Author Topic: Boer vs. Avan #63  (Read 64940 times)

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Re: Boer vs. Avan #63
« Reply #15 on: May 20, 2009, 06:59:59 PM »

ooc: Deadline is looming in the horizon. I'd suggest deciding on some overall strategy rather quickly (main point being: Attack or not), and let "Him-Who-Manages-All, Caretaker to the Realms and Bringer of Joy and Sorrow" (aka Bjorn) wrap up the war moves from turn 63. No?

As I see it, this is summer and the best time to campaign... failure to act now means we may be fighting during fall or risk the onset of winter.

OoC:  Turn #63 is the autumn of 1535.

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Re: Boer vs. Avan #63
« Reply #16 on: May 20, 2009, 07:06:40 PM »
OoC: Quite correct Brandon, thanks for clearing that important piece of info  :)
 You will be able to fight in the last vestiges of proper weather now. After that, everything will be freezing brrrr!

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Re: Boer vs. Avan #63
« Reply #17 on: May 20, 2009, 07:21:16 PM »
The autumn is the campaign season of choice; even on the West Coast you should have months of favorable weather (especially so far south as the war is).
DM Bjørn

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Re: Boer vs. Avan #63
« Reply #18 on: May 20, 2009, 07:39:24 PM »
ooc: Just another reason to press the attack now. It's that, or camp in Barisen all winter. (Who knows... perhaps Kaven can manage to loose another toe or two? And lead forces in another meat-grinder...  ;))

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Re: Boer vs. Avan #63
« Reply #19 on: May 20, 2009, 07:47:56 PM »
While spending time overseeing some dispatches and logistical reports, the Archduke fell ill and was ordered to keep the bed by his physician. Nothing critical, but enough to cause him to become indisposed.

War move 1 over.

War move 2 begins.

(we've forgotten the HOT general; he is here as well)
DM Bjørn

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Re: Boer vs. Avan #63
« Reply #20 on: May 21, 2009, 03:22:11 PM »
Attack...  And we should do as Baron Enlien recommends, try to surprise them at daybreak.

I wish Avan's main force was here and ready to attack.

I also would like to use our flanking cavalry from the north ridge to try and get in a good position to turn the battle.

(OOC: I declare an espionage action here an now to try and get this battle in our favor,  I'm not sure what but that's for Balen Halt and 20 RP to decide,  If the HOT wants to do the same and throw in his guilder expertise that would also be helpful.  a false flag operation, sabotage, I'm open to suggestions, that's why Halt is on my payroll.)

--Archduke Diemed

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Re: Boer vs. Avan #63
« Reply #21 on: May 21, 2009, 09:06:50 PM »
After recovering the Archduke orders the attack, more or less in line with Baron Enlien's plan.

Initially the attack goes quite well, and there is some confusion in the enemy ranks due to the early hour of the attack. It saves the Diemans some climbing time and a lot of arrow fire...but most importantly it denies the enemy general the opportunity to issue orders to nullify the effects of the oblique attack.

The heavy right flank of the Diemans hit the Westerners' weaker left flank hard at the oblique, and for a moment a swift victory is within the grasp of the Archduke's men. The arrival of Baron Maender Taren with the reserve enables the beleaguered flank to fall back in an orderly fashion, and the attack is halted.

The Baron of Tariene is, however, killed during the fighting, but the Westerners does not seem disheartened over this, but instead sing songs to praise his valor, and even make up a sad ballad on the spot, telling the sad tale of the messenger sent to the Duchess of Tuornen to tell of her husband's death.

Along the rest of the line the advance is not so swift, and the advancing infantry quickly come under semi-heavy missile fire, and then get stuck in melee with determined Westerners. This is just the kind of fighting Enlien wanted to avoid. And predictable enough, more Dieman's are dying than defenders.

To be continued...
DM Bjørn

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Re: Boer vs. Avan #63
« Reply #22 on: May 21, 2009, 09:18:53 PM »
Attack...  And we should do as Baron Enlien recommends, try to surprise them at daybreak.

I wish Avan's main force was here and ready to attack.

I also would like to use our flanking cavalry from the north ridge to try and get in a good position to turn the battle.

(OOC: I declare an espionage action here an now to try and get this battle in our favor,  I'm not sure what but that's for Balen Halt and 20 RP to decide,  If the HOT wants to do the same and throw in his guilder expertise that would also be helpful.  a false flag operation, sabotage, I'm open to suggestions, that's why Halt is on my payroll.)

There is an element of tactical surprise...perhaps as a combination of a cunning plan and espionage?

Avan's 'main army' has been badly beaten twice, and is hardly in a shape to fight anyone before it is recovered a bit.

Cavalry on its way, but its slow going until they crest the ridge.
DM Bjørn

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Re: Boer vs. Avan #63
« Reply #23 on: May 21, 2009, 09:27:55 PM »
By mid-day it has become a contest of wills; and to be honest the Westerner's do appear more determined, more cohesive (and they do hold the high ground). But they have also been fighting other battles or are recent additions to the army (the units from Brosengae), so all if not well there either.

Anyway, by mid-day the Archduke himself is leading the attack of the center (there is no other choice), with Enlien pushing on the flank. And suddenly the enemy is being pushed back, every so slowly at first, but then as momentum picks up they are pushed back and towards their own center, into something resembling a crescent. Its not a rout, but suddenly Carvaloen Diem holds the northern portion of the high ground!

On the northern ridge the cavalry and skirmishers already in place have come under attack by several clans of ogres; there is a wild battle being fought up there, between dismounted knights and skirmishers, and their massive assailants. The humans are most likely badly outmatched, but in their destruction they may have saved the Dieman right flank from a surprise attack in the rear!
DM Bjørn

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Re: Boer vs. Avan #63
« Reply #24 on: May 21, 2009, 09:35:57 PM »
Elsewhere...Ser Cereval Shaeme is carrier to the rear, pinned by a pike through his shoulder to a heavy shield. He has suffered several other wounds as well, and even should he survive it is likely that he will be unable to take to the field again.

The Ilienese have disgraced their colors; the artillery has bone little good, one time even hitting a Dieman unit and killing several men. With the angel of fire now very poor, they are ordered to stop firing. In addition a score men of the Ilienese pike have broken and fled the field, or just sat down or their asses, exhausted.

Baron Enlien is actually taken captive at one point, but before he can be sent to the rear he is freed by a mad charge of some of his own men. They are all killed or seriously injured, but manage to buy him time to get back to the lines.
DM Bjørn

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Re: Boer vs. Avan #63
« Reply #25 on: May 21, 2009, 09:37:39 PM »
Interactive input welcome...
DM Bjørn

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Re: Boer vs. Avan #63
« Reply #26 on: May 21, 2009, 09:59:25 PM »
Recovering himself, Haelyn's divine grace closing a large gap in his left arm, Kaven takes to the fore again, battering away at the enemy with a warhammer pried from the cold fingers of a downed foe, his own weapon lost in the heat of the battle.

The Baron tries to keep the lines of his men adressed, urging wounded troops to the back and relatively fresh troops up front and attempting to keep coherency though the troops he currently leads are a smattering of various units.

Shouting at the top of his lungs, he urges the enemy to surrender, offering them full quarters, before pressing the attack once more, calling on Haelyn to bless those around him (ooc: casting Bless) as they force themselves forward, step by bloody step.

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Re: Boer vs. Avan #63
« Reply #27 on: May 21, 2009, 10:10:41 PM »
The is, obviously, no real command of the battle, only bloody murder and personal courage...

...until both sides are so weary as to leave almost no man unwounded and few able to do much more than stand on their feet...

...and so the fighting just dies away, leaving two bloody and ragged lines facing one another...the Diemans have paid the highest price, but this is no longer a battle of swords, but of will...and neither side is willing to yield.

But in the end it is decided by another - the vanguard of Prince Avan's army is seen arriving from the Maesil valley, and as the light start to fade, so too does the army of Brandon Boer. Unfortunately the Diemans have no cavalry nor any strength left, so the enemy is allowed to go in peace, even carry away some of their wounded.

War move 2 ended

War move 3 begins

« Last Edit: May 21, 2009, 10:12:21 PM by DM Bjørn »
DM Bjørn

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Re: Boer vs. Avan #63
« Reply #28 on: May 21, 2009, 10:16:29 PM »
Gods Damnit!  what in Azrai's name Ogers!? bloody shadow.
--Archduke Diemed

Offline X-DM Jon

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Re: Boer vs. Avan #63
« Reply #29 on: May 21, 2009, 10:21:34 PM »
A dispatch arrives to Archduke Diem, too late unfortunately.

 "My liege, King Boer has struck a bargain with a tribe of ogres. They are to strike from the north once the battle gets underway. 2 battalion's worth are marching your way, from the northern Seamists."

 It's clear enough that it's Balen Halt's work. Too bad you attacked before he could inform you.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2009, 10:30:29 PM by DM Jon »