Author Topic: #64 - DO in  (Read 22459 times)

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Offline X-Osoerde (Alan)

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Re: #64 - DO in
« Reply #15 on: August 03, 2009, 07:09:51 PM »
Yea, my DO's been in awhile. I'm apparently on the receiving end of a completely uncalled for war!  :)

I mean, he could at least get a better casus belli than not having access to Markazor... He could have bought passage through Tornilen and Mhoried. Same 5 provinces of movement. A couple of bridges and he'd be all set.

Oh the injustice! The inhumanity!

The SM refused access because as you requested...
Yes, wyrmling, the meat is made all the more tender by armor...

Offline X-Osoerde (Alan)

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Re: #64 - DO in
« Reply #16 on: August 03, 2009, 07:11:33 PM »
I'm apparently on the receiving end of a completely uncalled for war!  :)

I suppose that is technically true.  You never called for war with Osoerde explicitly.  To us, at least.

I mean, you did cut Osoerde off from a vassal.  And there were multiple seasons of failed diplomacy.  And you declared an Osoerdean vassal anathema.  And insulted others.  And rejected the possibility of further Diplomacy to resolve the situation.  And conspired against a vassal state.  And so on.

But, hey, you never actually said "Let's have a war!"  That's Osoerde's job, what with us being such imperialistic bastards and all.  Good point!

Bobby sums it up.
Yes, wyrmling, the meat is made all the more tender by armor...

Offline X-Osoerde (Alan)

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Re: #64 - DO in
« Reply #17 on: August 03, 2009, 07:13:04 PM »
Yea, my DO's been in awhile. I'm apparently on the receiving end of a completely uncalled for war!  :)

I mean, he could at least get a better casus belli than not having access to Markazor... He could have bought passage through Tornilen and Mhoried. Same 5 provinces of movement. A couple of bridges and he'd be all set.

Oh the injustice! The inhumanity!
I thought we were staying clear of any inter-player wars during the grace period? Was it ended a turn early after all?

I definitely have been under the assumption that the grace period was over for all intents and purposes.  As a side note, I didn't actually intend to wait until the very end to issue the decree -- I was just strapped for time primarily.
Yes, wyrmling, the meat is made all the more tender by armor...

Offline X-DM Jon

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Re: #64 - DO in
« Reply #18 on: August 03, 2009, 10:17:05 PM »
Yea, my DO's been in awhile. I'm apparently on the receiving end of a completely uncalled for war!  :)

I mean, he could at least get a better casus belli than not having access to Markazor... He could have bought passage through Tornilen and Mhoried. Same 5 provinces of movement. A couple of bridges and he'd be all set.

Oh the injustice! The inhumanity!
I thought we were staying clear of any inter-player wars during the grace period? Was it ended a turn early after all?

I definitely have been under the assumption that the grace period was over for all intents and purposes.  As a side note, I didn't actually intend to wait until the very end to issue the decree -- I was just strapped for time primarily.

 We'll see... The other OoC chain never really ended up with a clear DM proclamation, so it's  important that all players are aware IF the grace period is over.

 Anyway, leave the debate for the IC. As I see it both domains have played by a certain logic and aimed for a certain political situation. Noone will love Osoer for invading, noone can blame him for protecting his interests in Markazor. It's all politics.
 Now that war is looming it's not really the time to continue the game in the OoC. We don't want you to start taking this personally :D (yeah yeah, I know it's impossible. But at least it's equally impossible for all).

Offline X-Bellam & BC/TB (Bobby)

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Re: #64 - DO in
« Reply #19 on: August 03, 2009, 11:04:05 PM »
International Internet law requires a minimum number of flame wars per 6 months.  We're just trying to make sure our forum doesn't get shut down for violations of code.  Anyways, Jon, you know perfectly well we can blame one another for almost anything if we try hard enough.  ;)

I think this particular conflict's being driven by one of the most common reasons in the world: distrust, on all sides.  No one believing they can trust the other to behave 'right'.  It's always interesting to me to see how closely we wind up mirroring real-world tendencies.  The details of our negotiations and plans and behaviors are very different, but the fundamentals behind them are classic as hell.

As for DO's, I got mine in a day early, which is tragically better than usual for me.  What's the earliest anyone's turned in a fully completed DO?
« Last Edit: August 03, 2009, 11:06:33 PM by Bellam & BC/TB (Bobby) »

Offline X-Elinie/RiD (Niels)

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Re: #64 - DO in
« Reply #20 on: August 03, 2009, 11:19:31 PM »
Very true Bobby.

Not taking anything personal though. I'm certainly enjoying the rather intense wriggling I have to do... No secret that I'm underdog. Very exhilarating.  :)
Formerly: His Grace, Patriarch Rashid ibn Daouta, Last Imperial Duke of the Eastern Marches, Duke of Elinie, Master of Sutren Hills, Holy Paladin of Avanalae, Light of Reason.

Offline X-DM Jon

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Re: #64 - DO in
« Reply #21 on: August 03, 2009, 11:36:58 PM »
International Internet law requires a minimum number of flame wars per 6 months.  We're just trying to make sure our forum doesn't get shut down for violations of code.  Anyways, Jon, you know perfectly well we can blame one another for almost anything if we try hard enough.  ;)

I think this particular conflict's being driven by one of the most common reasons in the world: distrust, on all sides.  No one believing they can trust the other to behave 'right'.  It's always interesting to me to see how closely we wind up mirroring real-world tendencies.  The details of our negotiations and plans and behaviors are very different, but the fundamentals behind them are classic as hell.

As for DO's, I got mine in a day early, which is tragically better than usual for me.  What's the earliest anyone's turned in a fully completed DO?

 Right-o, never mind me then :)

(I just wish you'd expend the amount of energy you have OoC to write your version of the tale in the rumour section - hint hint).

Offline X-Medoere & RCS/KE (Thorsten)

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Re: #64 - DO in
« Reply #22 on: August 04, 2009, 06:28:44 AM »
International Internet law requires a minimum number of flame wars per 6 months.  We're just trying to make sure our forum doesn't get shut down for violations of code.  Anyways, Jon, you know perfectly well we can blame one another for almost anything if we try hard enough.  ;)

I think this particular conflict's being driven by one of the most common reasons in the world: distrust, on all sides.  No one believing they can trust the other to behave 'right'.  It's always interesting to me to see how closely we wind up mirroring real-world tendencies.  The details of our negotiations and plans and behaviors are very different, but the fundamentals behind them are classic as hell.

As for DO's, I got mine in a day early, which is tragically better than usual for me.  What's the earliest anyone's turned in a fully completed DO?

Currently, I'm blaming everything on Boer... seems to be working fine for me.
By the by... If anyone wants to send a present to Brosien, Kaven would very much like it. Especially if it's hot chocolate!  ::)

Offline X-Bellam & BC/TB (Bobby)

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Re: #64 - DO in
« Reply #23 on: August 04, 2009, 02:14:21 PM »
Currently, I'm blaming everything on Boer... seems to be working fine for me.
By the by... If anyone wants to send a present to Brosien, Kaven would very much like it. Especially if it's hot chocolate!  ::)

That bloodthefting bastard!

You know what you need?  Fuzzy slippers.

Offline X-Ilien & PCE/GeM (Linde)

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Re: #64 - DO in
« Reply #24 on: August 04, 2009, 03:08:55 PM »
Currently, I'm blaming everything on Boer... seems to be working fine for me.
By the by... If anyone wants to send a present to Brosien, Kaven would very much like it. Especially if it's hot chocolate!  ::)

That bloodthefting bastard!

You know what you need?  Fuzzy slippers.

And Marshmallows for if the hot chocolate ever comes.
Her Excellency Geraldine el-Mesir,
Countess of the Free City of Illien
Guildmistress of Port of Call Exchange,
Mage of Ilien & Protector of her people.