Author Topic: Turn #66 - Campaign into Northern Taeghas  (Read 25197 times)

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Turn #66 - Campaign into Northern Taeghas
« on: February 26, 2010, 02:30:07 PM »
War move 1:

Baron Enlien informs his men about his decision to leave for home. He hands command to one of his subordinates, along with the promise that someone more senior will arrive to replace him.
DM Bjørn

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Re: Turn #66 - Campaign into Northern Taeghas
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2010, 02:30:22 PM »
War move 2:

The army sits on its ass, waiting.
DM Bjørn

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Re: Turn #66 - Campaign into Northern Taeghas
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2010, 02:43:01 PM »
Near the end of the first month of summer the Baron of Roesone arrives in Brosien to take command of the army there; scarce two weeks have passed since Enlien left.

War Move 4 begins.
DM Bjørn

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Re: Turn #66 - Campaign into Northern Taeghas
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2010, 09:01:41 PM »
There are a number of other units in Brosien as well, men from Taeghas (incl. some milita), men from Avanil, and some from Medoere (they are going home). These units will not take part in the campaign to the north, having been used to take Brosien last turn (they are spent) and tasked with garrisoning Taeghas.

General - Baron Roesone
Yet to arrive
Knights   Brosien   OK   Elite
Dragoons   Brosien   OK   Veteran
Dragoons   Brosien   OK   Elite (Isilviere)
Outriders Brosien   OK   Veteran (Ghoried)

On site
Regulars  Brosien   E   Veteran   
Archers   Brosien   W   Veteran   
Archers   Brosien   W   Veteran   

General - Archduke Diem (yet to arrive)
Knights   Brosien   OK   Elite
Knights   Brosien   OK   Green   
Dragoons   Brosien   OK   Green   
Dragoons   Brosien   W   Elite   
Dragoons   Brosien   OK   Green   
Outriders   Brosien   OK   Green   
Mnt. Armsmen   Brosien   Veteran   
Mnt. Armsmen   Brosien   Elite   
Artillerists   Brosien   OK   Elite   
Engineers   Brosien   OK   Elite   

Crossbows Brosien   Veteran   

Lion Scouts   Brosien   E   Veteran   The Army of the White Lion
Lion Armsmen 1st   Brosien   E   Elite   The Army of the White Lion
Lion Armsmen 2nd   Brosien   W   Elite   The Army of the White Lion
Lion Regular 3rd   Brosien   W   Veteran   The Army of the White Lion
Lion Regular 5th   Brosien   W   Veteran   The Army of the White Lion
Lion Regular 6th   Brosien   W   Veteran   The Army of the White Lion
Lion Crossbows 1st   Brosien   W   Veteran   The Army of the White Lion
Lion Crossbows 2nd   Brosien   Veteran   The Army of the White Lion
Lion Crossbows 4th   Brosien   W   Veteran   The Army of the White Lion

« Last Edit: March 06, 2010, 09:11:32 PM by DM Bjørn »
DM Bjørn

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Re: Turn #66 - Campaign into Northern Taeghas
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2010, 08:59:38 AM »
As most of the units have the "yet to arrive" status, the best thing to do now is some recon and in meantime prepare to move the army as the cavalry from Roesone arrives. 
Do we have any report regarding the situation in Seamist? If no, I'd like to send the Ghieste scouts, backed by the Roesonian contingent in case of retreat.
Count Saender Ghoried
Crown Regent of Roesone
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Re: Turn #66 - Campaign into Northern Taeghas
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2010, 09:24:54 AM »
You're missing Duke Diem and the 4 Roesone cav


On WM 4 the scouts, backed by 3 infantry, pass across the mountains and report:

There is a castle (2) which is Active. Garrisoned by 4 units of Infantry. All belong to Count Onslew of Devien.

The scouts, with movement remaining, recon ahead into Devien - they are repulsed by enemy Lancers, but report the presence of a low-level castle and an sizeable (10+ units) infantry army (comprised at least partially of militia).

The scouts are destroyed in the process (they were already damaged)

Lion Scouts   Brosien   D   Veteran   The Army of the White Lion
Regulars  Semist E   Veteran   Roesone
Archers   Semist W   Veteran   Roesone
Archers   Semist W   Veteran   Roesone


WM5 begins
DM Bjørn

Offline X-Roesone/SG (Shido)

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Re: Turn #66 - Campaign into Northern Taeghas
« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2010, 10:02:09 AM »
OOC : Now where to find another preyscouts
IC :
Dieman and Ghieste contingent move to Seamist. Ghiestan mercs along with the engineers and arillerists will besiege the castle, while Roesone's and Dieman forces will block the road to Devien.

Baron sends a herold to the castle, demanding unconditional surrender.
Count Saender Ghoried
Crown Regent of Roesone
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Re: Turn #66 - Campaign into Northern Taeghas
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2010, 10:52:22 AM »
WM 5:

The army moves forward. The castle is placed under siege (you need at least eight units, so you've got that covered). The castle declines to surrender.

The rest of the army assembles to block any advance by the enemy in Devien. The enemy scout out your position, but does not try to attack.

You might want to try to contact whatever forces are in NENTRIL (over the mountains in Avanil). They might not be aware that you're on the move.


WM 6 begins
DM Bjørn

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Re: Turn #66 - Campaign into Northern Taeghas
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2010, 08:50:45 PM »
Courier will be sent to the province of Nentril with the letter signed by Baron. If the local commander does have any informations regarding enemy presence/moves, he'll be highly welcome.
I do expect engineers and artillerists will construct siege engines and begin bombarding besieged castle. Baron will personally inspect the fortifications to find some flaw usable to quicken the siege - portion of wall destroyable by mining, weary parts of the wall etc ... result of the inspection will be discussed with the artillerists and engineers.
Dieman dragoons will perform periodical scan of the province borders to Devien, avoiding any encounter.
Count Saender Ghoried
Crown Regent of Roesone
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Re: Turn #66 - Campaign into Northern Taeghas
« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2010, 10:33:52 PM »
The Nentril force has nothing to report - it consists of some Ghiestan regulars and a group of soldiers from Endier. Their orders are to hold Nentril - apparently Prince Avan is assembling an army to go hunt the Boer army that slipped into Tuornen, and they are to guard his rear/flank.

The siege goes well. In another two weeks the castle will be sufficiently invested and bombarded to make the assault easy; although they would be fools not to surrender before then.


WM 7 begins.
DM Bjørn

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Re: Turn #66 - Campaign into Northern Taeghas
« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2010, 08:25:19 AM »
What about the contingent from Roesone - is it already there (in Seamist or near)?
Count Saender Ghoried
Crown Regent of Roesone
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Re: Turn #66 - Campaign into Northern Taeghas
« Reply #11 on: March 09, 2010, 08:32:49 AM »
The will come from Brosien this WM.
DM Bjørn

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Re: Turn #66 - Campaign into Northern Taeghas
« Reply #12 on: March 09, 2010, 09:42:57 AM »
Okay, so ...
baron writes a letter homedispatch to commander of the Iron Order units (swords, pikes, knights) in Caercas to join him quickly (force march)
bombardment and siege of the castle continues, aditionally, when the new units from Brosien arrive, baron will order them to show themselves marching around the castle (I assume the castle commander and his men do have partial insight into number and units position around the castle and banners they belong to, so they'll notice the reinforcements)
after parade, the new units will join the blocking force
meanwhile, baron writes a new letter to the castle's commander :
you have my respect and respect of my men for the courage, trying to stop the force standing against you. You have delayed my progress furher into Taeghas and thus fullfilled your role and duty to your Lord. Now, your courage and bravery will soon turn from respectable to meaningless. Your further defense will mean nothing in this war, only will result into inevitable death of you and your men. Before the walls of your castle fall, I offer you another chance for honorable surrender.

Aruvor Raemel,
Black baron of Roesone
Knight of Stormlord
Count Saender Ghoried
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Re: Turn #66 - Campaign into Northern Taeghas
« Reply #13 on: March 09, 2010, 09:57:49 AM »
Force marching infantry has a speed of 3; going by Nentril it will take then 5 weeks, maybe 4, to reach Seamist. And one week to activate. And one week to receive the order (given the distance). So they will be there first thing next turn.

The garrison commander is willing to negotiate terms. If you allow him and him men to quit the castle, he will surrender it.
DM Bjørn

Offline X-Roesone/SG (Shido)

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Re: Turn #66 - Campaign into Northern Taeghas
« Reply #14 on: March 09, 2010, 10:12:43 AM »
Force marching infantry has a speed of 3; going by Nentril it will take then 5 weeks, maybe 4, to reach Seamist. And one week to activate. And one week to receive the order (given the distance). So they will be there first thing next turn.

to clear possible misunderstanding, I don't expect the Iron Order units to arrive sooner, with the new units I referred to I meant the contingent of cavalry arriving this turn
« Last Edit: March 09, 2010, 10:16:06 AM by Roesone/ARR (Shido) »
Count Saender Ghoried
Crown Regent of Roesone
First councillor of the Spider River Traders
Royal guild of Roesone