Author Topic: Turn #71 - In Morcosoer  (Read 4679 times)

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Turn #71 - In Morcosoer
« on: February 20, 2012, 11:26:29 AM »
Any military activity in the Morcosoer region goes into here.

Mhor Constantine is personally leading the effort to kill/chase away (preferably kill) as many goblins as can be found. He's helped by forces from Baron Haensen, the Aegis and Archduke Osoer.


 During the last council of Captains, Constantine set 3 goals that should be achieved before winter sets in the land.

Cleanse as many goblins as humanly possible in Dwarf's Hold and Elfsdemise. This task is divided in 3 parts:
- Reinforced patrols roam the two provinces seeking any goblin signs and destroying them on sight; if low numbers or calling reinforcements if greater.
- Forage goblin resources so that if they do not die from human hand they would starve to death.
- Raze any goblin structures, particularly temples to their foul gods.

Prepare the troops to spend the winter in Morcosoer:
- Ser Waymar is asked to find the best locations to set up temporary camps for the winter. The locations should have access to running water (although with the quantities of snow expected water would probably be the least of our problems), they must be defensible and a supply line from Shattered Hills feasible.
- Supplies to be gathered include: wheat, rye, oats and barley for breads and beer production; beans and peas for soups; apples and berries for fruits; asparagus, beets, carrots, celery, cabbage and radishes for vegetables. Also, poultry including chickens, ducks and geese; cows, pigs and sheep for meat. Hay and grass for horses and beats of burden.
- In addition, every effort is put into using all available resources; for example animal skin and wool is to be used to create warmer winter clothes.

The third goal is to continue searching for the treacherous Marquis. Having killed Mhor Droene, Constantine is determined to bring him to justice. If any lead appears, Constantine will assemble a team of his elite troops and personally investigate.

At this point Constantine has the below units in Morcosoer:

Elf's Demise:
The Fellhanded Elite
Dhalsiel's Fourth
Dhalsiel Dragoons
Winoene's First

Dwarf's Hold:
Dhalsiel's Third
Shieldhaven Outriders
Dhalsiel's Second

Actions taken from the units are: occupy, raze and forage.

Baron Haensen's Forces:

BH1 Regulars  -  Elf's Demise

BH2 Archers     - Dwarf's Hold

BH3 Lancers 2  - The lancers are returned to Baron Haensen who is tasked to keep an eye for Goblin refuges trying to escape Elinie into Balteruine, Brushfire or Periltrees. The Brightspurs (camped in Periltrees) are ordered to support the Baron's efforts.

The 2 Dragoon units from HA (Highlanders Dragoons and Moerlar Rangers Dragoons are to be used as a flexible reinforcement unit patrolling the land and reinforcing troops whenever needed. Captain Balter is given authority to add independently to the other troops according to his best judgement. In the end of autumn they will move to Shattered Hills to join HA's foot troops.

The HA foot soldiers are to secure Shattered Hills so that no surprises arise from the flank/rear.

Finally, a dispatch is sent to the High Marshal requesting an update on Elinie.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2012, 01:25:18 PM by DM B »
DM Bjørn

Offline X-Mhoried/Constantine Mhor (Wiktor)

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Re: Turn #71 - In Morcosoer
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2012, 09:40:34 PM »
Autumn 1537 HC

After a short visit in Shieldhaven his Grace Constantine Mhor has returned in Morcosoer. The nominal headquarters in Shattered Hills are bustling with activity.

Regular meetings with the companies' captains are held as the troops continue purging goblins and heretics alike. In the same time the Ducal Corps of Logistics are making the final preparations that will see the troops spend winter in Morcosoer.

His Grace is splitting his time between the two forward garissons in Elfsdemise and Dwarf's Hold.
His Grace Constantine Mhor the Duke of Mhoried

Offline DM B

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Re: Turn #71 - In Morcosoer
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2012, 03:47:17 PM »
War moves 1-4.

Nothing important happens. Things proceed more or less as planned. Getting enough supplies in is a challenge. Building up winter stockpiles nearly impossible for so many men and horses.

Please make a list of army units/location/orders.
DM Bjørn

Offline X-Mhoried/Constantine Mhor (Wiktor)

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Re: Turn #71 - In Morcosoer
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2012, 06:59:04 PM »
Elf's Demise

The Fellhanded Elite
Dhalsiel's Fourth
Dhalsiel Dragoons
Winoene's First
BH1 Regulars

Dwarf's Hold
Dhalsiel's Third
Shieldhaven Outriders
Dhalsiel's Second
BH2 Archers

Shattered Hills
Highlanders Dragoons
Moerlar Rangers Dragoons
The Fellhanded Elite

BH1 Regulars
BH2 Archers

I've asked the HA to keep their 2 units (Highlanders Dragoons and Moerlar Rangers Dragoons) at Shattered Hills as strategic reserve.

Standing Orders: Patrolling the provinces and razing any Goblin structures they find.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2012, 01:47:01 PM by Mhoried/Constantine Mhor (Wiktor) »
His Grace Constantine Mhor the Duke of Mhoried

Offline DM B

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Re: Turn #71 - In Morcosoer
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2012, 09:19:12 PM »
War moves 5-8.

Nothing important happens. Things proceed more or less as planned. Getting enough supplies in is a challenge. Building up winter stockpiles nearly impossible for so many men and horses.

Winter begins as the first snows start.
DM Bjørn

Offline X-Mhoried/Constantine Mhor (Wiktor)

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Re: Turn #71 - In Morcosoer
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2012, 01:44:26 PM »
BH1 Regulars from Elf's Demise and the BH1 Archers from Dwarf's Hold are ordered to move to Riverspring.

The Fell Handed Elite will relocate in Shattered Hills but its scouting radius will include ED and DH.
His Grace Constantine Mhor the Duke of Mhoried