Author Topic: Turn #71 - The Rebellion in Aerenwe  (Read 19789 times)

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Offline X-Osoerde (Alan)

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Re: Turn #71 - The Rebellion in Aerenwe
« Reply #15 on: March 29, 2012, 12:01:47 AM »
Marlae jumps down into the boggy field, fury tinged upon her face.

"General, get this army moving - immediately.  I don't care what motivation you have to use - whips, gold, death - whatever it neccessary.  I will not have this upstart little count, a moment longer next to my niece.  I will not have Caemed failed in this.  Get us to Calrie.  Now!"  She spins back with finality.  As she climbs upon her horse, she says a bannerman assigned to her. 

"Let us at least hope the Baron is not a fool.  No, I doubt he would have survived as long being a fool."

Yes, wyrmling, the meat is made all the more tender by armor...

Offline X-Roesone/SG (Shido)

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Re: Turn #71 - The Rebellion in Aerenwe
« Reply #16 on: March 29, 2012, 07:25:53 AM »
"Just Ghieste? No banner from Avanil?" Saender Ghorried starred from the window, apparently lost in thoughts.
"But sir, they're strong enough to help us anyway", objected the squire after a moment of silence.
"This is not about numbers,  not this time." Saender suddenly turned back from the window.
"Bring my armor - and notify the guard, we're leaving in a hour. I hope we'll catch them soon."
Count Saender Ghoried
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Re: Turn #71 - The Rebellion in Aerenwe
« Reply #17 on: March 29, 2012, 10:43:47 AM »
Ramon Black stood in the fields of Calrie, watching his men mobilize together with Roesonean host. A young warden had just finished his report and was standing there nervously, wondering if Ramon had even heard him. The boy was a recent recruit from Halried, without enough time in the Erebannien to truly sever his ties to his family. He was probably wondering whether any of his relatives have died in the siege, or are they trapped in Calrie right now, or did he shoot one of them in the back?

"Thank you, Haedan," Ramon broke the uneasy silence, "keep reporting what you hear." Roesonean commanders didn't care about informing him of any developments. To them, he was just a leader of auxiliaries which were part of their army. Still, they didn't go out of their way to hide information, which made it easy for his wardens moving around the camp to 'overhear' briefings and reports of Roesonean scouts.

The news were grim. The enemy was battered and holed up in Caer Callin, but a massive army from Osoerde was riding to their aid. Osoerde agian. The Wardens had already fought against two invasions from the north, but will this be their last? No more Lasarus to rely on or to bolster their morale with the presence of the Dawn or some treants. No more Lèalawaan to help with his powerful magic. Two High Wardens lost in a short time span and Yousaff and Kerdan still holed up in the Erebannien and uncaring about the outside world even if the faith of the forest is being decided on the field of battle.

With a sigh, Ramon turned to face Aedon Dhon. Aedon was worried as well. Still no news of his cousin, Maravoel, who was leading the queen's army. The only news was bad: the royal army was decimated and House Dhon was refusing to help the allies from Roesone. Aedon was worried, but at least Ramon could count on his experience comrade to remain unaffected and make the right decisions when necessary. "Tell the men to hurry up. Roesonean generals won't wait for several hundred wardens forever."

"Are you sure about this, Ramon?" Aedon asked. "The men are reluctant. They don't want to leave Calrie, and to fight for a guilder no less."

"Calrie, Halried, Dhoenel, they can all burn for all I care." Ramon explained. If Aedon was touched by the mention of his childhood home in flames, he didn't show it. "Queen Tasaenae was a warden, and she pledged to have her children become wardens as well. I had no love for the idea of being vassal to the queen of Aerenwe or making her the High Wardens, but it was a necessary evil, and a fortunate one considering the alternatives. Tell the men we don't fight for a guilder, that we fight for the Swordwraiths, the only ally outside the Erebannien that Wardens ever had. Tell them to hurry up or they can go back to watch the trees grow with Yousaff and Kerdan."
Tasaenae Swordwraith,
By the Grace of Haelyn and Nesirie,
Queen of Aerenwe,
Countess of Calrie,
Protector and High Warden of the Erebannien

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Re: Turn #71 - The Rebellion in Aerenwe
« Reply #18 on: March 29, 2012, 12:10:19 PM »
There are risks to every campaign it is true and Ser Silvistrie is well aware of that, but this is a horrible one. Knowing men might starve and not wishing to steal food if at all possible is a conundrum.

So messengers are sent forward to try to find the command and nobility of Roesone, while the army moves on forward, to see that the agreement made is supported and that they are allowed to pass with supply lines intact; that they are allied with the efforts of the Barony and that they are looking for the Realm's officers to report to. In the meantime he is glad that his Duke saw to supply him with a war chest to make what purchases he can to limit the exposures he has to make.

Money makes some things easier, but does not solve everything sadly. Some things require small, but necessary, evils.

Roesone has not ever been allied with Ghieste. Nor has any diplomacy taken place betwixt your realms. A few letters have perhaps been sent back and forth, one regent to another, but that's the extent of things.

The army has been buying what it can since entering Roesone, which isn't much since most local lords are under strict orders not to waste their supplies in times of war. Certainly this strange army passing through isn't getting any freebies.

Behind Ser Silvistrie's armoured back the soldiers are stealing what they can. But once again it isn't much. The peasants hide and the lords and towns have their stores locked securely away. Besides, you pass swiftly from province to province, so each area is only briefly touched. It will be more of a problem when you stop; then you MUST have supplies.
DM Bjørn

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Re: Turn #71 - The Rebellion in Aerenwe
« Reply #19 on: March 29, 2012, 12:14:50 PM »
Marlae jumps down into the boggy field, fury tinged upon her face.

"General, get this army moving - immediately.  I don't care what motivation you have to use - whips, gold, death - whatever it neccessary.  I will not have this upstart little count, a moment longer next to my niece.  I will not have Caemed failed in this.  Get us to Calrie.  Now!"  She spins back with finality.  As she climbs upon her horse, she says a bannerman assigned to her. 

"Let us at least hope the Baron is not a fool.  No, I doubt he would have survived as long being a fool."

The first boats across the Berendor reports mission impossible. Roesone commands the far banks with 3000 riders. More than enough the send all of you to watery graves.

Fortunately you do not need to take that route; Baron Bellamie sends his regards - and numerous river craft to ease you passage over to the well-protected harbor of Clarie, guarded as you pass by the Royal navy's own war galleys. It will take several days to get everything across, the baggage included.
DM Bjørn

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Re: Turn #71 - The Rebellion in Aerenwe
« Reply #20 on: March 29, 2012, 12:22:10 PM »
WM 9: Seeing the vast size of the approaching Ghiestan army Lord Dhon's steward finally caves in and surrenders his castle to Marquis Isilviere.

The Marquis is most kind; the steward is given an honorable beheading instead of a humiliating hanging. And he promises that the steward's treasonous behavior will not reflect badly upon his liege when the the sovereign of Aerenwe decides the fate of his fief.

Ghieste's army doesn't immediately do anything useful though - instead they spread out and start widespread looting. Their commander, Ser Silvestre, tries to compensate the locals for as long as his gold holds out, but it's not nearly enough. Not can it pay for the deaths and other hardships the naturally follow with a foraging army.
DM Bjørn

Offline X-Ghieste & HOT/GH (Matt)

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Re: Turn #71 - The Rebellion in Aerenwe
« Reply #21 on: March 29, 2012, 12:31:01 PM »
In the good sized tent where the command of the Steel Legion of Ghieste have been called a rant has begun. A rather louder rant than perhaps it should be. But understandable

"Where by the hells are they! Her Highness told his Grace they would damn well be here and they are not - the local Lords are not sure if are some monstrous army from the North sent to destroy them all or if we are some bizarre figment of their imagination. And without being able to fold into her damned command structures and within the arrangements she has we may as well be both of those. Dear Gods old Grumpy is going to be furious when he hears this. And him being furious does none of us well, least of all you lot as you can be assured I will not be taking the blame."

If the shuffling of feet and the avoidance of gaze was a tourney trophy it seems that the officers within the tent may all be vying for All-Amuire Champions.

"Right, seeing as none of you seem to be willing to fall on your sword quite yet let us sit down and try to work out where those horse might be and where we can get supplies that might not bring several nations down on us immediately. And one of you dunces find me someone who can get a message to Ghorried or the Marquis for pities sake!"
His Grace Ghorien Hiriele,
Duke of Ghieste,
Grand-Maester of the Highland/Overland Traders,
Viscount of Whyrthe.
Down Right Evil Bastard!

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Re: Turn #71 - The Rebellion in Aerenwe
« Reply #22 on: March 29, 2012, 12:32:20 PM »
WM 9: Dhon's forces join the Roesonan army. They are quickly ordered out of their garrison position and replaced by more loyal units. Undoubtedly the Dhon forces will get to prove their new-found loyalty in the van of the army.
DM Bjørn

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Re: Turn #71 - The Rebellion in Aerenwe
« Reply #23 on: March 29, 2012, 01:48:42 PM »
Ser Silvestre is invited to dine with Marquis Isilviere - in the Marquis new castle accommodations...
DM Bjørn

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Re: Turn #71 - The Rebellion in Aerenwe
« Reply #24 on: March 29, 2012, 01:55:05 PM »
Duchess Marlae and Baron Tristan are happily united in Caer Callin.
DM Bjørn

Offline X-Osoerde (Alan)

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Re: Turn #71 - The Rebellion in Aerenwe
« Reply #25 on: March 29, 2012, 06:52:22 PM »
Osoerdean soliders begin seeing to the protection and defense of Calrie and Caer Callin.  Moreover, they swiftly move to impose order upon the city.  They begin to see bodies gathered that they might be seen to proper burial, while the Eastern Temple of Nesirie is called upon to begin making preparations for the burial rights of Taesaengae I, Queen of Aerenwe and Scion of House Swordwraith.

Swiftly, the Osoerdeans strike down the banners of House Ardai and Bellam, instead rising the unicorn of House Swordwraith in supremeacy over the cross-axes of Bellam and the regalia of ancient House Ardai, that yet they rise in prominence over the Osoerdean banners now flying from the walls and battlements of Caer Callin. While House Swordwraith is no longer imprisoned, for their safety they are kept, while numerous nobles and lords are also given protection details that largely confine them to their own houses and properties, while an attempt is made to sort out what can only be described as an utter mess (though the Duchess would be more apt to use 'clusterfuck' it such were lady-like).

To relieve the hardship within the city, a small fleet of ships is organized to travel to Gulfport and make arrangements to see the city provisioned.

Bound letters are sent to the Eastern Temple of Nesirie, Count Dhon in Elinie, Marquis Isilviere and the Ghiesten General. 

Yes, wyrmling, the meat is made all the more tender by armor...

Offline X-Ghieste & HOT/GH (Matt)

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Re: Turn #71 - The Rebellion in Aerenwe
« Reply #26 on: March 29, 2012, 07:03:08 PM »
Ser Silvestre, Commander of the Steel Legion of Ghieste is delighted to accept the dinner so kindly offered by the Marquis and turns up promptly, well dressed and with a roster of the substantial number of men at his command under his arm. In his other hand he carries a note, a reply to the missives sent to them.

The gentlemen sit down to discuss the details over food.
His Grace Ghorien Hiriele,
Duke of Ghieste,
Grand-Maester of the Highland/Overland Traders,
Viscount of Whyrthe.
Down Right Evil Bastard!

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Re: Turn #71 - The Rebellion in Aerenwe
« Reply #27 on: March 31, 2012, 03:07:50 PM »
In the Calrie there is much dissent. All these newcomers and the sudden reversal of the things the men have fought so hard to achieve. There is widespread in-fighting among the various factions. Several officers are killed trying to calm things down. A fire breaks out in the port area, but is contained. One of the war galleys desert and disappear down the Berendor with its new crew.
DM Bjørn

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Re: Turn #71 - The Rebellion in Aerenwe
« Reply #28 on: March 31, 2012, 03:16:33 PM »
Ser Silvestre, Commander of the Steel Legion of Ghieste is delighted to accept the dinner so kindly offered by the Marquis and turns up promptly, well dressed and with a roster of the substantial number of men at his command under his arm. In his other hand he carries a note, a reply to the missives sent to them.

The gentlemen sit down to discuss the details over food.

Much is discussed over dinner. Some of the more weighty matters are; what is going on inside Calrie and what should the army do next; invest Calrie, liberate Halried or put the pressure on Bellamie by counter-invading county Bellam? Liberating Halrien and then investing Calrie is the most tempting course of action; it will put most of Aerenwe into loyalist hands and give the armies a decent forage base. And with Duchess Marlae in charge Calrie, as show by the new banners makes putting pressure on county Bellam less effective. It is decided that Ser Silvestre will take a sizable contingent of men and seize Halried with speed and force. Riders are also sent out to link up with any Warden assets in the area.
DM Bjørn

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Re: Turn #71 - The Rebellion in Aerenwe
« Reply #29 on: March 31, 2012, 03:31:38 PM »
Meanwhile in Roesone: The Crown Regent is gathering his reserves and mercenaries and marching to Dhoenel with all haste.
DM Bjørn