Author Topic: What rumours reach your regents ears?  (Read 5556 times)

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Offline X-IHH/Wallac Isilviere (Kasper)

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What rumours reach your regents ears?
« on: December 30, 2008, 01:30:30 AM »
Below is some of those rumours for status report turn 61, Spring 1535 HC, that have my interest in my capacity as Pontiff for CoT. How do I decide if my regent have somehow be briefed on them?

Goblins on the move: Small groups of goblins have been spotted as they have scouted out the northern fiefs near the Spiderfell – especially in the province of Tier.

Goblin rebels: Rumor has it that the strong goblin clans of Sutren Hills are helping their brethren in the wild provinces.

Markazor has had the bad fortune of being an unimportant place in a time of tumultuous events. As such very few new settlers have arrived and those who already have come haven’t gotten the support they need. Goblins have crept back, and overall security and law is very poor.
Goblins: Goblins can no be found all over Markazor – again; if they were ever truly gone. In the east and south they can be found in numbers, but they raid and move through other provinces as well.
Undead: Goblin undead are a common sight in the northeast, close to the mountains. If they are the result of the Gorgon’s necromancy or just ‘survivors’ of the Markazor devastation is unclear. Recently other undead – human knights and other warriors mostly – have been entering Markazor from the north. Could it be that the restless dead of the Crusade are returning home?
Goblin rebels: Rumor has it that the strong goblin clans of Sutren Hills are helping their brethren in the wild provinces.

Undead: The legacy of the Eyeless One still ‘lives’ – or should we say ‘unlives’ – in the form of the restless dead. The dark magic he used hit Sorelies and Hildon in particular, and the Veil is so thin here that careless travelers can sometimes end up in the Shadow World. Add to this various acts of necromancy and all the slain – soldiers in mass graves and commoners left to rot where they died – and you have the recipe of a real disaster.

His Holiness Wallac Isilviere, Pontiff of All Anuire, High Prefect of the Impregnable Heart of Haelyn

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Re: What rumours reach your regents ears?
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2008, 10:56:02 AM »
All the info in the SR is accessible by all regents.
DM Bjørn