Author Topic: Introduction to Dhoesone  (Read 5862 times)

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Introduction to Dhoesone
« on: March 02, 2010, 11:53:35 AM »
Some info regarding the RoE II version of Dhoesone (and important NPCs):

Dhoesone was once the Rjurik kingdom of Hjalsone (comprising the coastlands and lower Northbyrn/Ruide valleys), but Anuirean conquest and subsequent cultural influence eventually led to the creation of the distinctly Anuirean realm of Dhoesone.

The Barony of Dhoesone has been hard tested since the Fall of the Anuirean Empire. Even before that it had been a rough and tumble area, with little wealth and even less security, but the hard years of war following Michael Roele’s death saw Dhoesone’s fortunes plummet.

Various hardships would continue to plage the Barony for a long time – goblin and orog raids, resurgent gheallie sidhe raids, Rjurik warriors starting to raid – or even permanently seize – fiefs along the coast. Internal strife and factiousness. Religious bickering. Isolation from Anuire proper.

In the mid-15th Century HC the situation started changing for the better. First there was Baron Caelan Dhoesone (r. 1448 HC, d. 1463 HC) who married into the emergent House Nielems of Cariele. Cariele was just beginning to emerge as a commercial power, and with the marriage followed an increase in guild activity and the spread of the faith of Sarimie.

Next was Hadrien Dhoesone (r. 1463 HC, d. 1474 HC), who did much to restore law and order to the wilder regions of the realm, even going as far as to marry the elven Queen of Tuarhievel (the memory of which will still send many sidhe into a black rage), and establishing an alliance with Thurazor. He also managed to create a counterweight to the NRC’s growing power by backing (with House Gladanil aid) the HBT and inviting the Oaken Grove to become the state faith of Dhoesone.

His heir was the half-elven Fhiele Dhoesone (b. 1474 HC, r. 1505 HC, d. 1532 HC). She continued her father’s good work, managing not only to balance various treaties with both sidhe and goblin (a nearly impossible feat in itself), but also continued to pacify the border regions. It was she who finally brought some semblance of order to the scattered fiefs and Rjurik steadings by appointing two Thanes – one a local half-native noble, the other a scion of House Dosiere.

The only thing Fhiele did not manage before her untimely death in 1532 HC, a victim of the gheallie sidhe, was curbing the power of the guilds. They had continued to gain in power since the days of Caelan, until they power was threatening to undermine the stability of the Kingdom. In the few years since his rise to regency Cederic has managed to put and end to the endless guild wars (for the most part) and managed to have the guilds stop actively working against the crown’s representative (though it still a far cry from cooperation).

There is still so much to do…treaties with Thruazor, Cariele, Tuarhievel and Strordvik to maintain. The wilder northeastern borders to watch. Anuire and Rjurik realms to befriend or placate. Nobles to manage and guilds to gently but firmly pressure. He’s got his work cut out for his, that is for sure!

Cederic Dhoesone: Male Elfblood; Noble 2/Fighter 1/Ranger 3; Reynir, major, 41; N. Son of Fhiele Dhoesone and the Rjurik Ægir Thorleivson, younger brother to King Varri of Stjordvik. Great things are expected of Cederic; he is supposed to be the Baron that will finally bring unity and prosperity to the Tael Firth. Or so the diviners say.

Helaene Dosiere: Male Anuirean; Noble 4; Anduiras, major, 33; Neutral. Helaene was appointed by Fhiele Dhoesone to oversee the realm’s coastal fiefdoms, a region rife with corruption and misrule (cause by the guilds). He has made a good job of restoring law and order, although he has done so partially by selling out to the Stjordvik Traders.

Doeried Ardant: Male Anuiren; Noble 2/Fighter 2; Masela, minor, 26. LN. Doeried is representative of the breed of Anuirean nobles the run most of the fiefs in Dhoesone; not quite like his southern kin anymore, but rather more Rjurik in his outlooks. Doeried is the cousin of Marshal James Ardant of the HBT. He has very good relations with Andien and Sons, and as long as trade tariff are kept down he can expect support from the guild in other matters.
DM Bjørn