet...
Unity. The card shows a lordly figure abasing himself before the feet of another. The image is thought to be the Emperor receiving the surrender of the ‘final world’ during the Great Crusade.
Nine of Discordia - The Great Deceiver. Symbolizes ruin, misfortune, plots, confusion, madness...@Maegon: Your half-squad of scouts have crossed the wasteland and are now in position to observe. Last night's rains were particularly violent and have cleared the sky of pollutants (for the time being). It has the secondary effect of enabling your team a semi-decent vox-link with their Inquisitor.
Caporal Usher and his four soldiers are finally in sight of the ship. Crossing the no-man's land was not a cakewalk, but they have endured much worse since the Black Crusade stroke Cadia almost seventeen years ago. The Necromundan Spiders were 18 years old at the time, now they are 35. Both worn and hardened by a life of struggle.
At the beginning of the Crusade, Kasr Hemshin was protected by rings of massive earthworks studded with gun emplacements and weapons batteries and separated by an inner moat. Passage over the moat was controlled by hydraulic bascule bridges, each one guarded by a heavily armed barbican, and defended by the many armored fortifications and shatrovies overlooking it. Inside, the streets were laid out in elaborate geometric patterns, resembling from the air like an intricate puzzle. Right in the middle, giant fortified spires stands to the sky up to ten miles high for the taller, all bristling with titanic artillery batteries.
Given the Cadian's mastery of urban warfare, this layout allowed them to hold the Kasr for years before the first Chaos force reach the main command center.
Now outer and inner defense rings are reduced to piles of rubble and more than half the spires were thrown to the ground.
Among the remaining spires, no one is intact.
Caporal Usher sees the half-broken peaks in the distance.
The Inquisitor and his retinue are in one of them.
Since the rains cleared the atmosphere, the squad's vox-operator manage to set a semi-decent vox-link with the Inquisitorial Stormtroopers led by Sergeant Malavida, on one of the pre-established secured frequencies.
"Rggrgzgz... Capor... zrzrgggz... report."
"We reach the damaged ship. Repair in progress. Episodic skirmishes in the surroundings."
"...zrgzzz... Keep vfggzz... higher in Hemshin to..."
The connection is cut.
Fact must be faced, their equipment is not like new...
For a brief moment, Usher has a nostalgic thought for his home planet, Necromunda...
Suddenly, two of the Spiders raises their lasguns. It's already too late.
The five men are surrounded by a a larger troop.
Fortunately, IG insignia are still visible on their dusty uniforms.
Mixed Janosian and Pavlovan badges.
"Necromunda 8th, don't shoot !"
Back in the hive-ruins there is also quite a bit of activity.
"Tell Usher to look for a Tech-Priest ! Could lead to..." starts Maegon, when he finally joins the vox-operator.
"Connection lost..."
"Should we try to ?..."
"No. Their fate is in their own hands. Oshgor, lead us to the xenos fighter !"
@Maegon: Osh leads the Inquisitor and a bodyguard to inspect the crashed fighter-craft. The wreck is badly mangled, but you can still marvel at its alien design and incomprehensible layout. Well, maybe not so incomprehensible if you consider Osh's comparison to a spider - perhaps the craft tired to change its shape even as it struck the ground...yes, that would explain a great many things.
Meanwhile your scrounging teams have produced a few odds and ends, but nothing to write home to Terra about. Maybe enough for half-rations today and enough ammo to improve the overall situation slightly. They also report finding a Hydra AA battery, but it is unfortunately out of ammo and the APC chassis doesn't seem to work so you can't move it.
The observers up top have something to report, however: They have a partial view of the dorsal section of the ship. It appears whole and there are repair teams up and about. They also report at least ten small and three larger groups of people moving from the hive and towards the hills...
For now, Maegon and his retinue have reached a height of nearly four kilometers above the ground - nearly a quarter of the height of the highest spires of Kasr Hemshin.
Elevators do not work anymore, but some stairs are still accessible. Nevertheless, they must be careful. Two hours ago, one civilian tripped and fell into darkness screaming. Poor man...
"We continue to move higher. The low-hive suffered too much from years of fight to find something valuable here... Our best chance of finding intact resources and an operational communication center is toward the top, not down. "