Not so faaaast

My mind is already lost somewhere in the deep woods I've to go tomorrow

IC :
General Tale Brosuine will take command of the cavalry (with some exceptions) and engineers/artillery and will return to Devien to join Aerthur Welling and lay siege there. Spare units will prepare defensive positions in case of enemy counterattack from Portage.
Baron will continue to Seasdeep to finish with Onslew.
Tael Brosien ROESONE
Dragoons OK Veteran
Dragoons OK Elite (Isilviere)
Regulars E Veteran
Archers W Veteran
Archers W Veteran
Knights OK Elite
Knights OK Green
Mnt. Armsmen Veteran
Mnt. Armsmen Elite
Dragoons K Green
Dragoons W Elite
Dragoons OK Green
Artillerists OK Elite
Engineers OK Elite
Crossbows Veteran
Knights OK Elite
Outriders OK Veteran (Ghoried)
Outriders OK Green
3rd Regulars
5th Regulars
3rd Crossbows
Lion Armsmen 1st E Elite The Army of the White Lion
Lion Armsmen 2nd W Elite The Army of the White Lion
Lion Regular 3rd W Veteran The Army of the White Lion
Lion Regular 5th W Veteran The Army of the White Lion
Lion Regular 6th W Veteran The Army of the White Lion
Lion Crossbows 1st W Veteran The Army of the White Lion
Lion Crossbows 2nd Veteran The Army of the White Lion
Lion Crossbows 4th W Veteran The Army of the White Lion