Author Topic: Below the high mountains.  (Read 42025 times)

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  • Guy de Nichaleir, Grand-Maester and Count
Re: Below the high mountains.
« Reply #15 on: March 21, 2009, 02:30:23 PM »
Sir Guy's eyes focus more sharply with the mention of Orogs.

Guy de Nichaleir, Grand-Maester of the Knights of Haelyn, Count of Endier, the Red Knight

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Re: Below the high mountains.
« Reply #16 on: March 21, 2009, 02:35:40 PM »
The orogs need clearing out; then we can see if there is more gold to be found. And once the gold is found, we need to determine what local landowners are affected, how much the SoM can extract, and what taxes will flow to the Duchess treasury.
DM Bjørn

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Re: Below the high mountains.
« Reply #17 on: March 21, 2009, 05:21:48 PM »
At the Duchess' request, Auxiliary-Patriarch Tanar joins the gathering.

"Your Grace, Patriarch States sends his regards. Marquis Tuare, please accept these donations from the Militant Order to help you rebuilding these lands."
"We are RuinsofEmpire now, and when we act, we create our own reality."

Offline X-Endier & KoH/GdN (Joe)

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  • Guy de Nichaleir, Grand-Maester and Count
Re: Below the high mountains.
« Reply #18 on: March 22, 2009, 01:08:01 AM »
Sir Guy nods at the Duchess and speaks to Endiel. 

"I think we can probably do something about those Orogs.  What do you think?" Guy asks looking back towards Flaertes.
Guy de Nichaleir, Grand-Maester of the Knights of Haelyn, Count of Endier, the Red Knight

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  • Laela Flaertes, Duchess of Tuornen
Re: Below the high mountains.
« Reply #19 on: March 22, 2009, 05:04:54 AM »
Sir Guy nods at the Duchess and speaks to Endiel. 

"I think we can probably do something about those Orogs.  What do you think?" Guy asks looking back towards Flaertes.

“Yes Sir Guy”

The Duchess looks up proudly at Tuare.

“As has been stated, Our Maquis Tuare is fielding patrols and is surveying what treats there are to the lands of the north. The treat will be removed shortly, even if, as Our understanding extends, the fell beasts seek to hide when armed riders come to close.

Our gratitude is earned by the Knights of Haelyn for their service and support in clearing this vermin from the lands of Our Maquis.”

Turning to Galdiel Endiel, envoy from the Source of the Maesil, the Duchess states businesslike -

“Well, Good Envoy, Galdiel Endiel, Our Maquis Tuare and Our court should expect a closer connection with the Source of the Maesil on these matters then. And so the Good Envoy should earn Our favour.”

Smiling slightly the Duchess ads –

“We are pleased.”

The rest of the evenings gathering the Duchess has Her Maquis Tuare present each attending dignitary in order of importance. The Duchess takes a strong interest in the well being of the gathered and notes their worries.

Special attentions are also given to Auxiliary-Patriarch Tanar of the Militant Order of Cuiraécen.     
The Duchess personally thanks the Auxiliary-Patriarch for his presence. And invite him to join Her as She talks with each and all. The Duchess asks the Auxiliary-Patriarch about his opinions when talking with gathered and percent the Auxiliary-Patriarch as important in the work that must be done in the north.

The Duchess informs that She and Her guests will travel further north in the next days and aim for Fox Run in Ghonallison as the next major point of interest.

« Last Edit: March 22, 2009, 05:53:41 AM by Tuornen/LF (Geir) »
Laela Flaertes, By the Grace of Haelyn Duchess of Tuornen

- Geir
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Re: Below the high mountains.
« Reply #20 on: March 22, 2009, 07:41:51 AM »
OOC: Are you going to chat more amongst yourselves, or should we move on to orgo-searching?
DM Bjørn

Offline X-Tuornen/LF (Geir)

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Re: Below the high mountains.
« Reply #21 on: March 22, 2009, 07:27:44 PM »
Late in the evening the Duschess has a final close talk with Maquis Tuare, Sir Guy of the KoH, the trusted sheriff of Monsedge William Redstaff and also Auxiliary-Patriarch Tanar of the MOC.

The Duchess asks the trusted sheriff to carefully collect all stories of the gold finds. Note names on any who has found gold, or claim to have firsthand knowledge of someone that has found gold. The Duchess also by word charges the trusted sheriff with a special right to request the same information from the SoM, in the name of the Duchess. The Duchess suggests that the MoC should aid with book learned scribes to assist the trusted sheriff in his work on this matter.

“Our will is that the facts be drawn into the light on this matter. There is no evil in gold, these gold finds would be blessing indeed for Monsedge, and Our person has no greed in Her heart! Bring before Us any who claim otherwise! But if there is mischief, deception, illusions or, Gods forbid, witchcraft at work in Monsedge, and it is from that where these shy rumors of gold comes, then heads will roll!
So is Our will!”

Yes, don’t see much more to do here now at this moment. I have gotten some useful info that was hard to get by more mundane means. We are ready to hunt orog!
Laela Flaertes, By the Grace of Haelyn Duchess of Tuornen

- Geir
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Re: Below the high mountains.
« Reply #22 on: March 22, 2009, 08:45:54 PM »
In the late evening a wagon arrives escorted by a pair of Knights.  The next morning, Sir Guy speaks with them.

"My Lord, we bring supplies that Montpilier said you would need."

Sir Guy raises an eyebrow

"We bring healing potions, antidote doses, sunrods, grappling hooks, well Lord, here is the list" the knight says as he hands Sir Guy a scroll.  As Guy opens the scroll he looks annoyed as the scroll is nearly 2 feet long.

"He said I'd need all of these items?  Books, he sends me books?  Well, his heart is in the right place.  You two will stay here for a time.  I want you to survey the surrounding lands and see if there is anywhere that looks right for a small outpost by our Order."

"Yes, My Lord", replies the Knight, as the pair of them step away and leave.  Sir Guy removes several items from the wagon and distributes them to his bodyguards.

Sir Guy nods to the General of Tuoren "The Orogs will, of course, be in the hills.  My men and I have ample provisions, perhaps too ample, but in any event, we are ready.  We shall depart on your word" Guy states, glancing at the Duchess for the last part.

(OOC: Taking some liberties, cuz, OMG, we gotta get this moving)

The Duchess nods and the party heads west, towards the dangerous mountain-like hills, reputed to be crawling with Orogs.

Sir Guy's 8 bodyguards fan out, 3 on each flank, and 2 in the rear.  Sir Guy gazes at each stone as if it might hide something deadly.
Guy de Nichaleir, Grand-Maester of the Knights of Haelyn, Count of Endier, the Red Knight

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  • Guy de Nichaleir, Grand-Maester and Count
Re: Below the high mountains.
« Reply #23 on: March 23, 2009, 11:51:24 PM »
As the party traverses the broken hills, a keen-eyed ranger, trained by Brandonael Tuore, spots an Orog hiding in a cave.  He alerts the party and they rush to the cave entrance to find no sign of the Orog, except some hastily-covered tracks leading underground.

Sir Guy says "If we act quickly, we may be able to find his tribe and take them relatively unawares"

(OOC: Again, taking liberties)
Guy de Nichaleir, Grand-Maester of the Knights of Haelyn, Count of Endier, the Red Knight

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Re: Below the high mountains.
« Reply #24 on: March 24, 2009, 09:15:31 AM »
OOC: Not sure how many personal guards you have; but with one Duchess, One Count/Grand-Maester and one Aux-Patriarch of a militant god I'm assuming you have quite a personal guard. Any MILITARY UNITS supporting this operation don't come directly into the adventure, but will contribute vs. any unit-sized groups of orogs.

Can we say 20 knights for the Duchess, 20 for the G-M and 20 templars for Drago Tanar? Plus am equal number of armsmen/sergeants, a smattering of squires/acolytes and a variety of servants? Of named characters we have the Duchess, Drago, the G-M and Braedonnal. Anyone else?

OOC2: You MUST take liberties to move things forward; as long as you're not obviously trying to make everything go your way you can take great liberties without any censure from the DMs.

IC: The orogs strike as the advance party has entered the cave, with more men on their way in, but the bulk of the guards outside. It is a three-pronged strike; orogs strike at those in the cave from a hidden tunnel, a rock-slide seals the entrance (crushing several guards in the process), and camouflaged orogs reveal themselves jumping out of hidden pits dug among the trees. Braedonnal and Guy are caught inside the cave, while Drago and the Duchess remain outside.

About 20 knights and armsmen are inside the cave, and their main problem is a lack of light. Braedonnal's sword and a few torches are glowing, but anyone with nightvision poorer than an elf is at a disadvantage. Braedonnal charges into the emerging orogs, rightly perceiving that you must contain the NOW or risk being surround.

Outside the situation is better; there are at least 80 men under arms, and they quickly close ranks and stop the orog charge. A drawn-out battle ensures, between packed ranks of heavy foot-men, until several knights can mount up and start making lighting sallies. Unfortunately the get cocky, and as the orogs fall back from their third charge they pursue and get surrounded and cut to pieces. Then a trio of hill giants appear on the ridge above the collapsed cave mouth...
DM Bjørn

Offline X-Tuornen/LF (Geir)

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Re: Below the high mountains.
« Reply #25 on: March 24, 2009, 11:11:14 AM »
It has been stated that Erin Hunter, Regan Pechalime and William Redstaff also follow the Duchess on this “expedition”. But William Redstaff would have left the group after the first part.

Assuming the short scribble of the same name in “The bard” section is relevant, where it is also said in the end “OOC: There will be an adventure to continue this short scribble.”
In the above mentioned text it is said that :
“Outriders of Maquis Braedonnal Tuare screens the (Duchess) column as it travels..”
So at some distance a unit of elite Outriders, about 200 riders I believe, form a circle of patrols, say ten patrols each of twenty riders.

OOC2: Got it, still learning :-)

IC on the way now.
Laela Flaertes, By the Grace of Haelyn Duchess of Tuornen

- Geir
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Inside the Cave
« Reply #26 on: March 24, 2009, 12:15:20 PM »
Sir Guy frantically pulls a sunrod from his belt pouch and throws it to the left.  He then grabs another and tosses it straight ahead.  As he reaches into his pouch for a third sunrod, other sunrods begin littering the ground as his bodyguards put the excess supplies to good use.  He suddenly lets go of the sunrod he had half-drawn as a large Orog swings a great axe at him.

Sir Guy leaps backward, nearly stumbling over ruble as the Orog continues his assault.  The Orog slashes wide, striking the man next to guy in the shoulder.  Just as the Orog raises his axe to finish the injued man off, Sir Guy delivers a swift kick to the Orog's sensitive parts.  While the Orog shakes off the blow, Sir Guy readies his battleaxe and wheels around behind the Orog.

Greataxe clangs against shield as Sir Guy blocks the first strike, and then he swings to the right, forcing the Orog to move to the left, right into the blades of two Knights.  The Orog falls in a puddle of blood as Sir Guy and the two knights advance into the now, well-lit, fray.

They fight as a team, with no man seeking the glory as they engage their foes.  Again and again, the same tactic, one will lure an opponent into attacking with exposed flanks, and the others cut him down.  Brandoenal is up ahead, only 15 feet or so, but he is surrounded.  They pause for a moment to admire his skill with the blades.  They watch as he slashes low, and one Orog dies, and then he slashes high, and another Orog dies, and then he pierces backward, and another Orog dies, and finally he does a short cut, a weak blow backed with mostly the muscle of the wrist, and an Orog staggers back bleeding.  This in the space of a few seconds.  Elven Swordplay evidently has many techniques the Knights are unfamiliar with. 

The three Knights, led by Sir Guy, quicky advance to Brandoenal's right flank, just in time to receive a charge by a dozen Orogs.  Sir Guy brings his battleaxe down on the head of one of them, but as it crumples another Orog leaps over the falling corpse and lands directly on Sir Guy.  The two of them fall to the ground as other Orogs engage the remaining standing men.

Sir Guy and the Orog wrestle on the ground, Sir Guy unable to use his axe as the Orog uses his superior strength to attempt to hold Sir Guy down.  Sir Guy manages to roll away and stand, but his magical shield is left under the Orog who rises slowly.  A bit too slowly, as Guy's two-handed swing at head level simply decapitates the Orog.  As he reaches to grab his shield another Orog charges him, Sir Guy manages a quick swing that injures its leg, but it still slams into him, 300 pounds of flesh and steel forcing him back, against a wall.  Sir Guy notices a sharp pain in his stomach as he prepares to swing at the Orog, and notices a dagger in his belly.

The Orog draws a serrated greatsword just as Sir Guy swings at him.  The Orog, however, steps to the side and attempts a clumsy blow, and misses.  The two warriors circle each other warrily, each attempting a swing while the other moves to the side.

Nearby, one of the Knights slips on a pool of Orog Blood and falls to his hind end.  Four new Orogs join the fray and he is forced to essentially hide behind his shield as his brother and Brandoenal engage them.

Meanwhile, Sir Guy has lost track of the battle at the cave entrance, and is completely unaware of the battle outside the cave.  His Knights, well-equipped with many healing potions, do their best not only to kill the enemy, but also to aid their fellows.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2009, 01:34:42 PM by Endier & KoH/GdN (Joe) »
Guy de Nichaleir, Grand-Maester of the Knights of Haelyn, Count of Endier, the Red Knight

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  • Guy de Nichaleir, Grand-Maester and Count
Inside the Cave.
« Reply #27 on: March 24, 2009, 12:52:21 PM »
The men at the cave entrance, having readied weapons, provided light sources, and gathered their wits let out a battle cry as they charge forward as one. 

Sir Guy is shocked as his opponent is run through by member of the Tuoren Outriders.  He takes a moment to remove the dagger from his stomach as the line of men charges forward, passing the fallen Knight, who is helped to his feet by one of his passing fellows, and moving right to the sides of the front line, which previously consisted of two men (well, an elf and a man) and now consists of 19 men.  They push forward, swiftly, these elite soldiers, some fighting for Haelyn, some fighting for Tuoren and the General they love, some fighting to keep their Grand-Maester alive, but all of them fighting with everything they have, for there can be no surrender and no retreat.

The line pushes forward a few feet every few seconds as the chamber widens, and Sir Guy joins the line.  Every man fighting within 10 feet of Sir Guy is filled with supernatural courage.  Dozens of Orogs lay dead, and not man is down, and a sense of imminent victory fills the hearts of all.

Suddenly, the situation changes.  A secret passage behind the line of men is revealed, and a group of 8 plate-armored Orogs emerges.  At the back of this group is an Orog wearing black robes and carrying a wand.  Sir Guy recalls studying the books about Orog tribal customs, and he knows that one of those Plate armored Orogs must be the chieftain, but which one.  And the wand-user is obviously about to do something terrible, but with 8 very tough Orogs protecting him, he will doubtlessly be able to get a few spells off. 

Sir Guy orders the Knights of Haelyn to form a line behind the other line.  With steel pressing on both sides, the men pray that those behind them will not fall, lest they be flanked.

"Brandoenal, we have to get that caster!" Guy declares just as the beast activates his wand and..........................
Guy de Nichaleir, Grand-Maester of the Knights of Haelyn, Count of Endier, the Red Knight

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Re: Below the high mountains.
« Reply #28 on: March 24, 2009, 06:24:52 PM »
Taking the liberty to connect the posts I conclude that it is after the last post above that "a rock-slide seals the entrance ", as it is described by DM.

IC :
In the chaotic brawl that ensued outside the cave Duchess Laera Flaertes was above all else tending to the wounded (cure light/medium wounds) and aiding them back in to the fray around Her.

The orog ambush had been a clear success, at least in the beginning. All of the Duchess party had been dismounted, and was waiting for an additional patrol of outriders to take over the care of the horses when the orogs struck.
Camouflaged orogs came charging up from hidden pits among the few surrounding patches of trees. Slaying and panicking several horses in the first moments and for all purposes surrounding the Duschess and Her party. The forces of the first charge was so that it took an considerable effort to get order in the battle lines so as to enable Ducal knights to mount up and charge the Orog line.

The warning shout “Orog Warlock at the back!” was heard from the cave during that chaotic brawl, shortly thereafter a rock-slide had barred the cave entrance and probably been the death of the guards that had been standing there shouting.

With sad eyes Duchess Laera Flaertes had witnessed some of Her proud knights valiantly continue their charge to drive the orogs back towards a larger group of trees just to be ambushed again by additional orogs emerging from the pits. So even if in their death those guards had ended the current orog treat the cost in blood was now getting very high.

As the Erin Hunter and Regan Pechalime quickly rallied the force outside the cave, Duchess Laera Flaertes started Her song of Heroes of past Honor and present Courage (Inspire Courage - Bardic Music)

Then three shadows fell over the Duchess and Her rallying party.
Above them, on the very top above the cave entrance, three hill giants stepped forward.
Laela Flaertes, By the Grace of Haelyn Duchess of Tuornen

- Geir
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Re: Below the high mountains.
« Reply #29 on: March 24, 2009, 06:44:42 PM »

Erin Hunter and Regan Pechalime lifted their heads and burst out in succession,

“Bastards!” , “Damn their fat asses!”

The more recent acquaintances of these two rather unruly young ladies of nobility, if not of womanly tact and femininity, was still not fully familiar with this trait of character. But there was scant time for pleasantries.

The warrior girls had split the various knights between them as they rallied the force and now set out to flank, each with their group of knights in tow, up the small hill on each side of the cave mouth.   

As their very life revolve around a constant struggle of who can shock the most number of hansom men Erin Hunter yelled out, “Come on my boys! If you want a better look at my shapely ass you all better join me on top!”

Not to be, gods forbid, out-done by Erin, Regan Pechalime followed with her battle cry, “Follow me men and I promise you will lay next to me tonight! Slain or breeding!”

Duchess Laera Flaertes mounted her horse and barked out at the remaining group now consisting of Herself, Drago and outriders.

“Auxiliary-Patriarch mount up and stay with Us! Outriders mount and employ crossbows at distance!”
The Duchess continues Her song with far more power and volume then Her slight frame could suggest possible (Inspire Courage - Bardic Music).

Laela Flaertes, By the Grace of Haelyn Duchess of Tuornen

- Geir
Tuornen / LF